[Twenty Fi.ve]

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sunwoo was astonished at sights around him when he woke up before everyone else. why was everyone together? he asked himself.

younghoon and changmin?? haknyeon and hyunjoon?? that was completely unexpected. but... juyeon and eric... and chanhee? now that wasn't fair. he couldn't believe juyeon himself unintentionally got himself cuddled up with both chanhee and eric in one night.

"chanhee.." he lightly kicked his foot to try and wake him. the room was dimly lit by the morning sun, allowing sunwoo to see chanhee gently twitch. he was waking up.

"chanheeeee..." he increased the power in his kick a little bit.

"...hmm?" his eyes remained closed, his face snuggling further onto juyeon's shoulder.

"y-yah!" he impulsively kicked him harder, darting chanhee awake.

"what's your deal??" he was now sitting up on the mattress, squinting his heavy eyes at sunwoo. "and what time is it?"

"it's like 9... something," he held his hand out, "come help me make breakfast."

"it's so early..." chanhee rubbed his eyes, looking back down on the bed and juyeon, debating whether or not to go back to sleep.

"come ooooon, we can make the food look really pretty and you can take pictures and post them online."

"ugh," he sighed, "fine, whatever. but you're doing most of the work." he grabbed onto his hand and used him to lift himself out of bed.

chanhee clung onto him after as they walked down the steps, he could barely keep his eyes open and it was a pretty cold morning too. sunwoo didn't complain, as long as he wasn't clinging onto juyeon anymore.

"what are you going to make?" chan sat on one of the stools near the island counters, face resting on his palms as he continued to try and go back to sleep somehow.

sunwoo began to explain his breakfast plan but chanhee wasn't listening. instead, he let the redhead's quiet voice lull him to sleep as he put his head down on the counter.

"-so then we can make fried rice... chanhee?" it was too late, the poor boy had rambled on to someone who stopped paying attention halfway. he sighed.

he must be really tired, sunwoo thought, so he got to work on his own to make a decently sized breakfast for everyone. he placed plates down gently, cooked as calmly as he could, even did as much as to shush the stove when the sizzling got too loud. 

none of that mattered too much, chanhee was a heavy sleeper and someone cooking in the kitchen didn't warrant his instincts enough to wake up from he noise.

a glass smashing on the floor did, however.

chanhee jumped in his seat when the glass made impact on the hardwood floor, followed by sunwoo whisper-shouting.

"what happened?" he asked, getting off the stool and cornering the counter to see the redhead picking up shards with his bare hands.

"i accidentally knocked a cup over, don't come close the small pieces will get stuck on your slippers."

"i'll get the broom." he grabbed the small broom and dustpan that was inside one of the coat closets, returning then to sweep up the tinier shards off the floor.

"next time be more careful- did you cut yourself?" he looked up to see sunwoo with the palm of his thumb in his mouth.

"just a little, grabbed the glass too quickly."

"go get the aid kit, i think it's in one of the cupboards in the bathroom." he finished sweeping up the glass dust and carefully disposed of it.

sunwoo returned with the kit and chanhee took it from him after he put the broom away. the wound was small, but even small wounds can be annoying, especially when they're on hands.

"ouch, it drew blood didn't it?" the wound was small but pretty nasty. 

sunwoo nodded, remaining quiet as chanhee bandaged up his finger. it was a simple process, an easy sterilization with the small sanitation wipe and then a bandaid. 

"there! you're all set. you can go back to cooking now."

"you're the best," he shamelessly kissed his cheek as thanks and chanhee rolled his eyes in response.

a pout formed on his face, "why are you being mean to me?"

"wh- mean?? i'm not mean! how??"

"i just thanked you by showing you affection and you rolled your eyes!"

chanhee scoffed, "you're just trying to get me to date you faster! which isn't helping by the way!"

"i just..." sunwoo let out a deep breath, "i didn't think i'd end up liking you so much. it's so weird for me- i don't know how to act when i'm around you and i keep doing things impulsively."

that made sense, actually. chanhee was going through the same thing just in a different way. he found it difficult to think straight when they were together but because no one has ever confessed themselves so boldly to him.

this was new for the both of them.

"i think this is why we need some time. don't you have a tournament soon? focus on that instead for a bit, i'll still be here when you win."

"are you saying you'll ditch me if we don't win?" sunwoo placed a hand on his heart and made a dramatically pained expression.

"do you want me to implement that? because i can. plus, haknyeon let me know about your situation."

"my situation?" sunwoo's eyebrows furrowed.

"yeah- i mean, it's nothing to be ashamed about, right? you just need to win the tournament and you'll be fine."

"why should haknyeon be telling you any of that?" it was none of his business to begin with. not having money was- well, embarrassing.

he was supposed to be some cool, popular pro-gamer living his life happily for a long time- not almost in debt and stuck playing the same games not because he claims he loves them but because he can't afford to play any new ones.

"i'm sorry? it just came up- i don't think he meant any malice when he told me."

"that doesn't matter. you have no business bringing it up either- or telling me how i should feel. you literally get paid to look cute and take pictures, how is that fair?"

"what are you saying?" it was hard to take in all of sunwoo's words, why is he being so harsh? "I apologized already, you don't have to invalidate what i do... you wouldn't even be here if it weren't for me 'looking cute and taking pictures.'"

"why do you have to rub it in?"

"i'm not rubbing anything in-"

"what's going on?" chanhee and sunwoo turned to see juyeon coming down the stairs.

"nothing that pertains to you," sunwoo walked past him to the exit where he started to slip into his shoes, "i'm going to the market to buy breakfast."

"sun-" juyeon grabbed chanhee's arm and stopped him. he didn't know exactly what was going on but it didn't look like it was a good time to go after him for any reason.


aha ha, hello. i didn't update for a few days but thats because i was 𝒸𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓉𝒾𝓋𝑒𝓁𝓎 𝒹𝓇𝒶𝒾𝓃𝑒𝒹. and honestly i didn't want to add conflict but every story needs some y'know? i suck at writing conflict lol

i've also been working on *cough* other stories *cough* so hopefully everything works out ok bye <#

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