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Today was moving day and Harry was well, it's hard to explain it's a mix between terrified, excited, happy and worried. So I guess you could say he was teritappied? The reason he was feeling this way was because at his previous school, which was just a secondary school, everyone was drawn to him somehow. They would try and kate with him and do all that sort of crap. Harry had to go through all of that until he left 7 weeks ago after he did his A-levels. Now he had the chance to go to a new school and he took that chance and applied for a college about 2 hours away from his home so he felt quite safe.

There was one problem though, most people who went to that school ended up with mates by the end of the first term not all of them were mated but most were and that was the problem, Harry didn't want to get a mate he wanted to get through college without any distractions what so ever and complete his A-levels with good marks. So that meant no mate and if people didn't agree with that then fuck them he don't give a shit.


"LOUIIIIIIIIIIIIS!" was all it took for louis to charge into Niall's bedroom

"What Niall? What's wrong? Are you hurt? Sick? What!?"

"Nothing wrong Louis I was just thinking, I don't feel complete I mean I want to mate with you guys but I can't not until we find our fifth mate. But what if that never happens Louis, what if we can never mate then I'll never feel complete." Niall was close to crying just from the thought

"Niall I want you to listen very carefully ok. That is never gonna happen, we will find our fifth mate this year we will find him I promise you we will." Louis reassured him.

"How do you know that?"

"Just have a good feeling."

He then left the room leaving a confused Niall to pack for their last year of college.

Harry's P.O.V:

"By mum I'm gonna really miss you." I said to my mother while hugging her. I had just moved into my dorm with my best friend Ed. He's an Omega too so I didn't have to worry about him mating with me.

"I'll miss you too Hazzabear. I hope you find your mate."

I didn't tell her about how I didn't want a mate it would only upset her and I didn't want that because we lost my dad when I was at a young age and it would break her heart if I never mated and had kids, yes I can carry, but that didn't matter I just wanted a good education.

She left and it was just me and Ed left in the room now, free to be free?

"Your not gonna find a mate are you?" Ed asked me well he more told me and yes he knows about my policy thing.

"Nope. So you wanna go check this place out seeing as we have school on Monday we may as well know where we're going."

"Sure but we gotta get back by 5 my mate's coming round, he's older than me as you know so I can't exactly live with him while at school. I dunno why I just told you that god I'm so random."

"Yes you are, let's go."

We were walking towards the town near school to explore and we were walking across the park when 4 scents, 4 amazing sweet succulent scents wafted up my nose. That could only mean one thing. Mate. Not just 1, no, 4. Ugh why did this have to happen to me I just wanted a normal life like humans, with no mates. They have a choice. We had to get out of there before they found me. So I put my hand on my neck covering my scent glands, cause there is no doubt they would be able to smell me too, turned to Ed and said,

"We gotta go." He turned to me looking a bit confused.

"Why what's up. Why you covering your scent glands?" He questioned.

"Just, it doesn't matter can we just go. Now, please." I gave him my 'Listen to me' eyes and he did. So we ran all the way back to the dorm and I shut myself in my room and thought about their scents and what would happen if they found me. The scents I got were, Honeysuckle and lime, Rose and spearmint, June berries and marigold, and freshly cut grass and strawberries. Ugh stop thinking about it Harry you don't want mates. Or do I?

Liam's P.O.V:

We were walking towards the school to get back to our flat seeing as we went into town to get few things before school started on Monday. We got to the park when a scent drifted towards me and up my nose. It smelt like poppies and ocean air. It made me feel happy, I hadn't felt like that in a while, but then it hit me. Seeing as the other guys had stopped I'm guessing they smelt it too.

"Do you think that's, do you think it's?" Niall couldn't even finish his sentence. Nobody was saying anything we were all in shock. Then it went away like it never even existed.

"I think we found our fifth mate." I said.

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