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One month later,

Harry's P.O.V:

The boys rut ended a week ago and I feel funny. Not funny as in something's coming funny. Funny as in I have a tingly feeling in my stomach. Funny as in, but no that can't be what this is. I mean we've only had sex like twenty times, including their ruts and my heat, so I don't think, but what if, no I can't be, it's unlikely, no it's very likely, I'm not on the pill so, I'm only 17, if I am I'm not gonna go abort it, thats evil, but many people do, if its for a good reason, I mean I'll have the others to support me, mum will too, shit I haven't even told mum I'm mated yet, god I'm useless, I've made my mind up, I'm gonna call mum, tell her I'm mated and that I think I might be, ya know.

"Harry? Harry!?"


"You've been staring up at the ceiling ever since you woke up."

"Oh, sorry Ni. I got-" shit gonna be sick, "I gotta go pee." I get out of bed and run to the bathroom where I throw up into the toilet. Yeah that concludes it, this isn't normal, this has been happening for a couple days, I think I'm pregnant. Time to call mum. I leave the bathroom to get dressed and leave to go on a walk, not before telling the boys, to call mum. I press on her contact and she picks up on the second ring.


"Hey mum."

"Harry Edward Styles, you haven't made contact with me for two and a half months. I thought something happened to you."

"I'm sorry, but I've been busy. Mum I met my mates, I mated with them and I think I'm pregnant."

"Did you say mates, pregnant?"

"Yes mum mates, four."


"Yeah, is that bad?"

"No honey that's great. Now what were you saying about being pregnant."

"Right. Yeah. I think I'm pregnant. I don't know if I should tell them cause what if I'm not and what if they freak out and don't want it. I'm only 16 and they're only 17. Mum help me. What do I do?"

"Harry, I need you to first calm down. There is nothing to worry about. If you are pregnant and they don't want it, which I'm sure will not happen, then come home and I'll help you raise the baby, or babies. If they do want to keep it then that's great. Now what I need you to do is buy a test and take it, preferably somewhere your mates aren't, then if it is positive then tell them in what ever way you want to. If it's negative then you have nothing to worry about."

"Ok thanks, but if it's negative how do I explain having to run to the bathroom to throw up every morning."

"Well then you might just have a stomach bug or something. Now go take that test."

"Yeah, thanks mum, bye."

"Goodbye Harry."

I hung up and went to the nearest shop to get a pregnancy test. Once they were payed for I ran to Ed's place. I knocked on the door and as soon as he opened it I ran into the bathroom and took the test.

Time. Why is time a thing? I have no idea why but it's so so annoying. Microwave seconds are not like normal seconds but pregnancy test seconds are way slower. I mean, I could have made an entire three course meal with how long I've been waiting.


Finally, times up, ok don't freak out, just look at the test. I turn it over and,


Holy fucking shit this can't be real. Am I seeing things? I shake my head and rub my eyes but no I'm not seeing things. Ok I'm gonna take another one. Positive, ha ok. Last one, positive. I'm fucking pregnant.

"Harry?" I jump forgetting about Ed. "You good in there?"

"Yeah, I just..."

"Harry, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, nothing. I just um, just found out that I'm pregnant. You know, no big deal, just a baby or two."

"Really? Harry that's great. But please tell me what's wrong I can tell from your voice."

"I'm scared Ed. What if they don't want the baby."

"I'm sure they will. Can you come out now please?"

I open the door and he attacks me in a hug. We talk for a while then I go home. I don't know how to tell the lads so I just put the tests on the counter so they can see them and go sit in the cold shower, fully clothed. It's weird but I find it comforting.

Niall's P.O.V

Harry just came back from his walk and he was acting strange. He walked into the kitchen I heard something being thrown down and not even two seconds later he walked out and towards the bathroom. I decided to go and see what he threw down. Once in the kitchen I see three white stick things on the counter I go up to them and pick one up. It was a positive pregnancy test I look at the other two and see that they're positive too. Oh my this is big, but I'm gonna be a father. Holy shit I'm gonna be a father. I need to sit down. I sit down on one of the chairs and not long after Louis, Liam and Zayn came in.

"Niall, what's wrong?" Zayn asked on seeing my face. I point towards the tests and they look at me weird.

"You pregnant or something?" Louis asked stupidly.

"No dipshit. Harry is."

"Wait really?"

"Well who else would be? Come on we gotta go talk to him."

Harry's P.O.V:

"Harry?" I hear Niall ask.


"Can we talk?"

"What about?"


"What about me?"

"You being pregnant."

"Oh. Look I understand if you don't want it, I can just go back to living with Ed or something but I'm not getting rid of it you can't make me do that."

"Harry, what are you talking about? Of course we want this baby. What makes you think we wouldn't?"

"I don't know. I'm sorry."

"Can we come in?"

"Yeah I guess."

I hear the door open and all four boys came in. Liam pulled me out the shower and wrapped a towel around me.

"Harry," Zayn started, "we want to keep this baby. Don't you ever think we don't. We've wanted kids ever since we met. Sure we were young but we wanted a family. Now, do you want us to book an appointment for you to confirm it?"

"Ok, yes and thank you."

"No problem. Now lets get you changed you're shivering."

I smile and Liam takes me to get changed into warm, dry clothes.

How did I get so lucky?

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