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This was written on major writers block so is quite short and I apologise in advance. Enjoy.

June 2016

Harry's P.O.V:

The babies are now a month old and they have hit quite a few important, to us, milestones. Like they are starting to smile at us, they can lift their heads briefly and are starting to recognise our faces. I have let my feminine side run free and my first year of college is over. The boys got into an online university and are all going to major in different things.

Right now I'm giving Emily a bath because she threw up earlier without us realising and got a fever. It happened once before so we know what we're doing. Next thing I know my mum is calling me, she has met my children once not in the hospital because apparently she was busy at work.

"Hey mum." I answer the call putting it on speaker.

"Hi Harry. Look I know you're busy with the babies but you know what day is coming up and I was just wondering if you were still coming home. I understand if you can't because of the children but I was just wondering." She says.

"Crap," I muttered under my breath. I completely forgot about my dads death anniversary what with the babies and everything, not that I cared though my dad was a bitch, "yeah I can come home. Is it okay if I bring Em with me. She just got sick again and I don't want to leave her alone with the boys when I'm not around."

"Yeah you can bring her. Can't wait to see my grand daughter again." She kindly said.

"Thanks mum. I'll see you soon. Bye love you."

"Love you too Harry."

With that I hang up and finish washing Emily then walk downstairs to see the boys watching some kids show with the babies, the bright colours make it so they can recognise things.

"You going to stay with your mum?" Niall asked catching me off guard. I forgot they had great hearing.

"Yeah. Is that okay? I mean my dads anniversary is coming up and I promised mum I'd be there. But this time I have to take Emily and I won't be here to feed the kids so you'll have to give them formula and all that."

"Harry it's fine. You go be with your mum we'll be fine alone."

"Thanks. We'll be leaving in an hour."

I go upstairs to pack a suitcase or two with mine and Emily's stuff in it for a weekend. Mum already had a cot from when I was a baby, yes she kept the cot, so all I needed was a changing mat, nappies, a dummy and a few more things. I am going to take the car not the van cause the boys still need the van and it's only me and Emily going so the car will do. It's a three and a half hour journey so there is no doubt Emily is gonna go and I'm gonna have to make like a thousand pit stops.

About an hour later,

"I'll be back in a few days. If the babies do anything important and I mean anything film them. I'll do the same with Em. I've pumped some breast milk for you. If they don't drink from the bottles don't force them in their mouths. If anything happens to them call me."

"Yeah yeah, film, no force, call got it. Now leave before the traffic gets bad." Liam told me.

"Ok ok I love you guys see ya soon." And with that I took off driving to my mums house.

I'm not very good at writing car journeys so I'm not gonna but I did try.

Three and a half hours later,

Made it to mums house with only 5 stops, 2 for changes, 1 for food (both me and Emily) and 2 bathroom breaks for me. I may or may not have got a doughnut along the way. I got out of the car, unstrapped Emily and let myself in. The scent got me immediately. Edward. My twin brother. He's an Alpha. Haven't heard from him since he moved to god knows where at age 12. I think he's straight but I dunno. He's never really been into the whole being gay thing.

"Harry! Brother it's great to see you and after so many years." He exclaimed walking up to me. Before he could hug me or anything I slapped him right across his face. Hard.

"Argh ok I deserved that. Look Harry I'm really sorry but I couldn't stay here. To many memories."

"You could've at least kept in contact with me! Now, hold your niece while I go take a piss and be careful she's only a month old. If she starts crying gently rock her."

"Oh okay."

"So," he started after I came back from the bathroom, "you had a kid."



"Yes four. My mates got me pregnant with quads."

"How many mates? "


"You gay?"

"Well duh. You know for an Alpha you aren't very smart."

"Yes well I didn't get the best education like you I'm surprised I actually found my mate."

"You found it?"

"Her, not it."


"That's okay baby bro. You wanna go to the park?"


At the park,

"Little weird being back here."

"Why are you here Edward?"

"I honestly don't know. I just thought I'd come see mum. I mean it is 10 years since dad died tomorrow."


"Look Harry I know he wasn't so nice to you but please show a little emotion."

"No Edward he was horrible to me. He thought because I wasn't a strong Alpha like you he could try to whip me into shape. Every other night he would take me to the packs training grounds and shoot arrows at me making me dodge them. I got hit 53 times. Luckily none of them hit my heart or my womb. So no I will not show any emotion he was a horrible son of a bitch who didn't deserve a life. I'm going home now. You coming?"

Read Bought (BxB) by GAYbaeUwU
Great book

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