Flower crowns!

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I just wanted to say... THANK YOU FOR 6.4k READS!!!!! Now onto the story.

No one's POV:

"Hey, Y/n. WHo do you want to go with today?" 

"Ummm......" You looked at the group a bit overwhelmed, but behind them stood the tall olive green-haired man and the shorter red-haired blocker. "Ushi!" You ran over hugging onto him, looking at the group. Some of them sweatdropped, the others irked, and Tanaka and Kyotani went berserk. 

"Yay! We get the little princess! Suck it!" Tendou yelled picking you up and twirling both of your around. Everyone wanted to be more upset, but just hearing you giggle was enough to soften the blow of not being able to hang out with you today. "Guess what."

"What?" You answered, trying to get rid of the dizziness, as you look at Tendou giggling. 

"We found a really big flower field with lots of pretty flowers, so we're gonna have a picnic and make flower crowns." You only understood about three words he said, but how excited his voice was only made you even more excited. 

"Let's GOOOO! Hurry before the flowers are gone!" You whine trying to wiggle out of his arms, the other boys in the room stared, smiling at how excited you seemed, they were a bit hurt, but to see you excited was enough to put smiles on their faces. 

"Have fun! Make sure to make me a flower crown little owl." Bokuto cried, Akaashi was patting his back in order to comfort him. 

"I will! I'll make everyone one!" And with the Tendou raced out of the room, Ushijima hot on his tail, and you in his arms. 

"Wait! She needs to get dressed!" Ushigushi yelled after us, taking me to the managers' room leaving me with Yachi. 

"So you're going to the flower fields to make flower crowns?" 


"Well, let's find the princess the perfect princess dress."  She went through my bags grabbing a dress and slipping it on. "But a volleyball princess needs to wear shorts under, so she can look elegant and kick people's butts at volleyball." Once she was done dressing you she gave you Shirabu. 

"Flower field we go!" The team cheered, checking in with their coach before rushing off

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"Flower field we go!" The team cheered, checking in with their coach before rushing off. The sights surrounding you made you dizzy as you kept turning to try and get a look at everything. The different stores that you passed, and everyone once in a while a car would,d zoom by. 

"So, the picnic will be later since it's only 10, but let's get started with flower crowns, didn't you say you would make one for everybody?"

"Y-yeah, but you guys have to help." You were placed down and immediately ran into the field, smiling and picking different flowers, some were pink and some were white, you tried to find colors that matched each team. 

"So, let's start with yours." Ushijima sat you in his lap as they looked at the flowers you picked. You had a color for almost every team, except for Karasuno. 

"I'll go find you some orange ones." Tendou got up and ran off to search, whilst the others got started you made a base or stems. You saw bigger hands wrap around you stealing flowers and stems beginning to make his own. 

"Hey!" You giggles, slapping his hand as he reached for another pinkish-purple flower. 

"But you pick the best flowers, and wouldn't this look great with my hair?" Ushi held the flower up making you turn to look, you giggled, nodding as he made funny faces. The other boys just watched silently, Goshiki made a tiny bracelet and took your hand, slipping on with a smile. 

"It didn't fit me, so It's best to not let it go to waste." Tendou came running back with orange flowers. 

"I found them!" Tendou help up some orange and yellow flowers. "Be careful though, the stems have tiny thorns. We have to cut them off before you use them." You just nodded, patting the clear patch next to Ushi, everyone was talking and making crowns when suddenly Semi stood up. 

"I'm going to get the stuff for the picnic, you guys continue." Semi ran off and the boys started talking again. 

"Wanna add a ribbon to the back?" You looked up to find the person who asked, seeing Kawanishi was digging in his bag, pulling out a spool of blue translucent ribbon. 

"Yes, please!" The group was watching you, Goshiki was done making a jewelry parlor's worth of flower crowns, rings, and bracelets. Ushigushi helped your tie the ribbon onto the back and cut off the thorns for the yellow flowers. "Ow!" You looked down at your hand, tears pricking the corners of your eyes as blood dripping from multiple places.

"Don't use those stems, we cut those off before they have thorns." Semi came back, seeing you on the verge of tears, Tendou looking at your hand, and the rest of the group scooting closer to get a good look. 

"What's going on here?" He asked dropping the bags of food and utensils, running over to you with a bottle of water. "Okay, this might sting, but only a tiny bit." He whispered, pouring the cold water offer the cuts, seeing three on your palm, and two on your fingertips. 

"Wanna eat lunch then go back to the gym so you can take a nap?" Akakura asked, officially joining the group who was checking on you. With a slight nod, the boys were a bit upset, but they understood, and they already enjoyed just getting to enjoy some peace and quiet with you. 

"Well, I get to cuddle her," Ohira said taking the bags and placing everything out, leaving the chocolate buns and other sweets in there to make sure you didn't find them yet. 

"No, I get to!" Tendou yells, turning to the Outside Hitter and scolded him. 

"Just shut it and eat already," Semi complained, rubbing his pointer finger and thumb against the bridge of his nose. The boys sat down and ate, slowly feeding you as well, trying to keep your attention off the slight stinging feeling on your hands. 

"Wait! Before we leave, I have to teach Y/n my song." The boys groaned, but you were interested in what he was talking about. He pulled you up and walk a tiny bit away. "Okay, so repeat after me. Baki Baki Ni Ore." 

"Baki Baki Ni Ore!"

"Nani Wo!?"

"Nani Wo!"

"Kokoro wo da yo~"

Kokoro wo da yo!" 

"Konagona Ni  Kudake!"

"Kona- Konagona Ni Kudake?"

"Mhm! Nani Wo!?"

"Mhm! Nani Wo!?" He laughed, shaking his head. He finished and taught you the dance, being careful that you didn't fall. The boys laughed at you two as you bent backward, looking at them with your fingers pointed. After about a few minutes of getting the dance down, Semi gave you a chocolate bun before picking you up and walking back to the gym, all the flower crowns, and jewelry you and Tendou were singing as you went.

(Enjoy this bean singing.)

The rest of the group sweatdropped as you mimicked Tendou, playing around and dancing in Semi's arms. Once back to the gym, they went to put you down for a nap before putting the bag with the rest of the sweets in the kitchen. 

"She's adorable." 

"Yeah, but I'm going to go put bandages on her cuts," Ushi said before walking away towards the nurse's station grabbing the cute teddy bear bandages that they own specifically for you.



Now that that's done, I hope you enjoyed it! Have a nice day!

Little Cutie- (Haikyuu x CHILD! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now