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Harry's P.O.V:

Once I was done with my shower and dressed in new warm clothes. I found I had a missed call from Ashton. He left me a voicemail saying to call him back as soon as possible. So I called him back.

"Hey Harry."

"Hey Ash, what you want?"

"Ok so you know how my Dad has this club in town. Well I'm going tonight and he said he can get you in as well seeing as you're nearly 17 and all. So you wanna come?"

"Yeah why not. I'll just tell my mates I'm going to yours to work on a song or something."

"Great I'll pick you up in an hour."

"Okay byeeeeeeeeee."

"Byee bye."

I hung up the phone and went to tell the guys I'm going out but not to the club cause that's just stupid. I mean I'm going out to the club but I'm not telling them that cause they'll just get angry and all possessive saying I'm underage and that I can't go.

I walked into the kitchen where they were all sitting and drinking tea? Um ok.

"Hey guys."

"Hey." They all said at the same time

"I'm going to study with Ashton tonight. It's that ok with you guys."

"Yeah that's fine. It's he coming here to pick you up or do you need us to take you?" Liam asked.

"He's coming here."

"Okie dokie."

56 minutes later

I got a text from Ashton saying he was waiting outside. So I grabbed my phone, said goodbye to the lads and left.

It was about a 25 minute drive to the club and when we got there we were immediately let in and Ashton got us both a beer. You know just to get us going. About half an hour later I was zonked and flirting with every guy in sight. I saw a guy who was really cute, like really cute, so I went up to him.

"Hey I'm Harry."


"That's a cute name."

"You're drunk."

"Yeah I know and it's cooool."


"You wanna get a drink?"

"Sure. Why not."

I got him a drink and me another and after a while we were laughing and dancing together.

Liam's P.O.V:

"Where is he it's nearly 1 in the morning." I shout.

"Liam calm down. I'll call Ashton." Louis says

He went to call Ashton and after a while he came back with an angry look on his face.

"Lou? What is it?"

"Harry's at his uncles club."

"Get in the car. ZAYN! NIALL! WE'RE GOING OUT."

We got to the club and I went straight in. I immediately smelt Harry. I followed the scent into the bathroom and I saw him kissing some guy.


Harry's P.O.V:

I was kissing Calum when I heard the door open but I thought nothing of it so carried on.


I turned my head to see Liam looking very angry. I turned back to Calum who had a confused face.

"Uh oh." I said.

He grabbed my arm and before we left the bathroom I bid farewell to Calum. We got outside and I saw Louis looking quite pissed. He turned me around so I was looking at him.

"What were you thinking? You're 16, 16! You can't just go to clubs and drink. It's illegal! I also can't believe you'd go and kiss some random guy."

"Hey hey hey, relax. He was a good kisser and he wasn't some random guy, he was Calum."

"What do you know about Calum?"

"He has a cat named Dog."

"Get in the car we're going home."

Liam's P.O.V:

You have no idea how angry I am right now. He was kissing another guy. Another guy!!!!!! He's drunk and underage. I know it's not by much but still. We got home and Harry was passed out so I picked him up and put him over my shoulder. We got in and I took Harry to the guest bedroom and put him to bed. I went back to our room and everyone was awake.

"Where was he?" Zayn asked.

"Club." I answered.

"Was he-" Niall started.

"Drunk? Yeah."

"What he do? You seem pissed." This time it was Louis.

"He was kissing some random guy."

"What!?" The other three said at the same time.

"Hmm yeah. Let's go to bed. I'm tired."

Oh Harry you better be prepared for tomorrow morning. You're gonna be in big big trouble.


Any ideas for the next chapter.
If yes please help.

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