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Harry was still freaking out by Monday and was dreading going to school. What if the Alphas go to his school what if they find him. Harry doesn't want that. When Monday morning came along Ed had to literally drag him out of bed and into the small kitchen to make him eat food before school. Harry really didn't want to go but he needed a good education so he had to go. Harry hadn't told Ed what was wrong yet so he just thought he was nervous about starting a new school. But when he told him it would be ok and it's normal to be nervous and Harry replied with 'but what if they find me or are in my class' he got confused so he decided to ask him.

Harry's P.O.V:

Ed came up to me right before we left and asked me what was really up cause he knew I wasn't nervous about starting college. I mean he was gonna find out one day so I may as well tell him.

"Well you know the other day when we were in the park and I said we needed to leave," Ed nodded, "well it was because I smelt something, and that something was um well it was my mates and there was 4 of them. 4 Ed! I didn't even want 1 but 4! God, Ed what am I gonna do? If they find me. I don't want to have mates not 1. I want an education not a mate. What if they go to the- go to the same school as us I can never leave ever again." I ranted all in one breath.

"Well you seem to have left now. Besides it'll be fine, I'm sure they don't go to our school they're probably just people from around here I doubt you'll see them again."

"Okay fine then you're probably right. We're here now so we should probably go to the office."


Most of Harry's day went surprisingly well, he didn't smell the four boys at all until his free period which was last in his day.

Harry's P.O.V:

I got to the door of the library when I smelt the four scents.

"Shit." I said while looking around to see if I could see anyone close by. There wasn't anyone though so I looked through the door and there was 4 boys looking around trying to find me. They were coming towards the door so I covered my scent glands and turned around trying to act as normal as possible. When the door opened I started walking a little faster still with my hand on my neck.

"Hey." One of them said to me which made me freeze and slowly turn around.


"Are you ok? Your hands on your neck. Covering your scent glands?" The one with an Irish accent said.

"Uhhh i-it's no-nothing just I hur-hurt m-my neck I was just um just going to get some ice so I'll be going."

Wow Harry you aren't very good at lying

I turned around when I felt one of them grab my shoulder and the idiot that I am pushed his arm off with the hand that was holding my neck. Their eyes widened in realization so I took a step back and took off running. I heard footsteps behind me but luckily for me one of my talents is being able to run like super fast, which most Omegas can't do, so that's exactly what I did. I ran until I got to my dorm then ran inside, locked the door, fled to my room, hid in a corner with my knees up to my chest, ignored the loud banging coming from the front door and the voices that were mainly saying I need to come out to talk to them about Alpha and mate shit, and cried my eyes out. This first day wasn't good it ended in me hiding from people who are meant to be my mates even though I don't want them. It may seem selfish but I never chose to be an Omega, I never chose to be a werewolf but here I am living my worst nightmare.

Louis P.O.V:

We had found our fifth mate, an Omega so that meant we were able to have pups. He doesn't seem to want to talk to us seeing as we left his dorm an hour ago after trying to get him to talk to us for about 20 minutes.
Niall seemed a bit caught up about the guy not wanting to talk. He had been waiting for this for a while so to make him feel a little better we decided to do some research on the guy. We found out his name was Harry Styles from the person working in his building. We also found out his middle name was Edward, he was an Omega, he was 16, from Cheshire, he had a sister who was an Omega with his mother, his dad was Alpha who died and he could carry. Now all we had to do was convince him to trust us and let us be his Alphas.

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