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Harry's P.O.V:

"You mean to tell me your Alphas have gotten you pregnant with quadruplets?"

"Yes. It's that bad?"

"No honey that's wonderful. I'm gonna be a grandma to 4 children. Woo hoo."

"Haha calm down mum, can I talk to dad please."

"Yeah sure one sec.... Hey Harry what you need son?"

"I don't know if mum told you but I'm pregnant."

"I know it's great."

"With quadruplets."

"Four? Really? Harry that's amazing. Just remember to stay healthy and look after yourself and the babies. Don't want them getting hurt now do we. How far along are you?"

"A week."

"That's great how's the week been. Any morning sickness, normal sickness, you thrown up?"

"Dad, it's been fine and sure I've been sick but it's normal. I'm gonna be okay."

"Ok well I have to go now, work and all. Your mother says she'll call you around four so have a good day. Bye Harry."

"Bye dad."

Okay so now he's gone I can think about absolutely nothing. Wait, fuck I forgot about school. What the hell am I supposed to do? I'm in my first year of college and I'm pregnant, this wasn't even supposed to happen. I've been to caught up in my lo... wait do I love them? Yes I do. I've been caught up in my love for these boys that I totally forgot about my education. I mean I just, forget about it school socks who cares about education, me, I'm starting a family with the people I love. I still have to go to school so I'll talk to the boys. Making my way through the flat I see the boys sitting in the lounge watching the World Cup, okay?

"Hey guys, guys guys boys, hellooooooooo. Ok I'm just gonna go down a bottle of vodka."

"You what?" Zayn asked.

"You don't even like vodka." Niall pointed out.

"Don't you dare." Liam warned me.

"You forgotten about the four lumps in your stomach." Louis said.

"I'm going to down a bottle of vodka, that is true I don't like vodka, I wasn't going to, it was just a way to get your attention and they aren't lumps Lou."

"Okay well what do you want." Liam asked motioning me to go on.

"What's gonna happen with school? Cause pretty soon I'm gonna be all big and filled to the brim with our pups." I say and notice that they all squirm around after. "Oh come on don't tell me you're getting turned on from me saying that I'm gonna be big and filled with pups."

"No we're just, what were you saying?" Louis asked shyly.

"School. What's gonna happen with school?"

"We'll talk to the school and when the time comes that you are getting um big you can start homeschooling." Zayn explained.

"You also have to be careful in school, we will escort you to every one of your classes." Niall then said.

"Ok so basically until I'm big and filled with your pups you guys are gonna be like my personal body guards?

"Um yeah." Liam confirmed uncomfortably.

"I can't wait till I'm all big." I continue teasing.

"Stop that right now, you can see how it's turning us on." Louis warned.

"Ok ok sorry. What's the score?"

"3-2 to Wales."

Sorry its short. It's just a little filler.

When The Wolves Come Out(Zianourry)Where stories live. Discover now