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Liam's P.O.V:

"I don't wanna do this. We've only known him for like a month." Niall said.

"I know, I hate this as much as you do, but we have to do this. He has to learn. He belongs to us and nobody else. He can't just go around kissing other guys when he hasn't even kissed us yet. Now come on let's get this over and done with."

Harry has been awake for about 5 hours and we've reminded him of what he did then decided on what we should do. We've reminded him what he did and he apologised over and over again which we accepted. Now before you say 'he's a virgin how could you destroy his ass his first time.' Yeah we know he's a virgin but we aren't gonna do that, we would never do such a thing. Ever.

"Ok who's gonna go first?" I ask the other boys. They all shrug so I decide for them.

"Ok Louis your turn first. Off you go. Yep bye bye." I say while pushing him in the room.

Louis' P.O.V:

Liam just pushed me into Harry's room and I honestly don't want to do this but as he said it's for the best. We decided to individually punish him the same way but a little different.

"Harry." I said and he turned to me.

"Yes Lou?"

"You know what you did last night can't go unpunished right?"

"Yeah." He sighed.

"Ok, over my knees then," I said while sitting on the bed. He then laid across my knees, after hesitating for a second, "ok so what's going to happen is, me and the boys are all going to spank you 15 times apart from Liam who gets 25 because he was the one who found you. Understand." He nodded.

"Words Harry." I said in my Alpha voice by mistake.

"Yes Alpha, Sorry Alpha, I understand Alpha." He hurriedly said.

I pulled down his trousers but left his boxers on.

"Ready?" I asked while rubbing my hand on his bum.

"Yes Alpha."

I raised my hand then rested a large spank down on his arse. He jolted forwards a little so I locked his legs in between mine and carried on.

Spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank.

By the end he was a little bit teary so I pulled him up into my lap and hugged him tight.

"Hey, you'll be ok, I'm sorry." I say trying to comfort him. He then looked up into my eyes, we stayed there for about 10 seconds before we both leaned in. When our lips touched it was like fireworks were going off all around us, I started moving my lips against his and he started doing it back after a while I ran my tongue along his bottom lip asking for access which he immediately granted, I shoved my tongue into his mouth roaming around searching every nook and cranny. By the time we were interrupted we were fully making out and I was on top of him with my hand up his shirt. The person who interrupted us was Zayn, asking if we were done. I said goodbye to Harry then left the room.

Zayn's P.O.V:

When Louis came out his hair was a mess and his clothing was all over the place. I smirked knowing what must have just happened. I entered the room to see Harry trying to fix his hair.

"Harry, come here." I said while sitting on the bed. He turned around and walked over to me and bent over my knees.

"Good boy," I praised, he blushed, "did Louis do it bare or.." I asked trailing off.

"No, he kept my underwear on." I hummed and pulled down his boxers to see what Louis did.

"He did a good job," I mumbled, then pulling them back up, "ok, I'm gonna start now yeah." He nodded and then I started.

Spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank.

After I'd finished I pulled him into a hug whispering sweet nothingness into his ear.

"I'm gonna go get Niall now ok?" I told him once I set him down on the bed.

"Ok." With that I left to get Niall.

Niall's P.O.V:

Zayn came to get me so I got up and went to Harry's room. I saw him lying face down on the bed. I walked up to him and tapped his leg lightly. He looked up at me and I sat down the edge of the bed. He got what I meant and laid down on my knees.

"Ok so I'm gonna do this bare ok." I said and he laughed. I got the ice pack I brought with me and places it on his bum after pulling down his boxers. I lifted it up after a while then rubbed my hand on him as a warning then smacked my hand down on him, he hissed out in pain so I held his hands for support. Then I carried on.

Spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank.

By the end he was crying so I hugged him close for about 15 minutes before I got up to get Liam.

Liam's P.O.V:

Niall came out and told me I could go to Harry's room now so I grabbed a belt and left to his room. When I got in I saw him on the floor with his red arse on show, if I'm honest with you I'm shocked of how well the others did.

"Harry," I started which made him jump and look up, "I want you to bend over the bed and I'm going to give you 15 with my hand and 10 with the belt."

"Yes Alpha." Said then bending over the bed like the good boy he is. I rubbed my hand on his bum to feel it was still a little cold.

"Still cold from Niall, this should be interesting." Then I lift my hand and start.

Spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank.

He was crying silently but I only told him it would be over soon and grabbed the belt. I folded it in half and started again.

Spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank.

"Shhhh baby it's fine, it's ok, it's all over now, come here." He latched onto me and hugged me tightly, I hugged back but not as tightly. I lifted him up and brought him to the bathroom to put some cream on him to sooth his bum. I then took him to the lounge and everyone else joined our hug as we sat down. That's how the rest of the night went, us hugging and watching marvel films till we feel asleep.

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