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Harry's P.O.V:

Ok I know what you're thinking, why is Harry's pov here he's in little space he can't narrate a story. Well you'd be wrong I was in little space for a week before I came out of it two weeks ago. Not much has happened mainly me just going back to live with Ed and getting closer with the boys. Oh and they asked me about my cuts and I just told them it was because of Nick.

Today is Tuesday and I woke up to groaning coming from Ed's room. Let's go check it out then. I got up and walked to Ed's room and opened the door only to find him fingering himself.

"God Ed are you in heat?"


"Ok you want me to call Michael? (Ed's mate) He's still in town right."

"Yes please."

"Ok I'll also call the school. And the boys."

I went to the phone and and dialed the schools number.


"Hi I'm calling on behalf of Ed Sheeran I'm his roommate Harry Styles and um Ed's in heat."

"Ok he'll have 4 days off school please call if he's in need of anymore."

"Ok will do thank you."


One down two to go.


"Hey Micheal it's Harry."

"Hey Harry, is Ed ok?"

"Yeah no Ed's fine he's just in heat I was calling to see if you could come help him I guess."

"Yep I'll be there in ten minutes."

"Ok bye Michael."

"Bye Harry."

Now I gotta call the boys. Which one? Liam.


"Hey Li."

"Harry hi what you need."

"I was wondering if I could come and stay with you guys for a few days. Ed's in heat and his mate's coming so I really don't wanna be here when....stuff happens."

"Yeah sure you can come stay with us. We'll come with you to get some things after school."

"Ok thanks Li, I really gotta go now so see you at my locker?"

"Your locker."

"Great bye."

"Bye bye."

Liam's P.O.V:

Oh my god oh my god Harry's coming to stay with us and this place is a dump. God Niall and his need for pizza.

"Boys," I shouted, "get in here!"

"Yeah?" Lou asked with his hair a mess

"What you need Li?" Zayn asked with boys hair in a perfect quiff and his clothes all on ready to go.

"What Liam? You disturbed this Irish princesses well deserved sleep." Niall said tiredly.

"Harry is coming to stay with us for a bit and if you haven't noticed this place is a mess," we all glared at Niall, "so we need to clean it up. Niall you go get ready we have to leave in ten minutes when you come back we want you to put the pizza boxes in the bin. Me, Lou, and Z will do the rest."

Niall walked back to our room to get ready while he and the others cleaned up the lounge. Once we were done there was a pile of about 25 pizza boxes to one side and the place looked moderately neat.

When Niall came back and saw how many boxes there was his mouth dropped.

"How are they all supposed to fit in the bin?" He asked.

"There is a recycling bin outside put them in that." I replied.

"Outside! It's nearly October it's cold out there."

"Go Niall." I told him.

He grumbled a few words which I couldn't make out and took some of the boxes. Once he had finished we were 2 minutes late leaving so we ran. Yeah we ran. We are never late.

Harry's P.O.V:

Once I got to my locker I opened it and a letter fell out. I opened it and it read,


I get you have mates now but I don't care you don't deserve them. I will get you and I will bond with you and you will be mine. Don't try hiding because wherever you go I will find you.


It was a letter from Nick. Oh god. OK Harry calm down he can't take you. You have the boys to look after you. Where are the boys? They're never late. Did something happen to them? Did Nick hurt them? What- my thoughts were cut short by Louis.

"Harry!" He shouted

I didn't say anything from the shock of what's happening.

"Harry? You ok?"

I handed him the letter. He read it and started growling. He passed to the others and they started growling as well.

"Guys please stop I'm sure nothing is gonna happen he's just bluffing, ok, calm down."

They didn't listen.

"Ok so while you do that I'm gonna go to class as I'm already 10 minutes late."

I walked to class and when I got there the teacher asked why I was late i just told her that it was personal reasons which it was.

I hadn't seen the guys all day seeing as we were in different years but usually I see them at lunch but they weren't there either also I didn't have anyone to eat with seeing as Ed's in heat so I ate alone. It's now the end of the day and there's no point in going to my locker seeing as they won't be there. Where are they? I should probably call them. Liam again yep he's most likely to pick up.

"Hello Harold."

"Where the fuck were you today? I see you in the morning and give you a letter then you freak out and after all of that you can't even be arsed to tell me where you've been all day. I thought Nick had done something to you. Now where are you? And don't call me Harold."

"Ok first of all I get that you're angry but I do not appreciate that tone. Me and the others are at the flat. I'm sorry we didn't tell you where we were but we couldn't be at school because we were afraid we'd get angry and hurt someone."

"Fine. Whatever I'll be there soon."

"Ok bye bye."

"Bye bye."

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