Truth or Dare

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No one's pov:

"Okay, Tsukishima, truth or dare," Noya said sitting back in Asahi's lap. 

"Dare, unlike Oikawa, I'm not a pussy." Y/n giggled at his slide remarks as Oikawa hissed at him. 

"I dare you... to go into the coach's room and take coach Ukai's phone." 

"Is there any rules as to how I get it?" Everyone was confused at his plan but just shook it off. 

"Nope, you just need to get it and bring it back." Noya was smirking knowing that if Ukai caught him he would be in so much trouble. "This is what you get for insulting my boyfriend." 

"Huh?" Tsuki hummed looking at the libero. 

"Nothing, now hurry up." Shooing him away, Asahi whispered in Noya's ear causing him to laugh. 

"Come Y/n." You looked up at the tall blonde, standing up and following him.

"What is he doing?" Suga asked Yaku slightly concerned. 

"I have no idea." 

You and Tsukishima walked down the hall towards the coach's room. 

"I need you to go in there and wake Ukai up and ask him for his phone. Can you do that?" Tsuki was crouched in front of you with a small smirk, getting a nod and a tiny salute from the younger, Y/n slipped into the room and poked Ukai awake.

"Hm? What is it Y/n?" His eyes drooped slightly. 

"Can I have your phone?" 

"Why do you need it?" Ukai sat up, rubbing his eyes and searching for it in his bag. Thinking for a bit before answering you sighed and looked back at the door seeing Tsuki shushing you. 

"I can't sleep, and I wanted to use the flashlight to read the book Papa bought me. He says it's never too early to learn to read." 

"O-oh, okay. Well if you need any help I'm sure the boys will gladly help you." He handed you the phone before you walked away you kissed him on the forehead and left the room handing the phone to Tsuki.

"Good job princess." He said patting your head before walking back to the gym triumphantly, holding up the phone for the boys to see. 

"H-How... You used Y/n didn't you?!" Noya jumped off Asahi's lap and crossed his arms. 

"You said there were no rules as to how I obtained it, I just needed to get it." Tsuki sat down next to Yamaguchi, letting Yamaguchi lay his head in his lap, running his fingers through the green mass. Y/n sat back down next to Ryu. 

"Now it's my turn to ask a question. King, truth or dare." Kageyama glared at Tsuki before sighing. 

"Truth, and stop calling me king." 

"Whatever you say, King. Now, how many times have you a shrimpy been in the storage closet?" Their faces flush as they cough.

"That shouldn't matter to you," Hinata said crossing his arms. 

"Well, just spill it already. You chose truth so face the consequences."

"F-fine, three times. Now Aone, truth or dare." 


"He says Truth." Everyone stared at Futakuchi confused at how he translated his silence. 

"O-Okay, which one of Y/n's stuffed animals is your favorite?" Looking over at him expectantly, he picked up the polar bear boba. 

"She said it looks like me. Their name is S/n, and they like cold weather, but they also like flowers and skateboarding." Everyone looked at you for confirmation, which was a simple nod. 

"O-okay, how do you know this?" Daichi asked kinda confused. 


"He said that's two questions, Diachi truth or dare." 

"Oh, Dare." 


"He dares you to do 20 dives." Getting up with a groan Diachi makes his way over to the free area and started. 

"I'm starting to really hate you Aone! Even though you are literally the only quiet one here!" Due to his yelling, he lost focus, belly-flopping on the floor. Everyone let out a painful hiss as he laid there, groaning and rolling around. 

"Dear Jesus, you're gonna be the death of me." Suga stood up, dragging his injured body back onto the futon, sitting next to him as he nursed his stomach. 

"Goshiki, truth or dare." Daichi groaned out getting hit by Suga for trying to continue the game.

"Truth, I'm pretty much a closed book, with nothing but blank pages."

"Name one thing that you wish you had that everyone on your team has already." The Shiratorizawa team all turned to look at him with a raised eyebrow. 

"Um... I don't know."

"Oh come on Goshi! There has to be at least one!" Tendou teased leaning on Ushijima's shoulders. 

"There really isn't much, I guess I never really got to go to nationals. But neither have the other first years." It was a good enough answer to let the game continue. 

"Y/n, truth or dare?" 

"Dare, I'm not a pussy like Oikawa!" Everyone's eyes widened, as Tsuki and Kageyama snickered. 

"That's it, game over. Lights out." Suga got up to go turn off the lights as everyone began laughing and Daichi held onto him. "Let me go Daichi before I end up doing something I regret later." Suga hissed, but Daichi continued to hold on, laughing as Suga dragged him over to the lights. 

"Well y/n, your dare is to name everyone here, favorite to least favorite," Goshi said, Suga immediately turned around and sat down waiting for you to go. "I thought you wanted the game to sto-" A hand slapped over his mouth.

"Shut up, I need to know who I have to tak-... to talk to if they're her favorite." 

"W-well... first is... Asahi-ni!" Everyone sent a glare at the innocent man. You ran over to him, hugging him. "Then Ushijima!" you did the same, everyone sending glares at the two, Ushijima surprised at his position. You continued to list the names, ending it off with. "I'm sorry, but Kindaichi-san is in last because Berry said you were really mean to him in middle school and I don't like bullies, but I'll forgive you if you say sorry!" You looked up to meet Kindaichi's seeing the conflict in his eyes as he turned to Kageyama and mutter.


"Huh?" Kageyama teased.

"Sorry, okay!" You squealed happily as you ran over to him and hugged him. 

"Even though I ranked you guy, I still see you all as my Ni-chans!" Going around and dosing out second hugs to everyone, some called it a night, and some stayed awake to tell ghost stories. You being one of them. 

"This story is about a little girl's name was... Y/n, sorry hun but it's true." Iwa-chan looked down at you with a sad smile, your eyes were wide with curiosity and worry.  

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