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It's been a while but I'm back loves

Harry's P.O.V:

So, I'm at the services with Emily. Edward is at McDonald's, yes Edward's coming with us seeing as I said he could meet the boys after I called to make sure it was okay with them, getting food for the both of us. Me and Em are in the bathroom I've already gone so I'm changing her.

"Harry?" I here Edward ask through the door.

"Yeah what?" I ask back.

"I got the food. You nearly done?"

"Yep coming."

I open the door to see Edward holding a bad with the McDonald's logo on it and a couple drinks in his hands.

"Did you get what I asked for?" I asked just making sure because Edward tends to forget things sometimes.

"Yeah I think so. 9 nuggets, double cheeseburger, medium fries, chocolate McFlurry and sprite?" He recited my exact order but in a questioning manner.

"Yep. Come on I wanna get home."

Niall's P.O.V:

"Come on you lazy buffoons Harry's gonna be home in 2 hours, with his brother, the place is a mess and we all need to shower. So chop chop get to it start cleaning. By the way Liam told me to tell you this. Frankly I don't give a shit about how the house looks." Louis ordered throwing stuff at me and Zayn who were still in bed.

I didn't listen though and snuggled up to Zayn even more than before I was before and he did the same, wrapping his arms around my waist and putting his head in my neck, kissing the mate mark Harry gave me.

"You here what Lou said?" He asked me.

"Yeah." I answered.


We then continued 5o fall back to sleep but not for long cause Liam came in with Alex in his arms to whom he was feeding and with his foot he managed to pull the duvet off of us.

"What'd you do that for? It's cold." I complained.

"It's June it's not that cold. Now get up, have a shower and clean the god damn house." He said sternly.

Zayn's P.O.V:

Every time I try to do something I get told to do something else. Also the only reason I'm sleeping to pad the time is because I'm still waiting for the email to say I got into medical school.

BING. Speaking of.

"Was that my laptop?"

"Yeah I think it was."

"Do you think it's the email?"

"The uni one?"


"I dunno. Go check."

Edward's P.O.V:

"Edward (what would his middle name be!?) Styles! Did you seriously point me in the wrong direction even though the satnav points out only one direction to go in to be able to get home!?" Harry asked me angrily after he realised I pointed him the wrong way.

"Mhm yep I did and it was so worth it."

"You are an Alpha and I know this may sound like gender stereotyping but you are meant to be the sensible one."

"Hmm yeah you're right I am meant to be the sensible one but I dont want to be so therefore I'm not gonna be the sensible one."

He just rolled his eyes and did a u turn right before Emily started crying again.

"Why's she crying again?"

"She misses her siblings."

"How do you know that?"

"I read somewhere that if you have multiple children at once and one is and Omega and the rest are Alphas it will begin to miss them like a lot if you keep them separated for too long."

"Oh ok but are we nearly there yet?"

"Twenty minutes."

Liam's P.O.V:

I was walking around the house with Louis, picking stuff up and throwing it away, hoovering, sweeping, emptying the bins cause we couldn't be bothered to wait for the other two when I heard a shout from upstairs. It wasn't a shout like an urgent shout it was more like a celebratory shout. So I went upstairs to see what happened and Zayn said he got into medical school. It's great for him but it also means that he won't be here when school starts because if you want to train to be a doctor you have to physically be at school. For me, Louis and Niall is easier. We all got into the same university, including Zayn, but we don't have to go in seeing as Louis is gonna major social worker stuff, Niall is gonna major in primary education and I'm gonna major in history and hope to one day become a historian or just a history teacher so we three don't have to go in we can work from home and be there to help Harry with our children. Speaking of Harry he just got home and the place is still a bit of a mess. Why did he have to get home so soon?

"What the hell happened to the house!?" I heard him yell.

Harry's P.O.V:

Just got home and the house is a dump it's like world war three took place. I see they tried to clean but it didn't work.

"You said they were sensible." My annoying brother said.

"They are sensible Edward." I snapped.

"Hey baby." Niall said coming down the stairs, kissing me and taking Emily from my arms.

"Hello, care to tell me what happened to the house?"

"No not really but we all got accepted into uni."

"That's great anyway Niall this is Edward, Edward this is Niall. Introduce him to everyone else will you, I'm gonna start cleaning up this mess."

So while they were being introduced and Niall was introducing Edward to the others I cleaned. First was the lounge which had baby toys everywhere, dishes were on and around the sofa, socks and hoodies were strewn all over the place and the sofa pillows were out of place. Moving onto the laundry room. There were blankets with baby sick on them, cum covered towels? ew, and basically loads of dirty clothing in the hamper which I threw in the washing machine to clean. I swear the kitchen was the worst. Baby formula powder was all over the bench, the dishwasher was full and didn't look like it had been on a cycle since I left on Friday, the sink was full of dirty water, the bin was practically overflowing, the fridge smelt mouldy and I swear the only clean thing in there was the baby bottles. So I cleaned all that up before answering the door because the doorbell had just been rung. Standing in front of me were two police officers.

"Um how may I help you?" I asked them.

"Hi do Liam Payne and Zayn Malik live here?" One asked.

What the hell is going on?

Dun dun duuun

I'm going to add some extra chapters in random places. I'll let you know which ones when I do.

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