[Thirty Fi.ve]

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it was the morning after and chanhee could recognize his own alarm anywhere, even if it was muffled out- probably under a blanket or something.

he recalled setting it for 6am, enough time to get ready for the day and also drop sunwoo back off at juyeon's, but he just refused to open his eyes.

that was, until something tensed and shifted from under him. he looked up but his nose made contact with skin- it was sunwoo's cheek.

how he ended up sleeping in this position was a mystery, but he didn't mind it one bit- and he assumed sunwoo didn't either as his arms only brought him closer.

"is that your alarm?" grumbled the redhead, still mostly asleep by the looks of it- he didn't even open his eyes.

"mhm..." chanhee responded, deciding he too wanted to just close his eyes and go back to sleep. "it should turn off in a bit, i have another one set in fifteen minutes." 

"fifteen.. wait-" his eyes shot open and his body jolted- much to chanhee's dismay as he was getting comfortable again. "you have the thing today! you gotta get up." in a flash, sunwoo was up from the couch and even pulled open the curtain to let in what little light was out.

the sun hadn't risen yet, but chanhee still groaned and hid under the covers, disappointed they couldn't have even just a few more minutes together. "it's still early... fifteen more minutes...?"

"nooo," sunwoo yanked the blanket away from the boy, leaving him cold and alone on the pull-out couch. "you need to shower and eat breakfast if you want to do good today!"

"i showered yesterdaaaaaay," he groaned, covering his face with a pillow.

"yes then they dyed your hair! i probably knocked out from inhaling the chemicals!"

"w-what? my hair doesn't smell!" his hand subconsciously went to grab a strand of his hair, but obviously his hair was too short for the supposed chemicals to reach his own nose.

"yes it does! go shower, you'll feel better. can i mess around your kitchen to whip something up for you?"

"sunnie... you don't have to..." he was finally getting himself off the couch, "you can go back to sleep while i get ready."

he shook his head, "i'm already up and awake, I'll make myself something to eat too if you don't mind."

"in that case, help yourself to anything- but also can you make me a coffee? I'm going to need it."

sunwoo nodded as he rushed him into the restroom, patting his head before running back to the kitchen to hopefully create a good breakfast.


sunwoo, with the ingredients he found in chanhee's kitchen, was able to make a pretty decent omelet over rice- one for each of them.

the two ate together in the small kitchen as they watched the sun slowly begin to rise through the large glass window. they ate quietly, only after chanhee praised him so much for cooking such a delicious meal for him.

they didn't have to speak after that, nor did they have a reason to rush since their timing worked out perfectly.

the counter they ate at was so thin they had to organize their knees so they could fit. however the little intimate touches didn't bother either of them as they finished their breakfast and went on to get ready- chanhee did at least.

he would be changing outfits at the shoot anyway so it didn't matter what he wore now, as long as it was easy to get in and out of when needed. some very stylish sweats were perfect for the occasion, as for his hair- he just towel-dried it to the best of his ability to prevent really bad helmet hair.


"good luck at the shoot today, chanhee." sunwoo said as he removed his helmet, "say hi to youngjo for me!"

"you're an idiot," he replied, wrapping his arms around him and engulfing him in a hug, "but thank you. good luck to you too, today. i'll be there as soon as i'm done so i can watch the team."

"mhmm," he gently kissed his forehead before patting his head, "go now! the earlier you get there, the earlier you'll be able to see us play. drive safe."

they broke away for a split second before chanhee went in once more for a final squeeze, then he hopped back on the vespa and drove away.

there were still a few hours left before they had to go themselves, so... he took a nap. he lied when he said he wasn't tired earlier, he just wanted to make sure his presence there wasn't going to put a dent in chanhee's schedule. honestly, he was exhausted, but now he had a few extra hours of rest.


"i'm so excited, juyeon and i played for hours last night!" eric was jumping up and down at the bus station, holding onto juyeon for balance."

"what time did you sleep? you were still up by the time i was out at 2am..."

"oh... about that..." he smiled sheepishly at him, rubbing the back of his neck.

"youngjae... you didn't go to sleep... at all?"

"i-i wanted to! but i couldn't. i kind of... ended up eating a lot of snacks too, which just kept me up even more."

changmin couldn't help but laugh, "wow, i hope you used all that time wisely. we need to win this round or i'll probably sit in my home in a depressive state for months. or shave my head, whichever comes first."

"i just wish sangyeon was here, stupid job- no offense juyeon! you're an awesome player! i just miss my boyfriend."

"don't worry about it! i know i entered late, but i'm going to do whatever it takes to get a first place win for all of us."

"first place, hell yeah." sunwoo held his hand up and juyeon high-fived him without hesitation, "that's the spirit! the bus should be here soon, why don't we have a quick cheer before we go?"

"quick cheer?" hyunjae looked perplexed.

"yeah, everyone put your hands in!" sunwoo held his hand out between them all, juyeon followed, then eric, hyunjae, and changmin. "on the count of three, we say "the boyz, let's go!" got it?"

they all nodded in eagerness and the countdown began.

"one... two... three... THE BOYZ, LET'S GO."

𝙱𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚔 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚁𝚞𝚕𝚎𝚜 || c.ch × k.sw ||Where stories live. Discover now