[Forty E.ight]

469 33 21

it was about an hour later, changmin had only one or two small drinks of soju. chanhee had complained about younghoon's affection when drunk, it was something he definitely wanted to see for himself- but it was taking a while.

"here you go," every time younghoon left his glass empty, changmin was there to refill it almost immediately. 

"you haven't poured me a single drink," complained hyunjae, "i'm your elder too, you know?"

"i think he just likes me more, right changmin?" he wrapped his arm around him, tugging at his waist to bring them closer together.

"n-no comment."

he didn't have to, hyunjae perfectly understood what was going on now. he was surprised it even took him this long.


eric had insisted on drinking a little more after his first mishap. sure it was gross but he cared less about the taste and more about how much juyeon was taking care of him. his cheeks were bright red as he gazed at his elder, it wasn't just the alcohol making the blood rush to his face.

"hey youngjae, are you done yet? i don't want you to wake up too sick tomorrow."

"mmmm," he slowly closed his eyes, "i am getting a little tired."

juyeon checked around the dimly lit living room. sunwoo and chanhee were idling chatting together on the couch, the other three sat around the coffee table that was littered with green soju bottles. "do you want to go to sleep, then? the guys don't look like they're going to bed soon, i can take you to my room."

bingo. his eyes slowly opened up and he couldn't hold back his smile. "that's fine with me." 

he raised one of his arms and juyeon hooked his own under him to help him up.

"god, look at them." chanhee nodded towards the two lovebirds that were now headed towards juyeon's bedroom. he was leaning against the couch's armrest, facing sunwoo with his legs bent to his chest.

the redhead slowly turned around, just catching a glimpse of the two as the door shut behind them. 

"they're cute," he hiccuped. "they should just get together already."

chanhee rested his chin on his knees, "i don't know... i love a good slow-burn."

"slow-burns are overrated," he scooted as close as he could to him, pulling his legs to unfold over his lap, "sometimes it's better to get to the point, no?" his gaze stayed locked onto chanhee, his hand planted lightly on the other's thigh.

"maybe..." he bit his lip, "pass me that cushion." he held his hand out, seemingly wanting to change topic with his sudden request. 

sunwoo followed orders, grabbing the small pillow that rested on the opposite side of the couch and handed it over. he didn't say a single word, just kept a hand on the other's leg. 

"you've been staring at me an awful lot tonight," chanhee held the cushion up to his face, leaving only his eyes-up uncovered.

the other pouted, "is that what you needed that thing for? stoooop." he went to lower the object but chanhee leaned out of his reach. "chanheeeeeeee," his arms flailed in protest.

his behavior reminded chanhee that they were, in fact, pretty intoxicated after all. 

"you're being a baby," he hit him once with the cushion, "that's not what i'm going to use it for."

"then what?"

chanhee held his wink as he signaled him to come closer with his finger. sunwoo's already red cheeks reddened and he leaned in.


again, he leaned in a little more. their faces just centimeters away now.

the cushion was held next to their faces, shielding them from the eyes of the others in the room. 

"i haven't been able to properly congratulate you for your win today," his words were soft, just above a whisper. his eyes darted towards the other's lips a few times and he definitely noticed.

with one hand holding the pillow up steady, the other snaked up sunwoo's arm and stopped right behind his neck. just one more look at the boy's bright plump lips and he was sold.

he planned for a quick kiss, just a peck, but the feeling of the soft lips against his own was just too great to only experience for a few seconds.

there was no rush, their lips parted and came together with a gentle rhythm. their breaths had a hint of peach liquor, further intoxicating them into the moment. sunwoo's hands searched for ways to pull chanhee as close to him as possible. 

then they came to a pause. eyes slowly opening to see each-other merely millimeters away. 

"i think these are my favorite part of you," chanhee ran his thumb along his bottom lip, biting his own as hundreds of thoughts ran through his mind.

"i think you're their favorite too." he kissed him. again and again, anywhere his mouth could reach. his cheeks, his chin, forehead... he especially loved the little corners of his mouth. 

it was just them two in the room (not really), they suddenly didn't care about their noise level. actually, they just forgot they were supposed to care. they were so preoccupied with themselves (and so very drunk) that they continued as they were.

chanhee was so full of glee. his smile widened every time the other planted a sloppy kiss on any part of his skin. he's no stranger to affection, having grown up with his two closest friends that showered him with it like it was routine. skinship was just as valuable as oxygen to him, but he never imagined being so enamoured with someone that any little touch would make his heart feel so painfully good.

oh and sunwoo adored him too. he adored the sound of him holding back giggles every time his lips reached a particularly ticklish spot, like his neck or near his ears. he adored the hand that was still holding the cushion that shielded their corny affection from their friends. more importantly, he adored the man who was bold enough to leave such comments on his livestream. without that, they wouldn't be in this position together.

"you guys know that pillow isn't soundproof, right?"

𝙱𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚔 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚁𝚞𝚕𝚎𝚜 || c.ch × k.sw ||Where stories live. Discover now