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No one's pov

You sat at the lunch table, Suga and Akaashi, and Akaashi 2.0 were all there sharing their food with you, making sure to check if you were allergic to anything first. 

"How about a carrot? Do you want one?" Suga held up one of the cooked carrots from his bowl holding it out to you. Which you happily accepted, slowly eating a bit from each person until you were too full to even finish your own food. You felt two pairs of eyes staring at you the entire time, but let it go seen as you were in a lunchroom full of people, it could just be someone people were looking in your general direction. meaning back and patting your belly seemed to have triggered whoever was staring because suddenly two shadows appeared from behind you. 

"SUGA! Can we play with Y/n for a bit? We've been practicing all day." Hinata whined, trying to get Kageyama to join in on the begging. 

"y-yeah... what boke said." He mumbled looking away. Suga just laughed and tilted his head back. 

"Yeah, as long as she wants to, do you want to play with them?" All attention was turned to you as you nodded and slowly got up. Apparently, you were too slow for the energetic boys, because two hands were placed under your arms and quickly picked you up before running with you to the gym. 

"Y/n do you want to practice volleyball?" The tangerine asked bouncing up and down, running off to get a ball, and coming back. 

"S-sure." You whispered, looking up at Kageyama. "W-what do you do? He normally jumps up and slaps and makes the ball go whoosh!" You explained doing the motions, "B-But you just stand there?" Hinata started to laugh as Kageyama's face turned red.

"Shut up Boke. I don't just stand there, I make it so he can slap the ball when he jumps. I'm a setter." You nod acting as if you understood, but all that you got out of this was that he made the tangerine jump and slap the ball. "Do you want to try setting?" His voice was surprisingly soft as he crouched in front of the girl. 

"She's obviously a middle blocker." Hinata cut in, suddenly the doors to the gym opened, and in walked Bokuto.

"That's where you're wrong my student, she's obviously the ace," Bokuto said with a proud smile. 

"WOAH! You're an ace? I want to be one as well." Suddenly a 'tsk was heard from the door as Yaku walked in behind Bokuto.

"She's obviously a libero. No Doubts about it." 

"No, she's a no-touch ace, her serves are obviously going to be amazing," Oikawa said gleaming as he walked into the gym. 

"Since when did you like her? Also, isn't it obvious, she's going to be a wing spiker." Iwa said walking over and grabbing the ball from Tobio. 

"I never hated her, she was just rude to me." Oikawa pouted crossing his arms, all while they were fighting, you just stood there confused at what everyone was saying. 

"Well, we can all agree she's going to be the captain of her team, just like me," Daichi said jabbing his thumb into his chest. Giving up on listening to them bicker, you grab a volleyball and start playing around with it, setting it up into the air high enough to give you enough time to spike it at the wall. Just playing by yourself, digging the ball as it came flying at you. 

"SHE'S A SETTER!" Tobio yelled at the group, only to get different voices telling him otherwise. Hinata just watched you with a smile, turning to the group of yelling teenagers. 

"Um, guys... GUYS!" He tried to yell over the shouting, only to get blocked out. 


"Maybe she's a wing spiker." Ushijima joined in. 

"SHUT UP WAKATOSHI!" The group yelled at him. 

"GUYS!" Hinata screamed, making you miss the ball and everyone looked at him. 

"Maybe she's an all-rounder." He said, looking back over at you as you picked the ball back up and continued to play around with it. 

"One day she'll be a cr-"

"Owl" Bokuto cut Daichi off, getting a glare from the Karasuno group.


"AKGASHII THEY'RE BEING MEAN!" Bokuto yelled hugging his close friend. 

"It's not their fault, there's no way she would be an owl. She's their principal's daughter. Why would he give his daughter to a rivaling school?" That only made Bokuto go into emo mode as he sulked away. "Look what all of you did, now I have to fix this." Turning away from the group he followed the sad owl. Looking over at him, you quickly rush over and hug his legs. 

"I'll be an owl for you. We can be owl friends." Flashing your money-making smile, he sighed and picked you up. 

"Fine, I won't be sad. Only because my little owl doesn't want me to." He smiled at you taking the volleyball into one of his hands. "Are you going to be my little volleyball owl?" Bokuto walked away with you smiling. 

"Hoot Hoot." You made a small owl noise, giggling as he looks down at you practically crying at how adorable you were. Soon you were both falling, but Akaashi quickly swooped you out of his arms before you could hit the group, the volleyball bounced away. Giggling you slid out of his arms and ran after it. Everyone stared at the adorable girl as she played around with the ball, were the motions and stances perfect? No. But were they good enough even amazing for her age? Definitely. With a bit of training and some practice, she could be as good as Hinata. Knowing mainly how to spike, and just kinda mediocre at the other parts. (Don't hate, this Is before he got better at receives, and he's okay at serves. I've never seen him set though.) 

The boys' stares were soon broken by a loud whistle being blown in their ears. "Time to get back to work! Nekoma vs Karasuno, Aoba Johsai vs Fukurodani, and Shiratoizawa vs Date tech." The teams dispersed as Y/n went to sit next to Nekomata's coach, she wanted to watch Lev play. 

"He's so tall."

"Heh, he really is. Maybe one day you'll be that tall kid." The old coach ruffled your hair before paying attention to the team as they stretched getting ready to play. Suddenly Bed Head ran over to you. 

"Are you gonna be cheering us on Kitten?" Kuroo asked getting the nod in response. 

"No Fair! You're supposed to be our baby crow, not your little kitten." Nishinoya yelled jogging over to the captain. 

"Too bad." Kuroo cackled, startling you a bit. 

"Noya, hurry up. We're about to start." Daichi called the short boy over to their little huddle. 

"This is gonna be fun." You whispered looking between both teams starting line up. 

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