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it was later that night when chanhee started mixing up his clay mask before taking the rest of the night to relax when he got a text message.

juyeonie: finished class! annnd my class work so we can game without you guys assuming i'm going to fail

bbang<3: i'll go on in a bit, jacob and i are playing pubg- oh FUCK I DIED
bbang<3: sorry i had the voice texting thing on
bbang<3: omw

juyeonie: chanhee?

he did his best to evenly apply the clay mask on his face before wiping his hands clean and responding.

text: going
text: are you going to be streaming?
text: i don't want my user out there

juyeonie: no streaming! just practice

text: k

he made sure his hair was clipped back and away from his face securely to avoid it getting the clay mask. then, he trudged over to his desk and started up his pc.

their gaming went as usual, juyeon was always a sentinel, younghoon a controller, and chanhee a duelist because all he cared about was shooting people whenever he wanted. or at least, whenever his friends let him. all the strategy stuff wasn't his thing. plus, he thought the jett agent was really cute.

they won their first match, thanks to juyeon's leadering skills as well as younghoon's ability to cover chanhee when he goes awol.

"wow, we're so good together. really guys i think we could form our own team to compete." juyeon was beaming in their voice chat and chanhee could only laugh.

"i love your enthusiasm but i do not have time to play this game competitively. plus, we got lucky our extra players were good too this time."

"i agree. juyeon you are really good but chanhee and i mess around a lot and get lucky. you definitely have a chance in the big leagues though, you literally carry the team."

juyeon sighed, it made sense that he would want his best friends to join him in his dream but they had other plans and they had to respect that.

"thanks guys. one more game? i think hyunjoon is coming over later."

"oh? my arch nemesis is going over to your apartment? why?" hyunjoon and chanhee were friends, however ever since his ankle injury he also opted for the ulzzang road on instagram and it ticked chanhee off just a little bit. just a little.

"i think he needed help editing his pictures? something like that"


"ok! next round guys, i'm ready." younghoon jumped in to prevent chanhee from going off and started the next match with a new set of teammates and opponents.

"yah yah yah- guys. isn't that a popular streamer?" juyeon pointed out one of the players that ended up joining their team.

chanhee didn't recognize the username but it was woostrike412, "i have never heard of him before."

"wait, i think i know who you're talking about. is that really him? maybe someone created a username similar to his."

"no it's really him- omo- guys we have to win this round or it'll be embarrassing. please do whatever you guys were doing last time."

"you got it juyeonie, do you think we can do this again younghoonie?"

"yes sir. lets go."


"yah- chanhee! you never die this early- how are you already dead?"

chan kept his mic muted as he tried to hold back his laughter, then unmuted to prepare his act, "it was younghoon's fault! he was supposed to cover me." truth was, he was careless on purpose and hoonie seemed to read his mind because he died shortly after too.

"younghoon- aiSH!" 


"keep going yeonnie~ i believe in you~" chanhee used his charm to distract him from the fact that they died on purpose and he was now currently looking up the streamer on his second desktop screen.

'w-o-o-s-t-r-  oh he's right here.' he started spelling out his name in the search bar and he came up pretty quickly, was he really that popular?

'he's streaming right now?' what a coincidence, he thought as he clicked on his live. 

yes! it was definitely him, he recognized their team and he was currently talking about how fast his teammates died.

"i can't believe there's only three of us left already, but i think we can do this." chanhee watched his screen, apparently the other player was a friend of his and they were equally as disappointed in chanhee and younghoon for dying so soon.

'he's the real deal..' he had a ton of comments  flowing through, a lot of them against him and younghoon? wow a few comments were brutal and he almost regretted searching him up.

"this guy- he's really good! woah we would not have won that round if it weren't for him. i know i'm pretty good a player but without a good team it can be really difficult. we're starting the next round now, we just need to win 12 more and we're in."

'oh crap,' he rushed back to his screen as the countdown for the next round ended.

"chanhee are you back? please don't die again i'm sweating."

"don't worry juyeon, i'll be much more attentive this time."

"where were you? you muted us right? i had to listen to juyeon yell at me as he played by himself."

"i was- oh crap-" he almost died a little too soon again, "i found woostrike's twitch account, he's live right now! we made it in his stream, he was praising you juyeon."

"what? he was? really? wow! you're not joking, right?"

"of course i'm not! you should watch his live later. i think i might sub myself, he was pretty cute."

"y-yah! that's no reason to sub to someone, you sub for their gameplay..."

"juyeon maybe if you showed your face on your streams you would get more subs, you're really good looking. plus, having a face makes you more real. people like real."

he didn't talk for a while, but chanhee just assumed he was too concentrated on the game and didn't think too much of it, then he finally spoke again.

"should i buy a webcam? do you really think i'd get more subs if i showed my face?"

"absolutely! look at woostrike- i bet you're just as good as him, if not better. but he has tons more subs and maybe it's because of his face. a lot of the comments i saw were from girls."

"okay! i'll buy one from that cool computer store, and a better mic. hopefully i can reach his level one day."

"you will! i'll even help you with your set up, do nOT let hyunjoon touch anything there. i will give you some of my old lighting supplies."

"really? wow, thank you! don't worry i won't let hyunjoon touch anything."

"good, now the two of you shush up and keep playing. we have to win these next rounds." younghoon suddenly on the side of wanting to win did not hesitate to shut them up as he entered his focus, but that was his charm.

𝙱𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚔 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚁𝚞𝚕𝚎𝚜 || c.ch × k.sw ||Where stories live. Discover now