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Harry's P.O.V:

Today is the day of the appointment to confirm that I am indeed pregnant. I mean we all think I am seeing as I've been throwing up every morning. For the past week. Right now I'm eating breakfast, coco pops, thinking about the appointment. I know it's nothing to worry about, I'm just over reacting. I finish my food and place the bowl in the sink then go to our bedroom to get dressed, and sit down.

"Hey Harry." Niall said once he came in.


"You ok?"

"I'm fine."

"I don't like liars Harry."

"Sorry, I'm just nervous. I mean I've got you all excited about having a baby but what if I'm not pregnant. I just...."

"I'm pretty sure you are. You've been getting up to be sick every day and all three tests you took came out positive. Now come on we gotta leave."


I get up from the bed and follow Niall to the car where the rest of the boys are waiting and we take off to the office.

37 minutes later,

Waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, wai-

"Harry Styles?" A lady asked. I get up and so do the others and the lady lead us to a room.

"Doctor Aniston will be with you shortly." Then she left. Then two minutes later the doctor came in. She was a beta so all should be good.

"Hi I'm doctor Aniston but Jennifer is fine. Checking to see if we're pregnant today are we? Ok can you lie down on the table and lift your shirt please." I get up, lie down and pull up my shirt. Jennifer gets out a machine thingy then turns it on.

"Ok, this is gonna be cold so prepare yourself," she squeezes the gel on my stomach, it was so cold, then put the remote thing on top and moved it around, "well I think you lucky people are gonna be getting some babies in about 8-9 months."



"Wait babies?"



"Yeah look. See the four little peanut looking splodges, they are your babies."

"I'm having four babies."

"Does that cause any problems."

"No not at all. Just shocked."

"Well, don't worry because there is nothing to be scared about. You will most likely be in labour earlier than usual but that's about it."

"Ok that's great. Thanks."

"No problem. Here you can wipe the gel off with this and would you like to have a picture of the ultrasound?"

"Yeah sure."

She nodded then left to get the picture. Louis helped me sit up.

"You good? You looked a bit freaked out then." He asked.

"Yeah I'm ok. I was scared about having a baby but now I know I'm having four, well that's just even more scary."

"You don't need to be scared. Everything will be fine." Zayn reassured.

"Yeah. Yeah, I don't know why I'm being so stupid."

"You aren't being stupid. This is perfectly normal. You are actually one of the calmest people I've ever told about having more than one baby. Usually they start freaking out about having enough room in the house and all that. Here is your picture by the way. Also I've got you a list of good pregnancy books that I recommend and if you could come back in 3 weeks we'll do your one month scan seeing as you're already a week pregnant." Jennifer said which made us jump because we didn't even realise she came back in the room.

"Yeah ok thanks. See you in 3 weeks."

"By boys."

With that we leave office and make our way back to the flat where I fall asleep. Finding out you're having quadruplets is tiring. Wonder what mum will say. Haven't told mum yet. Mental note- call mum.

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