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Harry's P.O.V:

As soon as I stepped out of the stall, Liam took my hand and pulled me to the door.

"Are you okay? You look like you've been crying." He stopped walking and looked at me concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine. It's probably just hay fever." I lied and tried to start walking again but Liam wouldn't let me.

"Harry don't be stupid. It's September and you don't even have hay fever. Now stop lying and tell me what's wrong. It's our anniversary for gods sake." He saw right through me.

"It's nothing really but it seems like you're rushing and don't wanna be with me." I told him quietly.

"You wanna know why we're rushing, okay well I can assure you that it's definitely not because we don't want to be with you. We wanna be with you for the rest of our lives. Trust me. Now how about we get in the car and you'll find out why. Sound good?" Liam said, sweetly, making me feel better.

"Ok." I agreed.

He smiled before picking me up and walking through the restaurant and towards the car where he sat down with me on his lap in the backseat. That gave me an opportunity to curl up into his chest and bury my face into his neck. I'm not sure how long we were in the car for because I fell asleep and apparently according to the boys it took around five minutes to wake me up. I don't believe that though. Anyways here we are I have no idea where but we can go with that. Yeah we can go with that it's fine.

"Where are we?" I asked at the first chance I got. I couldn't go with it ok. My brain had to know where we were.

"Okay so you know how you never got to see Cloudy with a chance of meatballs at the cinema." Niall started looking excited.

"And how you've always wanted to go to an outdoor cinema." Louis continued also looking excited.

"Well we bought tickets to an outdoor cinema playing Cloudy with a chance of meatballs." Zayn finished smiling and waiting for my reaction.

"Oh my god really? This is the best thing ever! Thank you so so so much. I love you!" I shouted really happy.

They all grabbed me and pulled me into a big hug which squeezed all the air out of me. I didn't care though so I let them squeeze me until I really had to breath. So I let them know by hitting their backs and saying I really needed to breath. So they let me go. Louis then took my hand and lead me to an opening in the forest we were at and I saw people sitting in front of a big screen which had adverts already playing before the movie starts. Like at an actual cinema. Niall and Zayn walked in a second later with bags of blankets and a few pillows to sit on.

Throughout the film we cuddled and shared a few kisses which was nice but I couldn't help but notice a girl staring at me for pretty much the entire duration of the film. So I stared back at her and stood up to which she did as well. I told the boys I was gonna take a piss then walked to the foresty part of the field before stopping to look at the person who followed me.

"Who are you? What do you want?" I asked kinda forcefully.

"Are you Harry Styles?" She asked slowly.

"Yes. How did you know that who are you?" I was starting to panic, was this the day I died? Is this person a murderer who's stalked me for years waiting for the right moment to pounce?

"I'm Jane, Jane Grimshaw. Nicks sister. I heard what he did to you and I wanted to say I'm very sorry for what he did. Sorry of I scared you by the way." She explained with a kind smile on her face.

"You didn't scare me. What would make you think you scared me? Anyway thank you I appreciate that." I thanked her also with a smile on my face.

"I was hoping we could keep in touch maybe. I know I'd like that. Would you?"

"Yes that would be nice thanks."

The next morning,

I came downstairs with a limp in my step the next morning all excited to get to my babies again. It was definitely weird not getting up in the middle of the night to feed them. Definitely weird.

"Hey woah you ok? You got a bit of a limp there." Louis said chuckling and putting an arm around my waist. I only gave him a death glare in return so he put his hands up in surrender causing me to hit him on the chest.

"Go away." I grumbled which made him pick me up and carry me out to the van all the while nosing my stomach and mumbling about how he wanted to put another baby in me and how he couldn't until their ruts when the sperm and my egg will be more able to get me pregnant. I don't know how to explain it, ask Google.

The drive wasn't too long but I was itching to see my children so it seemed way longer and I was very fidgety and that annoyed Zayn somehow so...

"Stop fidgeting Harry." He put his leg over my legs and his hand over mine.

"I'm not fidgeting." I protested.

"Yes you are. What's up?" Zayn looked at me with a sense of knowing.

"Nothing I'm fine." I tried to get him off my back but he wasn't budging.

"Let me help."

He brought his hand to the part of my jeans that was covering my dick and started rubbing, adding slight pressure every now and then, trying to get me worked up.

"H-help with what?" I stuttered starting to get hard.

"You're nervous, but how could you be nervous to see your own children?"

I didn't answer verbally to that, only nodded in agreement. Why was I nervous? Maybe because its the first time I've not really been with them and I'm worried they'll have forgotten me in the 24 hours we were apart. Maybe it's because I was worried Niall's parents turned the against me. I stopped worrying about that though because Zayn gave me and orgasm and not long after we were at Niall's parents and collecting the kids who were perfectly fine then going home again to do family things that families do because we're a family.


Read, Tastes like strawberries by lazzyt91
Great book.

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