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September 2016

Liam's P.O.V:

We have been mated for a year now, September 24th is the day we got mated, and we're going out to dinner to Harry's favourite place. The kids are staying with Niall's parents for the night so we don't have to worry about them. On to the thing you're probably questioning. Nothing happened when Zayn and I got arrested. Well nothing happened to us.
Nick got 2 years in prison for attempted rape and kidnapping after we explained what happened. To a judge. In court. But everything's fine. Harry shouted at us for hurting him though. I mean what were we supposed to do? Send him flowers? Anyway, Zayn just came back from Niall's parents place so I gotta get ready for dinner now. Bye. Oh yeah, I'm 18 now but Niall's 19.

Harry's P.O.V:

We're going out to dinner today for our 1 year anniversary but I don't know where, the boys didn't say, and I'm sad cause I don't if I should wear, fancy, casual or fancy casual. I'm just gonna go with fancy casual which consisted of skinny jeans and a button up.

"Harry come on we're gone be late." A certain Irish man yelled up to me.

We have to go already? Wow time flies by. I ran downstairs and after pulling my shoes on I made my way to the car. Climbing into the backseat, I noticed all the boys gawking at me. Zayn reached out from the front seat to grab a piece of my hair which was starting to get a bit longer.

"You need a haircut." He announced before turning around again to face the wheel and start the car.

"No I don't." I pouted looking out the window.

"You're getting a haircut." This time it was Niall.

"Fine." I said still looking out the window.

Allesandro's. That is where we pulled up to. My favourite restaurant. This is what they planned. I'm so happy right now.

"We're going to Allesandro's?" I asked getting excited.

"Yes we are now come on our reservations won't wait forever." Liam said in a rushed kind of voice which made me wonder if he actually wanted to go out with me. The others seemed to be rushing too. What did I do wrong?

Niall's P.O.V:

Yes we are rushing. No Harry didn't do anything wrong. Of course we want to be with him. It's just we've got something planned after this and we don't wanna be late. Anyway, I'm gonna hand over to the author now so they can narrate. None of us boys can be bothered.

No one's P.O.V:

Yes hi it's me telling the story now. Not them. It's my time to shine. Seeing as we're near the end of the book. What? Did someone say something? I don't think so. Oops, bye.

Once the boys entered the restaurant they were immediately greeted by a lovely waitress called Maya who kindly took them to a table closer to the back of the place. Harry's favourite spot.

"Can I get you boys any drinks to get you started?" She sweetly asked.

"Yes, I'll have a lemonade please." Liam ordered first.

"Beer please." Louis said second.

"Same." Then Zayn.

"Guinness thanks." Then Niall.

"I'll just have a coke please. Ahh diet coke." And lastly Harry who had to correct his order from Louis pinching his leg lightly. Gotta be healthy. Kinda.

"I'll need some identification for the ones that ordered alcohol please. That's perfect thanks. I'll have them right with you." She politely promised before walking off.

"You hurt my leg lou." Harry whined pouting.

"Oh I'm sorry sweetie but you gotta at least try to stay healthy." Louis apologised. Then Niall's phone started ringing.

"Hello.....yeah.....I dunno.....I'll let you talking to Harry. Harry it's my mum." He said giving the phone to him.

"Hello Mrs Horan.....yeah..... you don't need to worry it happens all the time..... yeah yeah one sec, spaghetti and meatballs please, so all you need to do is gently bounce him on your lap and if that doesn't work sing a nursery rhyme to him, Row Row Row your boat works best.....okay.....you're welcome.....Night night." He finished the conversation giving the phone back to Niall.

"What was that about?" Zayn asked.

"Oh Maura wanted to know how to quieten Alex down." Harry answered taking a sip of his drink.

15 minutes later,

"Sorry for the long wait. Here is your food call me over of you need anything else. Enjoy." Maya apologised giving them their food then walking off.

They all dug in enjoying the freshness of what the food was. Harry's spaghetti and meatballs was on point.

Harry's P.O.V:

We were eating our food in a comfortable silence which was nice cause comfortable silences are nice but Liam broke it with the most obvious question out there.

"What's your favourite movie Harry?" That got all the boys attention and they were all staring at me making me feel rather uncomfortable.

"Cloudy with a chance of meatballs I thought you already knew that." I answered questioningly. Before they answered me I saw Liam look at his phone and type something really fast.

"It could've changed." He said.

"We watched it not even 2 days ago. Excuse me I'm going to the bathroom." I got up walking to the mens room. As soon as I locked myself in a stall I started crying, sat on the toilet, this was supposed to be a nice anniversary dinner but the boys can't even remember shit about me. They're rushing and texting. I'm not rushing or texting. Why? Ok suck it up Harry this is your anniversary think happy occasions. Okay, dad dying, meeting the boys, finding out I was pregnant, meeting the babies for the first time, seeing Edward. Oh would you look at that I've stopped crying.

"Harry have you finished your food?" Liam asked through the door of the stall.


"Okay can you come out we gotta leave now."

"Yeah okay coming."

What does be happening?

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