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Bokuto laid on the ground squished underneath a confused and dazed Y/n, and a curious and scared Oikawa. 

"I'm sorry," Oikawa yelled, picking y/n up and inspecting for any injuries. Bokuto got up and turned to a smiling Akashi. 

"Bokuto, I still have one more year after this, then I'll consider going to the same college as you." With that, the rest of the group began to catch up, all pushing and shoving one another to get to the girl. Oikawa was about to begin running again when suddenly a weight was lifted off his shoulder.

"Let's go Y/n!" Bokuto yelled as he stole Y/n away, Akashi's words replaying in his head as he joined the game of chase.  Y/n was giggling as she was slung over Bokuto's shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Looking up at everyone's surprised faces. "SHE'S MINE!" That was all he yelled before turning a corner and hiding in the closest room he could find. Hoping no one saw them enter it. 

"That wasn't very nice BoBo," Y/n said poking his back as she tried to wiggle off his shoulder. Getting the message he put her down but stared at her curiously. 


"Mhm! Your nickname," she explains as she walked around the empty room. Pittering of feet were heard passing by, some stopping for a second before continuing down the hall until they became distant almost silent noises.

"Well Baby Owl, I think the coast is clear, so I'm gonna have to keep running before they find us. So hop on." Bokuto kneeled holding his hands behind his back, motioning for her to get on. Running over, she giggled and hopped onto his back, letting him readjust her before opening the door and taking off towards the one room he knew they could hide without interruption. 

Knock Knock Knock

"Yes?" A voice angelic like no other as a girl with long dark hair stood at the door. 

"we're running from the others, and we need a place to hide. I'll stand facing the corner, but please let us in." Bokuto was panting from having to dodge and evade multiple small groups of players trying to find him. 

"Yeah, sure." Kyoko opened the door wider letting the duo in, Shirofuku walked over and grabbed Y/n sitting her in her lap as the other girls sat around and talked about what sports they used to play. 

"So where were we?" Yachi asked leaning against Kyoko as she looked around the group. 

"Kyoko was telling us about one of her track meets. What was it she said last? That she tripped over one of the hurdles." The girls giggled as the usually stoic teen blushed in embarrassment. 

"It was my third meet, and they spaced the hurdle incorrectly, so whereas usually there would be about 9 meters between each, there was 10 so I jumped too early and I tripped, it's no big deal. I still won the 200 and 400, because they were actually spaced correctly." Rolling her eyes Kyoko laughed with the girls as the attention went on to Yachi.

"So, what sports have you played Yacchan?" Suzumeda asked to smirk as she leaned for wanting to hear another embarrassing story. 

"I mean, I never really played any sports. I was on my old school's swim team for a little bit to stay in shape." 

"How did that end up going?" 

"Horrible, I mean I can swim. But competitively? No, and I would always get flustered before competitions, also the gun scares me." Yachi explains, nervously scratching the back of her neck. 

"It's the same gun they use for track, there's no bullet that comes out, so there's nothing that will endanger anyone, it's just really loud to make sure everyone knows that a race is beginning." Kyoko nudged Yachi smiling. "How about you Y/n?" The girl looked up from her lap at the mention of her name.

"Daddy has me play soccer and I do ballet with Madame Arai! She's really pretty. But I'm not allowed to play volleyball or basketball until I'm 8, because I might get hurt." 

"WE should get all the boys together to go to one of your dance recitals," Nametsu suggested that the girls all agreed until a knock was heard at the door, and Y/n was swept away by Bokuto as they quickly hid in the bathroom. 



I'm sorry I've been gone for so long, after the entire fiasco that made me discouraged me and my family took an unplanned vacation, so I was gone for the month, but I'm back and ready to continue. Again I apologize for the inconvenience and want to stay thank you for all of the support, I couldn't thank you guys enough and thank you for sticking through my break. I'm back and ready to continue to write. 

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