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"what do you mean you found their account?" eric couldn't get the mysterious english commenter out of his mind for some reason, so he spent a few hours in his own home to do some deep searching and had called sunwoo as soon as he found something.

"yes i think i found them! i'm like 90% sure i did, it took me a while but it kind of makes sense."

"they're just another subscriber, there was literally no need for this." he'd never admit though, that he did go back and google translate a few of the comments eric didn't translate. just because he was curious.

"okay true, but i did it anyway. for your sake."

"couldn't you have just searched up their username and see where else they've used it? doesn't sound too difficult to me." he sniffled, he was still too sick for this.

"no, you see they don't have the same username. i tried that, genius. if it were that easy i wouldn't be so enthusiastic right now, okay? it was a process."

what a pain, "okay then how did you find their account and how are you so sure it's them?"

"i'm so glad you asked." sunwoo rolled his eyes at his comment and waited for him to continue.

"okay so, looking up their username led me to a few accounts but i wasn't convinced so then i looked up their teammate's username, juju.yeon-"

"wait, how do you know they're friends? changmin and i could have been playing with people who are complete strangers to each other."

"let me finish."

sunwoo sighed, "okay i won't interrupt anymore."

"so i found a twitch account attached to this username, he's a streamer too! he frequently streams with someone by the username bbang.bbang88, again this isn't the person we're looking for but i'm not done yet. you with me?"

"you talk too much, continue."

"anyway, i also found an instagram with the username juju.yeon, he had a few pictures up so i found out what he looked like through the account. he was cute and i followed him but that's besides the point."

"uh huh."

"i looked through his following list and boom! you and a few other streamers are the only verified accounts he follows. other than the blue-checked accounts, he follows five people who are all mutual so i'm assuming they are his friends."

"are you getting to the point now, eric? you know i have editing to do." he was using the classic, 'i'm pretending to not care but i'm actually very curious so please hurry i want to know' tactic on him, he prayed it worked.

"almost. he's mutuals with someone by the username bbang.hoon, so that's his gaming friend. his account was private though so i couldn't get any info on him. that's when i clicked on cha.new's account, again one of juju.yeon's mutuals. and get this, he's an ulzzang!"

"what does that have to do with anything?"

"it's an interesting fact. he's pretty popular and i got distracted scrolling through his pictures. however! one of his more recent pictured featured three guys, cha.new was in the middle and the other two were tagged. guess who?"

"the bbang guy and juju guy?"



"why aren't you saying anything?"

"where does the girl come in? the admirer?"

"you idiot. i know i mentioned them being a girl but that was just my speculation. it's cha.new, the ulzzang."

now that was unexpected. "ah, so you think some popular ulzzang account has followed me and has been leaving flirty comments on my streams?" quickly yet silently did he search up the account on his computer and find him almost immediately.

"yes, now you're getting it! his name is chanhee, choi chanhee. sound familiar? his twitch and gaming usernames both have 'hee' in them and his instagram only has 'chan'. it has to be him dude. there's no way it isn't him."

it seemed plausible to an extent, but he found it hard to believe. everything else eric said was true though, he ended up finding the picture with the three of them and he confirmed he was being followed by juju.yeon. "okay congrats, what do you expect me to do now?"

"follow him, dumb dumb. i think that would be pretty funny. if it really was him, which i am sure it is, then it's obvious he likes you."

"i'm not going to follow him just because you think he likes me."

"sure you won't."


"younghoon what do i do??" it was the next day and he tried to ignore the fact that sunwoo the twitch streamer had somehow found his account, but the moment lingered in his mind. 

"maybe he didn't follow you because of the comments, it could be he just stumbled across your account and decided to follow."

"no, he definitely knows i'm the one who left those comments. i feel it in my soul and i hate it, this is so embarrassing." he buried his face in his hands. 

"yah," younghoon took ahold of his hands, prying them away from his face, "look, if he followed you that means it's a good sign, right? he didn't block you, i would have."

chanhee glared back, snatching his hands away. it could have been such a nice moment but he had to ruin it. "you're not helping, i'm having a crisis."

"well you like him don't you? send him a message, follow him back."

"are you crazy? i don't know him, of course i don't like him!" maybe saying it out loud would make it come true, but even chanhee denied his own words.

"then you block him. the answer can be simple, you are choosing to make it difficult."

younghoon didn't understand, no one would understand, that he couldn't just block him. that's not how things work.

"i knew i should have called jacob instead."

"no, no, no. okay, here's what you're going to do. pay attention to me carefully."

"okay..." he watched as younghoon got into his zone.

"first of all, you're going to take a selfie and you're going to post it. it has to be a good one-"

"all of my selfies are-"

"sh. okay then you're going to follow him back. when he sees the notification, he might click on your account again or it's very likely your picture will be first on his timeline when he refreshes the app."

"ahhhh," okay he was actually going somewhere, but where exactly?

"then, if he likes your picture it's a good sign. if he comments something, even better. it's all about patience."

"where did you learn this?"

"i'm not revealing my secrets to you, just trust me. it's going to work. if he doesn't do anything the answer is simple. block him."

𝙱𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚔 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚁𝚞𝚕𝚎𝚜 || c.ch × k.sw ||Where stories live. Discover now