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Thanks to brave333me and Ashleigh936 for the ideas.

Louis' P.O.V:

As soon as Nick ran Liam shouted for me and Zayn to go after him.

"Hey kid," Zayn yelled as soon as we got him against a wall, "What do you think gives you the right to go after our Omega. Huh."

"Look I'm sorry ok I didn't know he had a mate. He's way to stupid to have one. "

"Don't you dare talk about our mate like that, " I punched his nose and heard a crack, "and don't go anywhere near him ever again."

Then Zayn started beating him up until we saw blood which didn't take very long because when Zayn gets angry he doesn't go easy.

Liam's P.O.V:

I yelled at Louis and Zayn to go after that kid while me and Niall went to Harry, who had fainted by the way, to check if he was alright, I know he isn't alright because he fainted but he's my mate I gotta check.

"Hey, he alright? That kid won't be bothering him again anytime soon." Louis said as he and Zayn came back into the school.

"Yeah he's ok, just fainted. We should probably take him back to our place." I said while picking him up bridal style.

We got in the car with Harry in mine and Zayn's lap while Louis drove and Niall was in the passenger seat. I was to busy admiring his precious features to notice that we had arrived at our flat until I heard someone slam one of the car doors. I got inside and Niall put Harry to bed.

The next morning

Niall's P.O.V:

Last night after I put Harry to bed we all talked about asking him to move in with us when school ends because by then we will be closer, so he should say yes, right?

I then realised it was 11am and Harry still wasn't up yet. So I decided to check on him seeing as I was getting worried.

"Guys I'm gonna go check on Harry."

I got up and walked to the room we put Harry in. He was awake and looked like he was crying again.

"Harry? Baby what's wrong?"


'Little space' I thought

"Yes baby?"

"Want daddy."

I picked him up and brought him back to the lounge where the others were. They gave me a weird look so I mind linked with them and told them he was in little space. Once Harry saw Liam he reached out towards him, said daddy in a cute baby voice and made grabby hands. I passed him to Liam and me, Zayn and Louis decided to go get some stuff for Harry as we didn't know any of this would happen.

We got him some pacifiers because when we left he started sucking his thumb, some onesies, nappies, baby food, formula, bottles, sippy cup, cot, changing table and a few things to baby proof the flat with, you know just in case.

When we got home Harry was sitting on Liam's lap while watching teletubbies. Liam looked like he was being tortured and could fall asleep any second while Harry was singing along to the teletubbies theme song. Gosh he really was enjoying that show.

Liam's P.O.V:

I have been watching teletubbies for 1 and a half hours now. Oh my god Harry in little space is cute but it comes with consequences one of them being having to watch teletubbies for hours on end while having a 17 year old Omega who is in little space sitting on your lap and crying if you even try to move. When are the others gonna be home!? Finally the door opened and in came the boys carrying bags of stuff for Harry and stopping to watch in awe as he started singing the theme song.

"Um hello! Anyone gonna get him off me? I really gotta pee."

"No, no, we're gonna put this stuff away and then we'll see."

"Oh what? Niall come on man. I really gotta pee."

Too late they've already gone.


"Yes pumpkin?"

"Me want dada."

"Damn I dunno who's who." I muttered under my breath

I picked him up and bought him to the others.

"Dada." He said on seeing Louis and made grabby hands towards him. I passed him to Louis and ran to the bathroom finally.

Louis' P.O.V:

"Hey lovely you wanna change into something more comfortable."

He nodded his head slowly after thinking for a while. So I layed him down on his bed, because we were in the middle of making his cot and changing table in the other room which we are turning into a nursery, while going into his drawer to grab a nappy and onesie for him. I then stripped him down and put on the nappy then I noticed cuts on his wrists and hips they looked old but a few of them looked kinda recent. I'll have to talk to the lads later. So I grabbed the onesie when,

"Don't wikey."


"Don't wike it."

"What? Oh you don't like the onesie?"


"Ok, I'll get another one."

I grabbed another one that said 'I'm cute' on it.

"You like this one lovely?"


I put on the onesie and put a pacifier in his mouth then bought him to the others.

"Papa." He said and the pacifier fell out his mouth So I put it back in and gave him to Zayn then went to the kitchen to get lunch started as it was quarter to 1.
Once it was done I made Harry some formula and brought it to Zayn who gave it to Harry. He looked confused at first but then opened his mouth so Zayn could put it in. He then started sucking on the nib until all the milk was gone. He yawned and fell asleep in Zayn's arms who burped him then picked him up and put him to bed.

Once we had finished eating I got the boys together in the lounge.

"What do you want Lou?" Niall asked.

"Guys we need to talk. It's about Harry."


In this story Harry is 5"6, Louis is 6"2, Zayn is 6"3, Niall is 6"3, and Liam is 6"4.

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