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"so you arranged a meeting with all of us, why again?" younghoon sipped his iced americano as he stared at chanhee from across the booth.

he had organized this meeting with jacob, younghoon, and juyeon- though he hadn't arrived yet, at a cafe to discuss the comment he woke up to this morning.

"because i am having a crisis, look." he slid his phone over to the two. what he showed them was a screenshot of sunwoo's comment under his picture.

"okay, what am i looking at?" jacob scratched his head.

"look, chanhee accidentally caught feelings for a streamer that juyeon admires. he left him a bunch of lovey dovey comments in english thinking he wouldn't see them, but he somehow found his instagram account and followed him."

"thanks for the recap, hoonie." he replied sarcastically. "and i didn't catch feelings, i just thought he was cute."

"interesting... what's the problem then?" jacob didn't seem to understand, but no one blamed him. 

"the problem is chanhee hasn't dated anyone since highschool so he's panicking at the attention he's getting."

"again, thank you for elaborating, hoonie." he sat back against the cushioned seats and sighed.

"ok, well i think you're worrying a little too much. this could be a good thing! is he cute? i don't think i've heard of him either."

"yeah sure, kobi. here, but don't like any of his pictures!" chanhee pulled up his account on his phone and slid it towards him again. juyeon arrived a few seconds later and plopped down beside him.

"sorry i'm late, what did i miss?" his hair was unkempt, most likely from his helmet, yet it was something that irked chanhee so much he just had to reach over and fix it.

"sunwoo commented on my picture, oh i also ordered a strawberry iced latte for you." with his other hand, he pushed the milky pink drink over to him and added the last touches to his hair.

"why is a third of it missing?" juyeon mixed the content around with the noticeably used straw and looked at him.

"it looked really good, just take out the straw if it bothers you." he reached for the straw but the other pulled the drink away.

"no it's fine, i'll drink it." he confirmed this by taking a sip from the straw, not breaking eye contact with chanhee as he returned a slightly disgusted look, but he waved it off. that was normal between them.

younghoon and jacob had been awkwardly glancing at eachother as they watched the two interact, but the latter finally spoke up again.

"sunwoo is cute! i think, if the opportunity arises and you're able to make a move... you should do it. however, i have to meet up with my boyfriend now so i'll see you guys later! thanks for inviting me." he returned chanhee's phone and waved goodbye to the three of them as he walked out.

"he's such a sweetheart i love him. kevin is so lucky i'm forever envious." he leaned his head against juyeon's shoulder, unbeknownst to him that he had a bachelor right there at his disposal at any time.

"maybe this guy can be the kevin to your jacob." younghoon tapped the screen to point at sunwoo's picture. what the dumbass didn't know was that the screen was still active on his account and he accidentally double tapped.

chanhee shot up, "you idiot! you liked his picture!" quickly grabbing his phone he rushed to remove the like, but it would be hopeless anyway so he checked the date.

"what's the big deal? he's a big account, he probably won't see that notification!" younghoon tried to justify his mistake but chan was having none of it. 

he sunk back in his seat, defeated, "march 11th... 2016... you liked a picture from four years ago. he wasn't even an esports gamer yet... it was a picture with his school friends in uniform- i can't believe this is happening."

the two others stayed quiet, well mostly. juyeon's straw wasn't exactly the most quiet as he sucked in small strawberry chunks.

"it's not my fault jacob scrolled down so far! you're still going with me to seongnam though, right?"

"if i haven't murdered you by then, yeah."

"wait- why are you two going to seongnam?" juyeon stopped drinking his latte finally to speak.

"hoonie has a job interview there on monday for some reason, he doesn't want to go alone so i'm tagging along. you should come with! i don't want to be by myself while he's in he meeting, i've never been in seongnam before."

"ahhh, i wish i could but i think hyunjoon-"

"save it, i don't want to hear anymore."

"you're so dramatic."

"you love me anyway. that's the only reason you'd stick around so long, how many years has it been? seven?"

juyeon only laughed, not even bothering to answer his question for fear of saying something stupid as he hid how flustered he truly was.

seven years sounded about right, though. wow, that's seven years of hiding his true feelings for his friend. wasn't that a lucky number? is that a sign that it's time? he wouldn't know. it was hard enough deciphering his own feelings, yet receiving signs from the universe sounded like impossible codes.

"i'm going to leave first, i still have a few interview questions i have to go over before monday. see you guys later, and chanhee i hope you figure out your boy problem soon." he aimed his finger guns at them and winked at juyeon. he knew.


this chapter was a little shorter than the rest but i liked where it ended! it also didn't leave enough space to start a new scene properly, but i hope you guys enjoyed anyway

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