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"they agreed to meet us there, right?"

"yeah, they should be on their way already but sunwoo said their train ride is going to take longer, so we'll get there before them."

juyeon had slept over at chanhee's this time, considering his place was closer to the station anyway, it would just make it easier to coordinate themselves.

"kevin and jacob are at the meet-up spot already, hyunjoon and younghoon are on their way."

"we should get going then, it'll be dark by the time we arrive."

they decided to leave early-evening friday, that way they can spend the night in busan and go out and do stuff saturday morning. plus, sunwoo had advised him that his friend sangyeon would absolutely have to go to work on friday or else he wouldn't get the weekend off, so it benefited them all.

the train ride was three hours long and exhausting to say the least. being sat for so long could never be good for anyone, but it was bearable with all six of them to keep each other entertained.


"anyone else starving?" kevin announced as he set his and jacob's bags down in the living room of the guesthouse they were going to be staying in.

"oh, i sure am. chanhee, call your friends and ask if they're going to be here soon. kev and i can go buy food and have it ready by the time they get here."

"okay!" he nodded and jacob and stepped outside to dial sunwoo's number (they had exchanged digits earlier to make communication easier throughout this trip.)

"yes, sunwoo speaking. how may i be of service?"

"yah," chanhee laughed, "how far are you guys? we've arrived already and we need to know when we should start cooking."

"oh- you guys are cooking for us? wow... we'll cook breakfast tomorrow, so don't even worry about that, ok? we're still like an hour away, we'll be there soon."

"okay, see you then~"

after hanging up, chanhee ran back inside the house with a moderately large smile on his face. "we have an hour before they arrive. i'll start putting stuff away, there should be enough closets to store everything."

"i'll help." juyeon joined in putting the bags away. they all dressed comfortably knowing this night was only going to be about settling in and eating, so there was no need for a change of clothes later on.

"okay, cobi and i are heading out then. we'll be back with plenty of stuff for everyone!" the two walked out hand in hand and everyone knew that it wasn't just going to be a market trip for the both of them, but they respected their right to be a couple.

"i'll go explore the place, maybe there's other stuff to do here." hyunjoon dismissed himself from the others and disappeared into the other rooms.

"wake me up when the food is ready, i'm going to go set up the mattresses." and that was younghoon's turn to leave by heading up the stairs to the mezzanine level.

that left chanhee and juyeon to lounge around until of course kevin and jacob returned from their excursion to the market.

the four had been setting up the sides and marinating meat when chanhee's phone began to ring across the room. like a lightning flash, he had swiftly removed the plastic gloves he had on and answered the phone after looking at the contact screen.

"are you guys here?"

"we're getting close, we took a cab since it was getting dark out."

"i'm going outside." chanhee pat himself down to make his appearance a little more presentable and made his way through the doors.

"i see you!"

sure enough there were headlights coming down the road and chanhee's heart began to beat harder. "wow, you guys are here. i'm hanging up."

he put his phone away and stood there as the headlights got brighter. this wasn't the first time he was going to see sunwoo, but it was the first time they had actually planned something. he was going to meet sunwoo's friends- in fact, sunwoo was going to meet his friends too.

all his thoughts came to a halt as soon as the cab did and the passenger door opened.

it was sunwoo.

they said not a single word to each other but their body language said everything as they mutually reached to one another for a hug.

"ahem." the rest of the boys stood behind them as they emptied out the cab of their things and had it drive off.

"right. chanhee, these are my friends. sangyeon and hyunjae."

"pleasure to meet you, thanks for bringing us along on the trip." chanhee was left a little speechless by the one presented as sangyeon, he had no idea their team leader could have looked like that

"next are changmin, you know him, and my ex-roommate aka traitor haknyeon. you also know him."

"nice to see the both of you again, please make yourself at home." he shook their hands and they moved on. the rest of chanhee's gang had come out now and were also greeting the newcomers.

"and this right here is my friend, eric." he threw an arm over the younger's shoulder and pointed, restating, "my f r i e n d, eric."

"your... friend... eric?" chanhee shook his hand but had a look of confusion on his face. why did he say it like that?

"yes, you know. the friend i had mentioned the other day."

"fri- oh! ohhhhhh." this was the friend that asked about juyeon? "okay, it makes sense now. in that case, let me introduce him to my friend."

he waved to juyeon and he reluctantly came over, he was still iffy on the whole 'meeting sunwoo' thing but this was chanhee they were talking about.

"juyeon, this is eric and- uh he needs to use the restroom."

eric's eyes widened but he quickly went along to the idea by bouncing up and down gently, "y-yeah! the train ride was so long and i had way too much water."

"can you show him where the restroom is? i would but i want to get everyone acquainted first."

"i can do that, come on." juyeon was a sweetheart so chanhee couldn't blame eric for getting his eye caught by him.

the younger excitedly followed him into the house, shooting the other two a quick 'thumbs up' in approval.

sooner rather than later, everyone had gathered around in the living room to begin the feast so meticulously prepared by kevin and jacob. 

𝙱𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚔 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚁𝚞𝚕𝚎𝚜 || c.ch × k.sw ||Where stories live. Discover now