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You back again


Harry's P.O.V:

"Come on boy you can do better than that!" Dad shouted at me from across the field, bow and arrow in hand.

"Please sir I'm tired." I complained. He didn't like that.

"No you aren't tired you're just weak!" He exclaimed angrily shooting an arrow at me and hitting my shoulder.

"Aaaarrrrggghhhh." I yelled out of pain.

"See. You can't even dodge an arrow. Weak Omega. Come home as soon as you're done crying." He ordered walking off.

I pulled out the arrow and tied my bandana around the wound to stop it from bleeding. I could feel the the arrow hit my bone and from pushing my fingers on it I could feel the shattered bone. And no I'm not going to go to the hospital because I'm a wolf. It'll heal on its own.

*time skip*

"Dodge the arrows Harry!" He screamed.

"Noooo." I whimpered.

"You know what that's it. Come here." He said gripping my arm and pulling me close to him. He began undressing me then threw me onto the ground.

"You can't even dodge an arrow I'm gonna have to teach you a lesson." He grunted pushing into my tight hole.

"No dad please no!" I screamed and squirmed begging him to stop.



"Harry wake up it's me Edward. It's okay. Everything is okay. Just a dream, just a dream."

"E..Edward? He he r..ra..ped me."

"Shh come on it's okay. He's not here. He's gone. Nobody's ever gonna hurt you ever again."


"Promise. Now let's cuddle you're shaking."

"Hey Eddie?"


"You remember that time when Gem tried to get me to do a cartwheel but I just fell flat on my face and head a nose bleed for like an hour?"

"Yeah we had to take you to the hospital because your nose broke. You had to wear that stupid metal thing that looked like a lambs nose for a few days."

"Yeah that was funny."

"How is Gemma by the way?"

"She's good. You know she had a child. A little boy called Edward named after me and you."

"She did?"

"Yeah he's precious. You have to meet my mates some day their great I'm sure you'll love them. I know you've never really been fond of the whole gay thing but they're responsible, caring, not loud around the babies. I'm sure you'll love them and I'm sure they're being really good with the other babies."


"Louis don't do that!" Niall shouted.

"Will you boys keep it down! Zayn's trying to sleep and so are the babies. You just woke Oli up." Liam said sternly.

"Sorry Liam." They both said sadly together.

"Okay with that said I'm going to make some food for our child." Liam announced walking into the kitchen.

"No Liam don't go in the kitchen." The boys frantically said.

"What happened in here." He almost shouted.

"Will you guys shut up I'm trying to sleep." Zayn tiredly said.

"Yeah, I know I've never been a fan of it but I'm sure I can let it be fine for you."

"Ha ha very funny."

"No I mean it little brother. I love you and I'll always make an exception when it come stop your happiness."

"Thanks Eddie. I love you too." The boys thoughts were drowned out by Emily's crying.

"I think your baby's hungry."

"Oh yeah no shiz."

"Can I get her please."

"Mhm sure why not."

I lift my shirt up waiting for Edward to come back with a crying Girl. He gave her to me and she almost immediately latched onto my nipple and began suckling the milk into her mouth.

"Why'd you say shiz earlier?"

"Can't swear around the child now can we?"


"You guys better fucking explain what happened in there." Liam ordered while feeding Oliver.

"Niall started it." Louis immediately said.

"No it was you. You were the one who said 'hey why don't we try to make cupcakes in the middle of the night' not me." Niall shot back.

"Bitch you started the food fight." Louis pronounced.

"You put too much milk in you little shit." Niall tried to make it seem like Louis' fault.

"Shut the fuck up I'm sleeping." Zayn tried to order sleepily.

"You sure your Alphas don't swear around them?"

"No they would never. I mean even if the did I'm sure they would stop immediately."


"Stop trying to fucking blame me for every fucking thing you do." Louis said.

"Both of you stop arguing, I'm sure Harry wouldn't approve of it, especially the swearing, now I want you to go upstairs apologise to Zayn for waking him up then go to bed. We'll clean up in the morning." Liam ordered something once again.

"Yeah they probably would. They sound great."

"They are great. Oop she's done."

I pick her up, burp her, soothe her back to sleep then put her back down in the cot.

"Hey Harry, you know how you want me to meet your mates well I was hoping you could meet mine. Her name's Kendall and I think you'll really like her."

"I would love to meet her Edward."

"That's great. I was afraid you wouldn't with what happened at the park and me disappearing for years I thought you wouldn't want to have anything to do with me."

"I did at first but then I remembered how close you were with him and how much he meant to you. Also where did you even go?"



"Yeah. There was this Alpha thingy for all Alphas ranging from the age of 12 to 16 and it was in America. We got complimentary rooms. After that I met Kendall then got a job and I now have an apartment in America or here you would call it a flat."

"Interesting. How come we never sent police or someone to find you?"

"Mum knew where I was so she didn't need to."


"Yeah. You should try to get some sleep. Busy day tomorrow."

"Can you stay with me? Don't want to have another nightmare."


"Thank you."

"Night Harry."

"Night Edward."

That was a whole load of talking.

When The Wolves Come Out(Zianourry)Where stories live. Discover now