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5 months later, (it's March)

Harry's P.O.V:

"Oh Niall, there, right there." I quietly moaned. Ever since I got up this morning my back has been killing me I mean that makes sense seeing as I'm nearly 6 months pregnant with quadruplets (I'm already kinda big because I have 4 in there) so I got Niall to give me a back massage before my scan today where we will be finding out their two genders, girl/boy and Alpha/Omega/Beta. In the past few months pretty much all of us have had birthdays, I'm now 17, Louis is 18 and so is Zayn, Liam is still 17 seeing as his birthday is in August. We have moved out of the college flat and into the boys house which is only 45 minutes away from the school and we are all doing online school which is easier than we thought.

We made the babies nursery which is the same on the other side of the room.

We also have a bunch of names picked out but obviously we don't know the gender so we won't finalise them until we know but the names we have are, Alexander Ryan, John Lewis, (I'm sorry I had to) Carter Stan and Oliver Rory for boys and, Amy Beth,...

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We also have a bunch of names picked out but obviously we don't know the gender so we won't finalise them until we know but the names we have are, Alexander Ryan, John Lewis, (I'm sorry I had to) Carter Stan and Oliver Rory for boys and, Amy Beth, Catie Harriet, Sapphire Jean and Emily Hannah for girls. I really like Oliver Rory.

"You can stop now Ni I'm all good."

"Thank fuck."

"Come on you two we gotta leave now." Liam told us.

We got into the car, drove 20 minutes to the doctors office then got out only to wait another 20 minutes because Jennifer's last patient was having a panic attack after learning they were having two kids. I mean I'm having four. Try being me.

"Harry Styles?" The lady called. We got up and made our way to Jennifer's room.

"Hello boys. Ready to find out the genders?" She greeted as soon a we walked in.

"Yep." I answered.

"Okay lie down and we can get started."

So I lay down on the table and she squirted the gel stuff on my stomach then started with the scan.

"Okay so this one on the left here is a boy Alpha, the one next to him is a girl Alpha and so is the one next to her but she is an Omega and the runt of your litter, and the last one is a boy Alpha. Congratulations."

"That's great."

"Yes but there is one thing. One of the boys is missing a leg. Now it's nothing to worry about you'll just have to help him with a few things and when he gets older you'll have the choice to get him a prosthetic leg or keep him in wheelchairs and crutches. That okay with you?"

"That's fine with me. Boys?"

"That's perfectly fine." They all say in unison.

"Well that is great, here are some more vitamins and I'll see you again in 2 more weeks."

"Thanks. Bye Jen." I said and with help got off the table and walked out to the car.

"Baby without a leg." They all say at the same time.

"You said you were okay with it."

"We are." Niall started.

"It just." Louis continued.

"Came as." Liam said third.

"A shock." Zayn finished.

"Okay but now we need names. Can we please please please call one of the boys Oliver Rory."

"I suppose we can." Liam said.

"Yay. What do you guys like for the other boy? I like Carter Stan."

"Alexander Ryan." Zayn said first.

"John Lewis." Niall said second.

"Alexander Ryan." Liam said third.

"I agree with Li." Louis said last.

"Alexander Ryan it is then. What about the girls? I like Catherine Harriet and Amy Beth."

"Emily Hannah and Catherine Harriet." Zayn said First.

"Sapphire Jean and Emily Hannah." Niall said second.

"Catherine Harriet and Sapphire Jean." Liam said third.

"Emily Hannah and Amy Beth." Louis said last.

"So if my calculations are right the names for the girls are Catherine Harriet and Emily Hannah. So our kids names are gonna be Alexander, Oliver, Catherine and Emily."

"That sounds nice, I like those names." Zayn remarked and the others agreed.

"Yeah. Me too."

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