Fair with the Volleyball Family pt.1

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You woke up feeling better, but your nose was still stuffed. There was a fair amount of ruckus outside of the door, and Oikawa seemed to be behind it. 

"Hey, shortcake. If you help me get them off my back, I'll convince Asahi to let you go to the fair with us tonight." Looking up at him, you considered saying no, but the thought of cotton candy and funnel cake won over your stomach and mind. 

"Alright!" You hopped up from your futon and raced over to the door, letting Oikawa open it as the boys came falling into the room in one large heap.

"Oikawa! For someone who has never been to nationals, you talk a lot of trash!" Iwaizumi yelled as he got up. 

"You never went either, so shut it!" 

"What's going on?" You asked, tilting your head, all attention being brought to you. 

"Oh nothing, Oikawa, was just gonna take back what he said," Hinata said, hopping forward, trying to be intimidating. 

"All of you get out, we need to change Y/n," Kyoko said as she pushed past the group going in to scoop you up. "Who wants to go to the fair in their pajamas?" 

"Wait, so it was already planned!?" You turn to look at Oikawa, giggling at his guilty face.

Kyoko walked off to the bathroom and sat you on the edge of the bathtub. The sound of running water filled the room as you waited patiently, Kyoko undressed you and slipped you in, allowing you to play around in the warm soapy water. 

"Are you ready to go to the fair? You can go on the Farris wheel, and get cotton candy."

"And stuffed animal!" You splashed water up, getting some on Kyoko.

"Yep, and stuffed animals." The noirette tied her hair back, she began scrubbing your back as you recounted the one time you went to the local school fair with your dad. It was in the fall, and around Halloween so there were a lot of student ran haunted houses. 

"But there was one class I wasn't allowed to go in. It was a cafe where the boys were dressed in these white and black dresses, and the girls wore suits. They looked really nice, I wanted to have lunch there, but Papa said no." Kyoko couldn't help but laugh figuring out what you were talking about.

"Well, there won't be any of that here, I think there is a funhouse though. And a mirror maze." 

"I can't wait." You sighed, slipping further into the warm bubbly water.

Little Cutie- (Haikyuu x CHILD! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now