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First off, THANK YOU FOR 1K READSSSSS!!!!! Now time to get to the reading

Once we got to the gym, there was a giant mat made out of the futons, and the boys had blankets and pillows all over the place, and one area in the middle had my Stuffed animals in a group, and the boys were observing them.

"We're back!" I yelled running over to the group with my bag.

"Hey, cupcake!" Suga picked me up, placing me on his hip, "You have a bit of chocolate on your cheek." He swiped it away, giggling at me. The two others came over, passing out snacks. putting Kyo-chan with my other stuffies. I wiggled out of Suga's arms going to my pile of stuffed animals, there weren't that many, only five. A Calico cat, A polar bear boba, Kyo-chon, An owl, and a Crow. 

"Who's this one?" Iwa asked pouting at the new one added to the collection. 

"That's Kyo-chan! Doesn't he look like him?" I held the stuffed animal out, making it kiss his nose.

"What was that Pup?" Kyo asked sitting down next to me, crisscross. 

"Kyo! Meet Kyo-chan! He reminds me of you." I was showing my stuffed animals off, Kenma scoffed. 

"Mine is still better than yours." Kuroo looked at his jealous boyfriends and chuckled shaking his head softly. 

"Kitten, cool it. Let her have some fun." Kenma just pouts and sits down, glaring at Mad Dog.

"Who's your favorite?" Oikawa but in, trying to cause some drama.

"I like all of my stuffies the same." I whisper looking down at my lap and pout, "D-Do I have to choose one?" 

"HEY! Don't make my Baby Owl Cry!" 

"It's alright Munchkin." akaashi comforted me as Bokuto attacked.

"I didn't know it would make her upset, geez!" Oikawa looked at the giggling demon sitting there innocently. He could not tell a lie, your pout almost broke his heart. Finally, everyone settled down and set down getting ready to play some games. 

"What do you guys want to play?" 

"Truth or Dare." 

"Hinata, no, we can't play truth or dare with a child here. The last time we played this someone got hurt." Daichi scolded grabbing me and placing me on his lap. 

"We'll keep it rated E, nothing too serious." Hinata pouted, leaning against Kageyama and sighing. 

"Fine, but as soon as someone gets dared something inappropriate, We're all going to bed, and that's final." Yaku said from behind the duo, "But first, showers." Everyone left to their showers, and Kyoko and Yachi took me to the manager's bathroom and helped me bathe and get ready for bed. I laid down, waiting for the boys to be finished, freshly dressed in a pair of Hello Kitty pajamas, and my hair up in two french braids/ down. 

Finally, I started to hear some commotion as the boys burst through the door and Immediately Ryu and Noya say next to me. "We're playing Truth or Dare." Sitting up and hugging Noya, I looked at the boys, gasping as I make grabby hands at Asahi.

"What is it tiny?" He sat down in front of me as I got up and moved behind him, playing with the wet mop sitting onto his head. 

"Can I braid it?" With a nod of approval, I began working on my masterpiece, all of the boys' hair was pretty long, other than Kyo, Tanaka, Ryunosuke, and Tsuki's. As I was braiding the boys started the game, I occasionally joined in, but too focused on Asahi's hair. 

"Y/n, come sit down. It's your turn." Hanamaki said, patting the free spot in their circle. Looking down at the masterpiece, I walked away, sitting down and that's when the true game began.

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