The Great Short Chase

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You woke up a bit before the boys, so you decided to leave and get ready for the day. Slipping out of the cuddle cluster on the ground and finding the managers' room. "Good morning sunshine," Misaki said, picking you up and resting you on her hip. "Ready to get dressed?" WIth a sleepy nod, she set you down in the bathroom so you could brush your teeth and wash your face. She didn't have much faith that there wouldn't be a mess, but she also didn't want to wake the others. 

"I'm done!" You yelled, running out of the bathroom, soaking wet with water, but no toothpaste on your face. 

"Good, I just got done getting out your outfit." It was a pair of athletic shorts and a t-shirt. Basic but good for if you wanted to play with the boys. 

"Today, I'm going to hang out with Asahi, and Suga, and Noya, and Hinata, and Kageyama, and... Everyone!" You burst into a fit of giggles as you started bouncing around the room without your shorts on yet.

"That's great, but you need to put on your shorts."

"No!" You squealed as you dodged her and ran down the hall, giggling and screaming whenever she got a bit too close to catching you. Which ended up getting the attention of everyone. 

"What's going on... Why doesn't Y/n have shorts on?" Asahi asked still tired followed by a group of boys. As you run down the hall at lightning speed, the boys realize what's going on and help Misaki catch you, splitting up in hopes of cutting off the running screaming toddler without pants on. 

"Y/n! Please stop running!" Kinoshita yells after you as they were hot on your tail, but they just didn't have enough energy this early in the morning. You were giggling as you ducked into the Date tech room and hid under a random set of blankets. You hear footsteps pass by, and smiled to yourself. 

"Idiots." You whispered as you slipped out of your hiding spot only to be met by Aone walking out of the bathroom, fresh clothes and white hair still wet. 

"What are you doing here Cub?" He asked sitting down next to you, draping his towel over his head.

"They are trying to force me to wear shorts." You said an imminent pout on your face as you sat crisis cross, and crossed your arms across your chest. 

"Well, how about this. You can wear one of my shirts whilst we talk to them about you not wanting to wear shorts." He was trying to negotiate, with his eyes covered and facing away from you. 

"Fine!" you whine, flopping back onto the pile and waiting for him to get his shirt, which was adorably way too big on you. As you dressed, he finished towel drying his hair and picked you up, setting you on his hip. "They're in the gym." You whisper, knowing they most likely were planning on regrouping there or were there devising a plan. 

"Why don't you want to wear shorts?" 

"Because I want to pick my own clothes."

"That doesn't answer the question, but what did I expect from a 4-year-old." You stared as Aone realizing he was a lot more talkative with you versus with everyone else.

"Why don't you talk to the others?" Curiosity got the best of you and the question just blurted out, but you weren't going to back down now. 

"Because I just don't like to talk to them very much." 

"But you talk to me a lot." 

"Well, I like children more than teenagers." 

"That's creepy."

"I didn't mean it like that." 

"But that's how you said it."

"I enjoy talking to children more than teenagers."

"Are you a pedophile?"


"A pervert?"

"NO! I don't like children like that. I treat you and every other child I meet like they were my younger sibling." 

"So you want to date your younger siblings?"

"NO!" With the final yell, he walked into the gym where everyone's attention turned to the two of us.

"There you are! Come on, we need to put your shorts on." Iwaizumi said walking over and snatching you up, holding you tightly as Misaki slipped your shorts on with a sigh. 

"Thank you for catching her." She said giving a bow to Aone who just shook his head.

"He says it's no problem, and that she actually found him, not the other way around," Futakuchi says, walking up to the slowly growing group as you were set down and was apologizing for the catastrophe caused. "Though she has a knack for asking questions, and making assumptions." He finished off the statement before looking over at you who was too busy getting hugs and attention from the other boys to care. 

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