Fair with the Volleyball Family Pt.4

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We met up with the managers and the coaches when suddenly I was scooped up, and the smell of food only got closer. Looking over my shoulder, Uncle Nekomata was taking me over to the many rows of food. "So, did you guys have fun?" He asked, "What did you guys end up doing." 

"We went on the Ferris wheel and I got to make a wish. Then we went into the funhouse, Yaku was taller than Lev and Oikaea was bigger than Bokuto, but the others called it being thicker." I continued to explain, though the group didn't get to so as much as we had hoped to, it was still lots of fun. 

"Sounds like you had some fun, now, what should we get to fill your little stomach." He looked around, waiting for me to pick.

"Ummm, I want tteokbokki." I mumbled, walking around, the different smalls filling my nose. 

"tteokbokki... I think I can find that. But we also need to get three funnel cakes, Kenma wants Dalgona candy, we need 4 corn dogs, and  Lev wants military soup if they have it." Walking around, our arms began to get more and more full, and we had to make a pitstop before finally getting the tteokbokki stand and getting a small order of spicy, cheesy tteokbokki for me. Finally getting back to the table, I decided I wanted to spend more time with Aone, so I sat down on his lap, leaning up against him. 

"What do you have there?" 

"rice cakes, want some?" I held up my skewered tteokbokki, smiling as he pulled one off with his fingers, trying the chewy snack. 

"Mmmm, want some funnel cake?" He grabbed a piece filled with different toppings of chocolate, and strawberries. 

"Sure!" Leaning forward, my face was quickly messy with powder sugar, and chocolate, smiling at the sweet treat. "Ooh! I want one!" reaching forward I grab some more, stuffing it into my mouth, the boys around stared, as I became a mess of white power, red sauces, and chocolate. But  I couldn't care less, I was in food heaven. Once we all finished, I was scooped up and put into Oikawa's lap, where he began wiping my face with a wet cloth. 

"How do you manage to get more food on your face than in your stomach?" He mumbled, chuckling as pinched my cheeks, looking for any more residue. I just sat there staring at him. 

"You're pretty," I commented, looking at his eyes. 

"Why, thank you. You're pretty cute yourself." He responded before we were interrupted by a groan from behind us. 

"Please stop, you're just fueling his ego." Iwaizumi said, picking me up. 

"You love my ego." Oikawa quipped, this continued with comments between the two about how large his ego had become. 

"I swear it's bigger than your head, at this point, maybe even all of Japan." Iwa quickly commented, smirking as everyone began towards the different game stalls. 

"It's not as big as my d-" My ears were quickly covered before I could hear the end of his sentence.

"I swear I'm gonna get grey hairs soon because of you." Iwa sighed, looking forward, seeing a ring toss game. "I bet you, captain's first pick of the bus seats, that I can get Y/n a better price than you." 

"Deal, if you lose, you have to get on the tilt-a-whirl." Iwaizumi blanched at the idea before nodding. 

"Deal." And so the competition started, they began at the ring toss, which was easily won by Oikawa, his smirk as he handed me a gigantic plush Kirby. Iwaizumi, smiling as he handed me a small monkey, but I still loved them both equally. Next was horse racing, each game went on, their arms getting more and more full as time went, including some toys being given from the others who won one for Y/n

"M-maybe, we should stop!" You yelled, your voice drowned out by the mountain of plushies in front of you. 

"L-Last one!" Oikawa, protested, not accepting the fact that he was losing by one. The only one they hadn't played, with the hammer one. 

"Test your strength!" The announcer yelled, the soft mallet sat upon a pad, that would determine the true winner of this ridiculous competition. Iwaizumi paid, and stepped, up to taking one good swing, but not quite getting all the way up. "Maybe next time," Oikawa smirked as he walked up, paying and taking a running start before slapping the soft mallet down, the bell wasn't hit, but it was higher, so he got a bigger prize than Iwaizumi. 

"It's a tie." The coaches had come to bring some of the stuffed animals to the busses already, the night was coming to a close, but the group decided to go on one last ride. 

"Well, I'll give you first pick, but you have to get on the tilt-a-whirl." With that they shook hands and off to the as Iwa-chan called it, 'torture machine' I stayed close by, jumping up and down, telling Yamaguchi all about what had happened, and how I had so many toys. 

"Wow, Y/n, how are we gonna take all of them home?" 

"We can have some in the bus, and under the bus, maybe even some strapped to the roof." I shrugged, looking forward, seeing the line was moving. Finally, when we got on the ride, Iwa looked as white as a ghost. Standing near the wall, someone came over the intercom explaining to us the rules and procedures. Giving out final warnings before the ride began, the entire time Iwaizumi was screaming, I looked over at him as best as I could, smiling and giggling as his face contorted into the funniest expressions I have ever seen. You could tell the visible relief when the ride was over, Iwa-chan quickly got off, finding the nearest secluded area to free his guts. 

"Was it worth it?" Oikawa asked, smirking as he pats Iwa's back. 

"N-no. I am never getting on another rollercoaster again. And with that, our night of fun ended with a bang, we all got on the busses, heading back to the school, to clean ourselves, and head off to bed. 

"Thank you!" We all chanted to the coaches for giving us the chance to come out to the fair. Bowing slightly, before getting on the bus and before everyone was sat down, I was asleep, ready to wake to the next day. 

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