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Harry's P.O.V:

"Harry, Harry, Harry..." that is what I woke up to on the first day back to school after finding out that I was pregnant. I sat up with a groan and came face to face with Niall who had a stupid grin on his face.

"What's up with you?" I croaked out.

"Eww you have terrible morning breath. Anyway, Zayn made breakfast so hurry up and get some." He complained then answered my question.

"Not my fault you were right in front of my face in the breath zone." I chuckle getting out of bed and walking into the kitchen.

"Yeah? Well how was I supposed to know you have disgusting morning breath?" He argued back.

"I've known you for a little over 2 months Ni you should know by now. Everyone else does" I answered cockily.

"You talking about Harry's morning breath? Yeah that thing is not nice." Louis commented.

"Told you. What's for breakfast Zaynie?"

"Well I made pancakes but they aren't normal pancakes they're healthy ones made with banana and oats, etc etc." (These are actually really good. If you want to try them I'll put the recipe at the end trust me they taste great.)

"Oh cool."

He placed a plate of four stacked up in front of me and they had greek yogurt and fruit on top. I cut a bit of then placed it in my mouth and they were so good. When did Zayn learn how to cook so good?

"These are so good Zayn. I need these every morning." I complemented.

"Thanks and I made extra to put in the fridge and warm up so don't worry."

3 hours later,

"Ed! Hey how was your break?"

"It was great. How did the baby thing go?"

"Oh it went great. I'm about 2 weeks pregnant with quadruplets."

"Oh my god. Quadruplets? I'm gonna be an uncle to four babies!"

"Yes, yes you are."

"Have you told Ashton yet?"

"No not yet and I'm not gonna. Not until the 12 week scan. Only you, mine and the boys parents know."

"Oh cool. Speaking of the boys, where are they?"

"Doing something, probably trying to find me because I walked off even though I'm meant to wait for them."


"There we go."

"What the hell do you think you're doing! You know you're meant to wait for us to take you to class." Niall scolded me.

"I'm sorry Ni. I just saw Ed and went to talk to him. It won't happen again I promise."

"That's okay, as long as you're safe and not hurt in any way."

"Well I'm fine. Where are the others?"

"Principles office."

"What!? Why?"

"They got in a fight with someone because they were looking at your butt."

"Why the hell were they looking at my butt? It's not even big."

"You sure about that? Because it's pretty easy to squeeze and I could stare at it all day."

"Oh my god Niall. Can we just go get my over fucking protective Alphas."

"We are not over protective."

"Yes you are."

"Are not."

"Are too."





And that is how it went all the way to the Principles office.

2 weeks later,

"Come on we gotta go to the scan in an half an hour so get out of bed you lazy buffoons." I said pulling the duvet off to reveal the boys all naked still after last night. Yeah, we had sex.

"It's cold." Zayn complained.

"Well put some clothes on then we gotta go in 27 minutes. Hurry up." I ordered and walked out the room.

"Is it just me or are those babies making him more bossy." I faintly heard Liam say.

They got ready quite fast and we are now in Jennifer's office doing the scanny thing.

"Okay so everything looks fine and the babies are all healthy. Any questions?"


"Okay then. Your next appointment is on the 29th of December and after that we will need to see you every 2 weeks, you should start showing by January and your due date will be some time in May or June."

"Okay cool thanks Jen."

I hop down from the table and we make our way to the car.

Recipe: Banana oaty pancakes with coconut and blueberries


1 banana, peeled and sliced

2 eggs

40g porridge oats

30g desiccated coconut, or ground almonds plus extra to serve if you wish

1⁄2tsp baking powder

1⁄2tbsp coconut oil or butter

40g blueberries, large ones cut into quarters, smaller ones cut into halves


Blend together the banana, eggs, oats, desiccated coconut or ground almonds and baking powder until perfectly smooth.

Melt the coconut oil or butter in a non-stick frying pan over a medium heat. To cook the pancakes add tablespoonfuls of the batter to the pan and dot the top of each pancake with a few of the chopped blueberries. Cook for 1-2 minutes before flipping to cook the reverse side.

Repeat until all the batter is used.

Leave the pancakes to cool a little after cooking to prevent the blueberries from burning your baby's mouth. Sprinkle with desiccated coconut to serve, if you like.

Joe's tip: The pancakes keep for up to 2 days covered in the fridge and can be sliced into fingers

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