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Harry's P.O.V:

As soon as I got to the boys flat building I noticed Niall was waiting for me at the front door. I don't know if that's strange or if it's something they do. Anyway I walked up to him and he instantly grabbed my hand and pulled me inside.

"Woah you ok Niall?"

"Yep, just making sure you're safe that's all."

"Ok then."

We made our way upstairs to their flat. Before we entered Niall told me not to freak out. What's that supposed to mean? But my question was answered when I got inside. All of my stuff was there. All of it! I know Niall told me not to freak out but how is that even possible!?????

"What the fuck!" I screamed.

"Harry-" Liam started.

"What the heck is all of my stuff doing here!? I'm staying here for a week! Not a year!" I exclaimed

"Yes we know bu-" I didn't let Louis finish.

"Ok so why is all of my stuff here? I only need a few clothes."


"No Zayn don't wanna hear it. Wait is that my guitar?"

"Yes?" Louis questioned.

"You touched my guitar?"

"Yes. Why?" Zayn asked.

"Oh nothing, no it's nothing. So anyone gonna explain why all my stuff is here?"

"Yeah so basically when we saw the note from Nick we new you weren't safe with Ed seeing as he's an Omega."

"Just because he's an Omega doesn't mean he's not capable of keeping me safe."

"Yes well we thought just too be safe that we would get you to move in with us." Liam explained.

"And Ed knows about this?"

"Yes we told him earlier when we were getting your stuff." Zayn answered.

"Who touched my guitar?"

"Why?" Louis asked.

"Because. Who touched it?" I asked again.

"I took it from your room and gave it to Louis who put it in the car, (They don't drive to school) then Zayn brought it up here." Liam answered.

"So Niall didn't touch it?"

"No." Zayn told me.

"Ok. Niall can I talk to you for a second? In private."

"Sure ok."

I took Niall into the bathroom and once I'd closed the door and locked it I started talking.

"I need your help with doing something to the boys." I whispered just incase they were trying to listen.

"Ok, why?" He whispered back.

"Because nobody touches my guitar and gets away with it."

With that I opened the door and walked back into the lounge where the others were watching some boring old cricket game. I grabbed the remote and turned it off.

"What was that for?" Louis asked me.

"Are you gonna help me with my stuff or what?"

They than scrambled up and started to help put away my stuff.

Once we were done it was almost seven so we decided to order a pizza and go to bed, and yes I was sharing with them.

I stayed awake till about 2 in the morning, and by then it was time to put my plan into action. It started with waking Niall up which was quite easy. After that we went into the kitchen and I grabbed some whipped cream and syrup while Niall grabbed a few markers. We then slowly entered the bedroom and Niall started drawing on their faces and I put cream and syrup in their hair and all over their chests. Once we were done we put the evidence back where it came from and went into the guest bedroom where we fell asleep cuddled up together. This was to make sure we didn't get sticky too.


"HARRY! NIALL!" The boys screamed.

That's how we woke up in the morning from their screaming. Me and Niall looked at each other with scared but amused faces. Then Louis, Liam and Zayn came into the room with angry/shocked faces.

"Yes?" Niall asked innocently.

"You ruined my hair!" Zayn screeched.

"Don't know what you're talking about." I told them.

"You so do know what we're talking about!" Liam shouted.

"Ok. So?" I said.

"Why did you do it?" Louis asked.

"Because nobody touches my guitar and gets away with it." Me and Niall said together except he said his and not my.

"I'm gonna take a shower." Zayn said.

He walked off and the other two followed him. I had a great morning but now I gotta go to school. Lovely.

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