[Forty Th.ree]

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chanhee raised an eyebrow, "tell me what?" it didn't sound good...

"being in this tournament made me realize that we're not improving as much as a team as i would hope... the last round was really difficult and it was only our second one. it's only going to get harder. the other teams are younger, and they're way better than us already." sunwoo kept his eyes on the restroom floor, his thumbs fiddling together. "i wanted to stay optimistic but realistically, we're probably not going to make it past fourth place?"

"hey, hey, hey- don't start saying negative things like that. are you dumb? if you beat usone this round, you won't go lower than second place." having chanhee explain it like that, well, it made more sense.

there were only three other teams left, they just had to beat one more and they'd be able to promote themselves to a higher rank.

"you're right! we just need one more to go, but that means we don't have to win first place... which is the other thing i wanted to mention."

"you can still win first place, y'know." chanhee removed the cold compress from his face, deciding he had held it there long enough. "but i'll be proud of you regardless."

"it's just... i really wanted to ask you out officially after winning first place. but now that I'm having my doubts, i want to ask you out right now."

"no, no."

"no?" rejected again.

"i think you're worrying about the wrong things today, sunnie. this day is about you and your team." he took his hands into his own, "you can ask me out at any time and I'll say yes, but you won't have as many chances to compete like this."

"wait- you did say yes though."

"did you ignore everything else i said?"

"n-no! i understand. you make perfect sense, but i think it would help if, y'know... we were like official by the time we walk out of here."

"i'm officially leaving you in this restroom by yourself." he said, packing up the first aid kit.

"okay! okay! i'll be good i promise, no more asking you out. but my feelings for you will never fade." sunwoo placed both his hands on his chest, right over his heart.

"uh huh," chanhee kissed the tip of his nose, "come on, romeo. you've got a game to win."

"if i'm romeo, does that make you my juliet?"

"absolutely not."


juyeon and eric were up to their own shenanigans in the break room. the younger still hadn't slept at all and it was finally taking a toll on him after the adrenaline slowly faded away.

"here!" juyeon handed him a canned coffee drink after opening it, "i found vending machines nearby. this should wake you up."

eric rubbed his eyes before taking it, as they refused to stay open for long periods of time.

"thank you, i really wish i slept last night." he took long sips. "but i think this can carry me through the last games."

"looks like there's a big nap waiting for you after all this," juyeon sat beside him, casually placing his arm around his shoulders.

"i'm looking forward to that," he gently slapped his cheek repeatedly as if that would help in keeping him awake, "are we going back to your place after? i don't think I'm ready for the train ride back home."

"i don't mind you guys staying another night. we have to celebrate too- i mean, if you have the energy."

"of course I'll have the energy ! I'll be so pumped up if we win."

"well i hope you can pump yourself up in the next five minutes because we're going to need your energy to win," changmin was stretching just a few feet away from them.

he gained a few confused stares from the two so younghoon jumped in to explain for him, "changmin was feeling a little jittery, so i told him to use that energy to stretch."

"does it work?" juyeon asked.

"a bit, maybe eric should join in. it'll wake up his body."

eric groaned, "i really don't want to stand right now." he leaned his head onto juyeon, "maybe I'll just take a 4 minute nap right here."

"nonono," juyeon gently pushed him off and stood up, holding his hand out. "get up. we'll do these stretches together, anything to help with your energy."

he was hesitant, but as long as they were doing it together he'd get over it.

younghoon joined in as well, so the four of them stretched until their break was completely over. knowing whether it worked or not would have to wait until they're seated on stage again, but it was fun to do as a team-building exercise.

"we can do this!" they all exclaimed as they walked out of the break room.

sunwoo stayed behind just a little longer, "can i get a good luck kiss before i go?"

slightly embarrassed, chanhee waited for everyone to be out of sight- even then he only kissed his cheek. this made sunwoo pout.

"is that all i'm getting? what if we lose?"

"you're not going to lose, sunnie." chanhee replied as he fixed sunwoo's uniform shirt. "you'll get more after the competition, i promise. you know i don't like pda."

"i knoooow," he dragged on, "but i'll look forward to afterwards. i gotta catch up to the boys now." he did a quick glance around to ensure complete privacy, then he kissed chanhee's forehead before running off.

he couldn't contain his smile as he watched him disappear down the hall. his little heart pitter-pattered as he stood there and he didn't move until younghoon appeared from seemingly no where.

"as soon as i saw sunwoo missing from the group i knew the both of you would be up here." he raised an eyebrow and chanhee's cheeks began to warm up.

"he just needed some reassurance," he tapped the tips of his index fingers together.

"uh huh... c'mon, we have to show our support from the audience. sangyeon managed to grab a seat next to us to get a better view of hyunjae."

"oh did you tell him about your great view of changmin from our seats?"

"i don't know what you're talking about." he denied. but chanhee saw through his poker face.

"of course you don't."

𝙱𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚔 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚁𝚞𝚕𝚎𝚜 || c.ch × k.sw ||Where stories live. Discover now