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Harry's P.O.V:

"Harryyyy." I heard Louis whine.


"You are taking to long. Now hurry up we gotta go to school."

"I'm coming."

I got up out of bed and left my bedroom. Once out Louis grabbed my hand and pulled me to the sofa. He sat me down on it and came back with my shoes. He put them on my feet for me, despite my protests, and took my bag for me as well We then left the flat and met the other boys in the lobby. They crowded around me, each of them touching one part of my body, and we walked to school. Sure I felt safe but I've also never felt so awkward in my life, people were staring at us like we were crazy, nobody noticing the fresh mating marks on my neck to know why this is happening, and a few more things. We got to school and made our way to each of our lockers. When the bell rang I tried to go to my lesson but Zayn pulled me back.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"To my lesson?"

"Oh did Louis not tell you. Yeah you aren't going to your lessons you're going to ours, let's go."

He dragged me to his first lesson and once he sat down, he pulled me into his lap and wrapped his arms around my waist. I was stiff at first but then relaxed a little. About 20 seconds later I felt my phone vibrate so I pulled it out my pocket to see who it was.

Edvard Shitcan

Where are you????

Sorry. My mates are making me go to class with them

Omg really


That's so extra


I gtg but have fun

Ok, I'll try

I put my phone away and started drifting off in Zayn's lap. I think he noticed because he gave me a small smack on my leg. The then teacher came in and looked at me with a confused look on his face but once he saw the marks on my neck he smiled at me with a sympathetic look so I smiled back at him.

"Mr Malik, are you ok with your mate sitting on your lap or would you like me to grab an extra chair so he can sit next to you."

"Thank you sir, but I'm fine with him being on my lap."

"Ok, what's his name may I ask?"

"His name's Harry, Harry Styles."

"Ok great. Welcome Harry, feel free to ignore what I say but you can listen if you want to."

He started the lesson and it was quite confusing at first but I listened and I suddenly understood it. I guess the teacher saw a look of realization wash across my face because he decided to pick on me next.

"Mr Styles. Can you answer this question please?" Shit shit shit. Fuck maths.

"Umm. Uhh. Would it be twenty, twenty three?"

"Yes. Exactly well done."

"How did you do that baby?" Zayn asked/whispered into my ear. I just shrugged and gave him a sweet kiss on his lips. "You mister are helping me out when we get home." I just laughed and snuggled into his chest. The lesson went on and the teacher who I learned was called Mr Mosbey kept asking me questions which I kept answering correctly.

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