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Zayn's P.O.V:

After Harry walked past us this morning we've been feeling really down. We talked Ashton, his cousin and our friend to see if there was something up with him. He said Harry seemed a bit caught up about something last night so he said he would ask him.

It was lunch and we were sitting in the library when we heard the door burst open and Harry's smell came up our noses. I looked up at Liam who was staring behind me and so I turned around and there he was just standing there staring at us with a sorry look in his eyes. I stood up as did the others and started walking over to him, slowly, I guess he didn't like how slow we were walking because the next thing I know he's wrapping his arms around my neck and burying his head in it. I was hesitant at first but then I looked at the others who nodded at me and wrapped my arms around him too. The others hugged him as well and I felt him get a less tense.

After about 5 minutes we broke away from the sound of Harry crying. I looked at the others who looked as confused as I did.

"Hey, hey what's wrong?" I asked him. He looked really upset, like he did something wrong.

"I..I hurt you. I made it so you couldn't sense me. You've been looking for years and when you found me I didn't let you have me, let alone talk to me and I just feel so stupid for doing that because-"

"Hey, stop rambling on you didn't do anything wrong," I cut him off, "alright we get it you were scared, didn't know what you were doing or what was going on. You only blocked your scent because you were scared and that's perfectly fine."

"Your not mad at me?"

"Nope, just relieved that you're here with us now." Niall answered.

He nodded his head and we all gave him a bone crushing hug to the point where he had to ask for air.

Harry's P.O.V:

Sure I was happy they weren't angry I hid but surely they should be a little angry, but I guess not?


"I should probably get to class now so, I'll see you later?"

"Of course you'll see us later. Meet us by your locker when school ends yeah?"

"Ok by boys."

I walked out the library with a smile on my face and my heart leaping around in joy. Ok the heart part is not real it was just beating very fast but the smile, that was real.

Later that day,

School just ended and you know where I'm going so I don't need to tell you.
Nearly there, nearl-

"Hey beautiful, where do you think you're going." Nick. The Alpha who's been trying to get me ever since we met in year 10, the one who caused me to start cutting. Yes I cut. He's never done it a teacher always came along and stopped him but now I'm in a deserted hallway. Shit.

"To my locker. What do you want Nick?"

"What do you think I want Harry?"

"Let me guess hmm oh yeah I know, me, you want me Nick."

"Yes that's right and now that we're alone I can do what I've been wanting to do for years."

I need my Alphas how the heck am I supposed to

"Alphas." I whispered. Please say that worked.

"What was that little one? Come on le-"

Four growls cut him off.

"Mine." They all said.

Liam's P.O.V:

We've been waiting Harry for about 10 minutes and I'm starting to worry.

"Guys I'm worried, what if-"


"Harry" we all said at the same time.

I knew he was in trouble from the way he said that. So we ran to find him followed his scent and, found some random Alpha trying to mate him. So out of instinct we all growled.

"Mine." We all said and just like that the other Alpha took off running.

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