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You were walking around the streets trying to find Ukai and the Icecream shop when you heard someone call out to you. Turning around, you see a tall woman, she seemed nice so you stopped and waited patiently for her to catch up.

"Hey... are you lost?" She says loudly over the bustling streets.

"Y-Yeah, I can't find the old geezer who took me to get ice cream." You said, letting your head fall a bit. 

"U-Um, do you know his name, maybe I might know him? I'm pretty old, so I know a lot of old geezers." She tried to lighten the mood, but you just weren't having it. 

"I think you're pretty and young... But his name is Ukai, at least that's the everyone else calls him. Coach Ukai."

"Oh! So you're here with the volleyball camp, my son really looks up to the setter, Oikawa." Shre continued to talk to you as you walked around the city, looking through stores, even slightly forgetting about the main problem at hand. "Ooh! this would look so cute on you." Bringing you to the dressing rooms, she had you try on some clothes, but every time you would try to go and find Ukai or divert the attention from the clothes, she would simply say "We'll find him in a bit, there's no point looking for a moving person because you'll always find where they've been, not where they're going." Which made sense... in a creepy, but not so creepy way. She continued to shop for you, getting about a wardrobe's worth of clothes, and shoes. 

"What if he went back to the gym, we should head towards the school." You suggested, only for her to grab your hand and drag you towards another store, this time filled with children's toys. 

"Pick something out sweetheart, we'll get you a few things." She smiled down at you, it looked friendly to those passing by, but it almost felt threatening towards you. With a small nod, you decide not to question it or fight against her and grabbed two stuffed animals. "Is that all you want?" 

"Y-Yeah, but you do-"

"Alright, let me pay and we can leave." She took the things to the cash register and caught you as you were trying to walk out. "M- C- V-... Get back here!" She tried to yell your name, only to realize she didn't know it yet. The two of you walked out of the store together and she began walking towards a car parked at a meter. 

"I should really go find him." You said turning to walk away when you felt a hand on your small wrist. 

"Now, what did I tell you about walking away from me." She had a dangerous smile. Too dangerous to suggest that she was helping you get home. You started twisting and turning, making a fuss, and it started to gather people's attention. "Sorry, she's upset that I wouldn't let her get ice cream." 

"GET OFF ME!! YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW MY NAME!" You yelled, looking at some of the people passing by, trying to get someone's attention.

"Stop it! I could never have a child myself, so this is what I do, now do you want to end up like the others, or are you going to come with me peacefully." She whispers shouted to you, struggling to make you calm down. Which didn't work, only making you wail and scream, kicking and pushing away from her, only to get the attention of the one person you wanted to see. 

"Y/n!" Your eyes shot up and you stopped struggling, seeing Ukai run over to you, only to feel the lady drop you. 

"I like you, you're so cute and I'll love to have you as my daughter, Y/n. We'll meet again." And with that she loaded her car, and drove away, leaving you on the ground hyperventilating and crying, just wanting to go back home to your dad. 

"Hey hey hey, shhh, you're safe now," Ukai whispered, picking you up and placing you on his hip. He began walking towards the school, resting his head on his shoulder as you silently sobbed. Your knees hurt from falling, and your arms hurt from pulling against her. But you were too shaken to even express such discomforts as pain, you were trembling and jumping at every little sound. "Who was that lady, you were with?" 

"I-I don't know." Was all you could mumble, you wanted to sit with Kenma wrapped up in Kuroo's hoodie, playing on his PSP, you wanted to cuddle with Ushijima and Aone since they were big and cuddly. Most of all you wanted to be with your dad.

"Do you not want to talk about it right now?" He asked, seemingly not hearing what you said, but not wanting to repeat yourself you just shook your head, the exhaustion from walking around to fighting, and all of the emotions that ran through you made you fall asleep on his shoulder. Trying to find a different world to be in without her around to do anything to you. 

Ukai walked into the gym and the boys immediately rushed over to you, practically pushing Ukai away from you as Semi picked you up into his arms. The change of warmth woke you up, and everyone rushed to you asking questions. 

"Are you okay Chibi?" 

"You look like you've been crying, did something happen?" 

"We know you got lost, no one's mad at you." 

"Do you wanna play games and cuddle?" 

"Wanna play some volleyball?" 

"Let's get you something to eat." 

Even with the onslaught of questions and statements, you lifted your head in search of the closest thing you could get to your dad. 

"Ushi." You whimpered, holding your arms out to the spiker. He took you into his arms, come wanted to coo at you, but knew it wasn't the time. Walking to the cafeteria where the girls finished preparing some food, everyone sat as close to you as possible, but you were cuddling up on Ushijima's lap, slowly eating as Tendou fed you, making funny faces too attempt to make you giggle or even smile, but you were too stressed too. It seemed like everywhere you looked you could see her face. She was smiling and mouthing something.

"Come to mama."

hiiiii! I just wanted to do something spooky and creepy this time, so I chose you getting traumatized... 

You're welcome.

I hope you enjoyed, and thank your guys so much for all of the love and support!

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