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Harry's P.O.V:

You know that feeling when all you can think about is whether you should've done something or not? Well that's what I'm feeling right now. When you're being dragged away by an Alpha twice your size you start to think about things, like when you start to think about stuff when you're on the verge of life or death. Such as if you should've gone to the gym when you had the chance the other week instead of stuffing your face full of crisps and shit. Or if you should have spent more time with your mum before she past away. Or if you should drop or not. Maybe I should have done that. Gone to the gym last week. Spent time with grandma. Drop. Should I drop? I mean I was taught to do that when feeling stressed or something.

Nick's P.O.V:

You know that feeling when you steal food from the fridge at like one in the morning and you don't know if you'll make it back to bed before you get caught and you start to regret what you did? Well that's what I'm feeling right now. When you have the nerve to take a mated Omega in the middle of a school hallway you start to think about stuff. Such as, should I have done that or just let him go back to where he came from. Or if you unlocked the car door so you can throw the person in. Even if you should let go and bolt before anything happens. Maybe I should have done that. Not have the nerve to take an Omega where everyone can see. Actually locked the doors so I can't throw him in. Let go. Should I let go? I mean I wasn't taught not to take a vulnerable person.

Liam's P.O.V:

You know that feeling when you're running a marathon and you don't know if you're going to make it to the finish line on time to get your target? Well that's what I'm feeling right now, apart from the target thing. When you have just mated with an Omega and you decide to let him go to the bathroom alone then you hear his distressed whine you start to think about stuff. Like should I have gone to the bathroom with him and not let him go by himself. Or should I have put that collar on him that makes sure no other Alpha can touch him. Or should I never have not let him go at all and kept him safe. Maybe I should have done that. Went with him to the bathroom. Put the collar on him this morning. Protect him. Should I have protected him? I mean that is what I was taught to do.

Niall's P.O.V:

You know that feeling when you've got food in your mouth but you spit it out because you laugh to hard but it's worse when you're in a lesson. Well that's what I'm feeling right now, but not from laughing, from shock. When you have just shoved a piece of cake in your mouth and you have to spit it out because you just heard your Omegas distressed whine you start to think about stuff. Like should I have saved the food till later so I could prevent wasting it and be able to eat the whole thing later. Should I have not let Liam look after Harry even though he's one of the strongest out of us. Or should I have swallowed the cake and not made a mess of the classroom. Maybe I should have done that. Saved the cake for later. Made Harry go with Zayn instead. Swallowed the cake. Should I have swallowed the cake? I mean I was taught how to prevent a mess.

Louis' P.O.V

You know that feeling when you've just lost in a fight against your mortal enemy because your best friend decided to throw water all over you both. Well that's how I'm feeling right now, not from water, from my Omegas whine. I was in a fight ok. When you have just heard you Omegas very loud whine and then get knocked down by your mortal enemy you start to think about stuff. Like should I have said that thing to start the fight. Or why is 5 Guys called 5 Guys. Or how many times do I have to listen to Liam drone on about being mature and stop fighting. Maybe I should have done that. Not said that thing which made my mortal enemy go berserk. Look up why 5 Guys is called 5 Guys weeks ago when I thought of that question. Listened to Liam and stop fighting. Should I stop fighting? I mean I was taught to be a good role model.

Zayn's P.O.V:

You know that feeling when you are reading a book and someone knocks into you and causes you to loose your page. Well that's how I'm feeling right now, not from somebody bumping into me, from the loud Omega whine I just heard then realising it's my Omega. When you have just dropped your book and lost your page from hearing your Omegas whine you start to think about stuff. Like why don't I look at the number of the page just to be cautious. Or not walk around the library reading and sit down instead. Or whether I should start cooking again. Maybe I should have done that. Look at the number at the bottom of the page. Sit down to read. Start cooking again. Should I start cooking again? I mean I was taught how to cook, may as well use the skill.

Harry's P.O.V:

I drop

Nick's P.O.V:

I let go.

Liam's P.O.V:

I decide to protect Harry more.

Niall's P.O.V:

I put another piece of cake in my mouth and swallow it.

Louis' P.O.V:

I decide to stop fighting at school.

Zayn's P.O.V:

I decide to start cooking again.

Zayn's, Niall's, Louis', Liam's and Nick's P.O.V:

And run.

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