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chanhee was accepted for the modeling opportunity a lot faster than he would have thought. it might have been because it was a brand he's worked with before, but still he didn't expect to be coming in so soon for a shoot.

the only downside to this was that the shoot was on the same day sunwoo had arranged to meet with him and he had no idea how long the event was going to take.

the shoot was pretty early in the morning so when he arrived to the studio he texted juyeon asking if he would be available to pick him up afterwards. as soon as he agreed he felt a whole lot better.


he only told juyeon and younghoon about the modeling gig, it would make things easier for his self esteem if his pictures weren't accepted or they found someone else for the ad. however, that meant sunwoo didn't know either and he didn't have a valid excuse to be late for their 'date'(?)

"i'm so sorry! i swear i'll be there soon, i had... a doctor's appointment." he told sunwoo as he waited for juyeon to pick him up in front of the station.

"it's okay, you can take your time. we'll be here"

"'we'? who's we?"

"oh! i forgot to mention eric decided to tag along. something about surprising juyeon? anyway, you know where to meet me, right?"

"that's perfect! juyeon is giving me a ride there wait- he's here! i'll call you when i'm near." he hung up the phone and ran towards juyeon who parked his little vespa right in front of him. somehow things were coming together. if eric was with sunwoo, then he could just zoom away with juyeon after dropping him off.

"took you long enough," chanhee complained as he put his helmet on and hopped on the small vehicle.

"there was traffic, okay? how did the shoot go?" juyeon revved up his engine and began the ride towards the park where sunwoo (and eric) awaited.

"i think it went great! have you been practicing valorant with everyone else?"

"yeah! well, without eric. his wrist is still too sensitive to play. we even talk on the phone a lot since texting hurts too much."

"woah, that's next level. you guys haven't hung out at all since busan?" 

"not yet, i wouldn't know where to take him. remember, i spent seven years just hanging out with you and younghoon." 

"he's a guy. take him to an internet cafe, go watch a movie, uhhh... literally just give him a ride on your vespa."

"so you mean... do all the things i was already doing with you?"

"exactly. just don't take seven years to confess and i'm sure things will go great."

juyeon scoffed but chanhee could tell he was laughing. he's never going to let him live that down.

as much as he wanted to keep his relationship with sunwoo on hold, he didn't feel the same with juyeon and eric. juyeon dedicated so much of his feelings to chanhee without ever seeing anyone else, he just felt it was time he was happy with someone new- and eric could very well be that someone!


"this is the park, right?" juyeon took his helmet off and parked, ruffling his hair up to let the wind blow on his slightly sweaty scalp.

"yeah, i'll let sunwoo know. i don't see him, this park is bigger than i thought." there were trees everywhere and a path that lead to a play area, but there was no sign of sunwoo or eric nearby.

he dialed him quickly and he picked up immediately, how long had he been waiting by the phone? chanhee let him know they were by the park entrance sign and sunwoo replied by telling him he was on his way.

"you'll be okay from now, right? you can text me when you want me to pick you up-"

"wait!" chanhee grabbed his arm before he had the chance to drive off, "just stay here until he arrives, please?"

juyeon sighed, agreeing to stay behind, "okay. hyunjoon asked me if i was free today so i hope sunwoo doesn't take long."

"huh? you have to tell him no!"


"be- because you don't know when i'm going to ask you to pick me up!"

"that's true..." he thought for a moment, "i guess i'll have to turn him down."

oh good, chanhee thought to himself. hyunjoon definitely had juyeon on his radar and he was too dense to see it! chanhee was doing him a favor by preventing them from hanging out more than they needed to.

and as chanhee tried to regain himself from the little panic he had, he saw the two familiar figures come out on a path from between some trees.

"oh- they're here!" he waved at them and eric started jogging their way, leaving sunwoo behind.

"they?" juyeon of course didn't know eric was tagging along, so when he saw the dirty-blonde haired boy running towards him he mentally buffered.

"juyeon!" the poor guy barely had time to step off the vespa when eric slammed into him with a hug.

"youngjae! why didn't you tell me you were coming?" juyeon ruffled the boy's hair and gently pulled away, remembering his wrist.

"i wanted to surprise you, and you mentioned you didn't have any plans so... surprise!"

"well, now that we're leaving the kid out with the nanny, should we go?" sunwoo finally caught up with them and had on his back a pretty large backpack.

"will you be okay with juyeon, eric?"

juyeon looked at chanhee with disgust, "of course he will! what do you take me for? c'mon, youngjae." he sat on his vespa once again and handed eric the helmet, while also tapping the front of his seat.

usually, like with chanhee, the passenger sits in the back of the vespa. however, juyeon worried eric wouldn't be able to hold onto him with just one healthy wrist. he figured it would be best if he drove with eric being sandwiched between him and the front of the vespa- there'd be absolutely no falling off like that.

"bye guys! thanks for keeping juyeon busy for me, eric! have fun!" chanhee waved the two off as they drove away and turned to face sunwoo once again.

"what do you have in store for me today, sun?"

"why don't we go find out?" he reached for his hand and they walked back into the tree-filled area of the park. 


heyo- okay i feel like this story is being too dragged out so don't be alarmed if things just zoom by in the next few chapters <3

i was going to add more conflict but also just wanna finish... so i'll see what i decide <33

thank you guys for reading, though !!

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