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Ed's P.O.V:

I was quite worried because I hadn't seen Harry since he told me he was going to the library. After school ended we were supposed to meet outside and go home but that's what was worrying me, he wasn't there. So I decided to go look for him. I went to the library and the said he hadn't come in today so I went to check the dorm/flat. On my way there 4 boys walked past me with worried expressions on their faces and I heard one of them say Harry's name and that they will look him up. That's what made me run even faster.

When I got there I heard sniffling coming from Harry's room so that only meant one thing.

"Harry? Oh my god Harry are you ok?" He was hiding in the corner of his room and he looked as if he had been crying.

"They, they found me Ed. They know where I live and what I look like and what my scent is. They go to our school Ed."

"Who d- oh. Harry don't worry it'll be fine."

Harry's P.O.V:

"How will it be fine Ed. They won't leave me alone until they know my name have all my details and until I agree to be their mate."

"They already know your name."



"I'm gonna call Ashton."

"Who's Ashton?"

"My cousin. He goes to this school too. Did I not tell you that? Anyway I'm gonna borrow one of his sweaters seeing as he's an Alpha."

"Oh ok."



"Hey Ashton it's Harry."

"Oh hi Harry what's up?"

"The sky, but also can I borrow one of your sweaters?"

"Sure? I'll be round in a few."

"Thanks Ash."

"No problem buddy bye."


I hung up and waited for him to arrive. The reason I wanted his sweater was because if an Omega wears something belongs to an Alpha it will block out their scent and that's exactly what I wanted, for nobody to be able to smell me.

As soon as Ashton got here I grabbed his sweater and threw it on said thanks and let him go back to his dorm/flat, ok flat it's more like a flat.

The next morning

"Harry get up we have to leave in 20 minutes!" I woke up to Ed shouting at me to get up.

"WHAT!? Why didn't you wake me up earlier?"

"I heard your alarm go off I thought you had woken up. I'm sorry."

With that I bolted out of bed and into the bathroom to take a quick shower, and when I say quick I mean quick, like 3 minutes and that's enough. After I got dressed in some black skinnies, a black t-shirt and Ashton's dark purple sweater over the top. I grabbed my bag and left with Ed with about 10 minutes before class started.

As soon as I walked into school I saw the 4 Alphas standing by the doors. I completely ignored them and walked right past. To no surprise of mine they looked confused as to why they couldn't smell me when I walked past but I could, I could smell them clearly but I ignored it. They looked a little hurt when they realised that I had blocked my smell from them, but that didn't matter I don't want a mate nevermind 4. But the more times I tell myself that I feel like I do want one. I don't and that's that.

When it came to lunch Me and Ed went to sit with Ashton and his mate Luke to talk about some stuff, I don't know what though.

"Hey Ashton, hey Luke."

"Hey Harry, Ed. Can you sit down I need to ask you a question."

"Yeah sure. What you want?"

"To ask you why you wanted one of my sweaters, which I see you're wearing."

"Well because I lost mine and it's getting cold."

"Harry that's bullshit we all know you're lying."

"Fine, it's because I don't want a mate but I found mine and I'm just not ready."

"Who is it Harry?"

"I dunno these 4 Alpha guys."

"Oh my god Harry do you know who they are!?"

"No. Why?"

"Ok their names are Louis, Zayn, Liam and Niall, they've been together, all four of them, for 2 years now. They are one of the most powerful group of mates seeing as there is four of them, but don't let that fool you because they are the sweetest group of Alphas you will ever meet. As soon as they got together they realised that they needed an Omega to have kids and all that so they started looking but obviously they couldn't find one. They've practically been to the fucking Arctic and back trying to find it. They've always been so determined to find their Omega, and now they have, and that Omega Harry is you. You're the one they've been looking for this whole time and you wearing my sweater blocking your scent is making them feel unwanted by their own Omega. How do I know? because they told me I'm their friend and they feel so useless from looking and looking only to be rejected by you. So stop being so stubborn Harry and go fix this shit!" Ashton told me with rage in his voice.

"Oh my god. How could I be so stupid. Why didn't you tell me sooner!" I nearly yell while throwing Ashton's sweater back at him.

"Where are they?" I ask Ashton seeing as he's their friend.

"I..I Har-."

"Tell me where my fucking mates are now Ashton! I know you know." I'm practically growling by now. Oh and the whole school's looking too.

"They're in the library. Ok! Now would you calm down."

"How can I calm down when I finally realised I want to have mates!" I say while smiling and running out the canteen.

I run all the way to the library as if my life depended on it. Which it kinda did.

Once I got to the door I stopped to breath a little then......

Oof cliffhanger

I'm only kidding

Harry's P.O.V:

I opened the door and saw all four of them looking upset, that made me feel even more sorry than I already was.

They all looked up as I entered obviously smelling my presence. They saw me. I was starting to feel like this was a bad idea but no I want to do this. So I stood still and watched as they made their way over to me. I couldn't take it they were walking to slowly for my liking, so I ran up to them and buried my head in the closest ones neck while wrapping my arms around his neck and breathed in his scent like I had known him for years. I was getting worried until I felt him wrap his arms around me too and pulled me into a hug. Then I felt three more pairs of arms wrap around us which made me relax a little and I felt happy like I was finally complete.

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