Old Geezer

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No One's POV

You were walking down the hall with Ukai, bored of watching the boys practice and the managers were busy relaxing and doing nothing fun, so you decided to hang out with Ukai instead.

The two of you were walking in silence when suddenly he stopped. "Wanna go get ice cream?" He asked, obviously sensing that you were beginning to get bored as well.

"YES!" And with an enthusiastic smile, you two began towards the front doors. But you had to wait for him to inform the other coaches so there wouldn't be a search party for the two of you whilst you were gone. 

"Now, no walking away from me, and be on your best behavior. I already have to deal with Nishinoya, Hinata, Tanaka, Kageyama, Tsukishima... The entire Karasuno team on a daily basis, and they're enough to make me want to stay bedridden." You both laughed as you began walking down the sidewalk, looking around at the stores and watching as cars flashed by. You played I spy and gossiped about the Karasuno team. 

"Did you know that Kageyama and Hinata did something in the storage closet? Tsukishima told me, but he never said what exactly." You could see Ukai's face visible pale as he looked down at you. 

"Um, let's not repeat that ever again... especially to your father." You continued to walk agreeing silently on the statement. Finally arriving at the small ice cream parlor, you both walk in and wait in line to order. "What are planning on getting?" 

"F/F!" You announced happily.

"Oooh, that sounds good." He said as you two were finally up. 

"Hello, sir. What would you two like to order?" A kind girl, couldn't be out of school yet. 

"I'll have one scoop of Pralines ice cream, and she'll have one scoop of F/F." You looked up at him judgmentally before letting it go and moving to sit at your table with your ice cream. "What was with that look earlier?"

"Huh? Oh nothing, it's just that your age is showing." You whisper the last part, giggling as you continued to messily stuff ice cream in your mouth. 

"For a child, you talk a lot." 

"For an old geezer, you move around a lot."

"I'm not old."

"Says the one who ordered praline ice cream, not to mention we all know why you wear headbands that slick your hair back." 

"Be glad I can't hit a child." 

"Be glad I can't be too mean to senior citizens." And with that, the table was silent as Ukai stared at you in shock. You continued to eat in triumph, smirking and giggling every time you looked up at him. "Close your mouth or else-"

"Flies will fly in, I know." He cut you off, which only made things funnier. 

"I was gonna say or else your dentures will fall out, but I guess that works too." 

"That's it you little brat." You quickly got up and threw out the empty bowl, running out of the shop, going back to where you thought the school was, that was until you found yourself closer to the inner city, surrounded by buildings. 

"Oh no." You whispered.

"Oh shit." Ukai whispered trying to find out where you went. 

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