[Thirty Se.ven]

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seeing chanhee's face was a blessing. nothing meant more to him at the moment than for him to be present while they completed, so when the first rounds began he got really nervous, but he was here!

"sunwoo! i made it, am i late?" sun had ignored the question and ran towards him with open arms.

"i'm so glad you're here," he pulled away but intertwined their hands, "i got worried when the VIP lines ended and you weren't here yet."

"it was thanks to geonhak, he saw me outside and helped me find the way. he says you two know eachother?"

sunwoo finally pulled his gaze away from chanhee and towards the guy he had tried to ignore seeing as they did walk in together. geonhak though, it wasn't a name he would forget so easily.

he was going to act cool, cold, and serious. his urge to be the dominant male was strong, but it faded completely as soon as he recognized the man.


geonhak smiled brightly and held his hand out for them to shake, "the one and only."

"dude! i haven't seen you in months. still can't believe you beat us to third last time, we could have made it if i didn't choke."

"ahh, we just got lucky! i'm sure you guys will do better this time, especially with juyeon on your team!"

speaking of the devil, the rest of sunwoo's team came out of the hallway and juyeon's reaction was just as expected.

"hak! what the hell? i haven't seen you in years, not since you and chanhe-"

chanhee cleared his throat, reminding sunwoo that this man was definitely his ex boyfriend.

"oh! so you and chanhee used to date, right?"

"i- don't think that's important right now, sunwoo. don't you guys have a match to play? i thought i was late why aren't you guys competing or anything?" chanhee tried his best to change the subject, but much to his dismay, geonhak answered his questions.

"the amateur leagues go up first, we're intermediate so we still have time to kill. also, yeah we dated in high school. it was a long time ago, nothing to worry about. but, i'll have to go back to my team now to finish up some last minute strategies and what not."

sunwoo, juyeon, and geonhak all shook hands one last time before he left, yet chanhee could sense that the conversation was not over yet.

"so," sunwoo began after he waited for the rest of the team to walk ahead of them, "boyfriend, huh?"

"ex-boyfriend," chanhee corrected.

"oh, you know that's not the one i'm talking about." he threw his arm around chanhee as they walked together.

oh, he was screwed. "hey! i didn't know what else to say to the staff lady, i panicked. you shouldn't take that seriously."

sunwoo laughed, "why not? it's going to happen today when we win anyway, might as well get used to it."

"if you're so confident you're gonna win, then you can wait a little longer, right?"

he pursed his lips, "no, i can't. you already called me your boyfriend so if you take it back that means we technically broke up and i'm not emotionally ready to go through with that."

chanhee rolled his eyes like he's never rolled them before, "you're never going to stop being dramatic, are you?"

"you gotta get used to it if you wanna be my boyfriend so badly."

"i hate y-"

"sunwoo! the amateur leagues finished sooner than we thought, we're being asked to move into the next room." changmin shouted from across the hall where their room was located, "that means chanhee's going to have to sit with the audience."

"oh, younghoons here, right? i'll go look for him. good luck you guys!"

"wait a second!" changmin screeched, "you have to come wish all of us good luck! you have like five minutes, come in, hurry!"

of course he had to wish everyone good luck! what was he thinking just wanting to run off so quickly?

once inside he made sure to give each and every single one of them a tight embrace. eric surprisingly was his favorite. he was the smallest yet he gave the biggest hug, and it was so warm and childlike he almost didn't want to let go 

"ahem," sunwoo cleared his throat behind them and eric got the hint.

"okay, okay! you can have him back now, we're heading inside now so make it quick! wait for me, juyeon!" 

eric ran behind the older, leaving sunwoo and chanhee alone together.

the now brunette couldn't help but smile at how awkwardly silent the first few seconds were, like two kids on their very first date.

"come here, you." chanhee opened his arms wide towards sunwoo and it took no time for them to come together.

"you have no idea how nervous i am right now," his heart was pounding so hard against his chest, chanhee could almost feel it.

"you've got this," he tried to reassure him, "i'll be cheering you on from the audience! you and the team worked so hard for this, and you had to get used to a new teammate and everything."

"i just realized we might not be here right now if we hadn't met."

chanhee was first to break from the hug, but they remained close, "what do you mean?"

"juyeon! he had instant chemistry with the team on the first play, we would have never found him if... y'know, you hadn't slid into my comment sectio-"

"s-stop talking! don't you have a tournament to go to?? like, right now? you're going to get disqualified so you better run." 

"you have to stop being embarrassed about technically making the first move-"

"i'm not listening! go before i change my mind about being here."

"okay, okay!" sunwoo finally agreed, "i'm going! let me tell you something really quick though."

chanhee feigned annoyance and even rolled his eyes, whatever he says better be important.

the redhead inched closer, but instead of saying anything he pressed their lips together.

shocked at first, chanhee was prepared to attack. his hand swung backwards to gather power but it faltered, instead landing gently against sun's chest. his other hand didn't fail to find itself there as well when sunwoo cupped the sides of his face.

for a moment they were completely alone and they let their lips waltz synchronously with each other. 

chanhee could feel the temperature rise in his cheeks as the space in between them decreased, only for that heat to flush down his entire body when sunwoo pulled away.

"thanks for the good luck kiss, i'll see you during break."

and with that, chanhee was left stunned in their lobby. what a rat, not letting him compose himself enough to get a word in. all he could do was wave him away as he disappeared through the door.



aha ha... hi guys...! i'm back <3 sorry for not posting in a bit but we're nearing the end so i H O P E i can knock it out soon enough. thanks for sticking by !

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