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Harry's P.O.V:

What happened last night was embarrassing. I woke up 14 minutes ago and right now I'm pacing the kitchen, naked because my ass hurts like a bitch, it's Saturday and I'm planning on going out to town with Ed as his heat finished. So I went to my room and grabbed some panties, the boys don't need to know, and slid them on, hissing a bit when they touched my ass, then got my black dungarees and a sky blue shirt. I shoved them on then left a note on the counter letting the boys know where I was. I grabbed my backpack which had some extra clothes in that I was gonna change into before I got back, some black skinny jeans, a red sweater and boxers, don't judge me, I'm not ready for them to see my feminine side yet. I also grabbed my wallet and shoes then made my way to Ed who was waiting in his car.

"Hello Edward."

"Good morning Harold."

"Ha, where we going?"

"I was thinking Victoria's secret, your panties must be getting a bit small now."

"Yeah, they are." I looked at my phone and went onto the tracking app noticing Zayn was online. I didn't exactly want him to know where I was going so I disconnected and almost immediately 4 texts came through.

My idiotic mates🖕🏻

Zach: Harry!?

Louise: Harry!!

Niel: Wrong move Hazza

Lima dad: Harry Edward Styles!

Me: Yes, yes, what, yes?

Niel: Why did you disconnect

Lima dad: You are in big trouble mister

Me: Calm down, I'm ok. I don't want you knowing where I'm going, but I'll be fine. I'll see you around two. Love you.

Louise: What are you wearing

Me: Um black skinny jeans and a red sweater. Why

Louise: You're going to Victoria's secret aren't you

Me: WTF no why would you think that.

Zach: Second app still on

Lima dad: Harry!

Me: Whaaaaaat

Lima dad: We are having a talk when you get home. Have fun at VS.

Me: Ain't going there for me, Ed's getting stuff for himself.

Niel: Ok, we love you goodbye

Few that was close. We pull up to the store and as soon as we enter a beta shop assistant comes up to us.

"Hi, do you lads need any help today."

"Yes actually, I need some new panties but I'm not to sure what my size is."

"Of course, follow me we have some Omegas in fitting today so I'll set you up with one of those."

"Thank you."

After about an hour in VS we finally leave and I have loads of new things in hand. We decide to go to another store to buy a few thing there and get extra bags to hide the panties and stuff in. When I'm out and about wearing stuff that I'm wearing I have to be careful. People often try to get in my pants so yeah I'm slightly worried, my Alphas aren't with me and I just realised that my heat should be coming in a week so I'm 99.9% sure that I my scent is getting a bit sweeter so....

Niall's P.O.V:

"Guys," I say getting the others to come to where I was in Harry's room, "Harry's pillow smells different."

They give me a weird look so Zayn takes it from my hands and smells it himself. His eyes go black for a second then he gives it back to me.

"His heats coming. We gotta go get him before some horny Alpha tries to get in his pants." He explains but before we can leave Harry comes into the flat wearing exactly what he told he was and had some shopping bags in hand. He looks shocked.

"Hey Haz, what's up?" Louis asked.


"Ok, put your bags away then meet us in the kitchen." Liam tells him.

Harry's P.O.V:

I just finished putting my stuff away so I go to the kitchen.

"Hey guys, what do you need?" I ask while sitting down.

"When's your next heat?" They all ask together.

"In a week."

"Ok. We need to talk about sex." Louis gets straight to the point.


"So as we all know you are a virgin, and we wanted to know if you wanted to loose your virginity before you go into heat."

"I'm fine with losing it during my heat. I've always wanted that."

"Ok that's great."

"Yeah, I'm gon- woah." I cut myself off when a wave of heat hit me. I felt slick running down my leg and a collapsed to the floor.

"Harry? I thought you said it was coming in a week." Liam asked warily.

"Mus...must of been wrong." I say groaning as I grew hard.

I then heard four loud growls before I passed out.

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