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2 months later, (it's may)

Harry's P.O.V:

I'm so tired of being pregnant, I'm huge like massive, I'm 8 months pregnant, the babies are kicking a lot, I'm due in like 2 weeks, I'm getting cranky and my mood swings are not too great.

"Harry?" Zayn asked sweetly.

"What?" I snap.

"We ordered pizza. You want some?" He asked quietly.

"Pizza makes me sick you know that." I snap again.

"We put anchovies and peanut butter on yours and removed the tomato sauce." He muttered.

"You did? That's so sweet. Can you help me up?" A mood swing happened again.

"Sure." He helped me stand and walked me to the kitchen where the boys were ravenously shoving pizza down their throats. I sat down with the help of Zayn and began eating my cheese, anchovie and peanut butter pizza. I have some weird cravings.

"Ugh, I'm thirsty can someone get me a drink please." I groan because I can't be bothered to get up and get one myself seeing as I just sat down.

"Sure love, what do you want?"

"Can I have orange juice with some fish sauce in it please." Yeah some weird cravings.

Louis just grimaces but gets up to make my drink which I gulp down in one go. When I was on my third slice one of the babies started kicking down on my bladder which made me need to pee pretty bad.

"Hey baby, can you do mama a favour and stop kicking my bladder please? No? Okay, can someone help me up I gotta pee." Liam then put his arm around my waist and helped me up. As soon as I was standing I rushed off to the bathroom to do my business but seeing as I'm to big to be able to aim I have to sit down which meant getting one of the boys to help me up. Once Liam helped me up I washed my hands and brushed my teeth before heading up to bed.

6 hours later,

I woke up with an excruciating pain coming from my abdomen. I make a loud noise which wakes up the boys and they immediately know what's wrong.

"Holy shit. Okay Zayn and Niall, you get the car seats, Louis grab the bags and I'll help Harry into the van." Liam instructed.

"You really are ow gonna make a great dad Li. Love you." I said.

"I love you too." He said back kissing me.

He helped me up and brought me outside to the van, yeah we got a van when we found out how many kids we were having, and strapped me in. He also called Jennifer who said she'd be at the hospital by the time we got there. When we were about halfway there I felt a wetness between my legs.

"Li my water broke."

"Okay just hold on we're nearly there."

"Ow god it hurts please make it stop."

"I know it hurts just breathe through the pain. There we go it will all be over soon."

We make it to the hospital and Jennifer is waiting by the entrance like she said she would be.

"Hello Harry, how are you?"

"Other than feeling like I've been shot fifty thousand times, I'm good."

"Well that is expected with labour. Ready to have some babies?"

"Is it gonna hurt?"

"Well seeing as you're gonna push them all out, yeah."

"Well I didn't want a massive scar from a C-section."

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