[Twen.ty One]

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chanhee couldn't sleep. it was one thing to sleep somewhere completely unknown to him, but it was another to keep hearing noises throughout the night. at first it was banging on the walls, which he tried to pass off as either any of the two couples spending some quality time together, or wind? he really hoped it was wind. he wouldn't want to know he was listening to the former.

the banging on the walls, however, were hours apart as well- which made him believe no one would be going at it for so long? unless it was both couples just doing it at different times.

thinking about it was pointless, and he seemed to be the only one awake anyway so it meant it probably wasn't a big deal. it was getting hot under the blankets too, just another factor to add into his lack of sleep. younghoon and juyeon both emitted tons of body heat and sleeping between them was awful.

he slowly got out of bed and looked down upon everyone when he stood up. he was amazed the sleeping arrangements worked perfectly. hyunjoon, juyeon, and he shared the first big mattress. the attached mattress had younghoon first (hence why chanhee slept between his two friends), changmin, and haknyeon. the third mattress was separate, and the two lucky winners of that mattress were sunwoo and eric.

he quietly went down the stairs, there was just enough moonlight shining through the large windows to illuminate his way. he just wanted a sip of water before trying to get back to bed.

that's when the banging began again and he froze in his tracks on his way to the kitchen.

"are they keepi-"

chanhee yelled when the person spoke and he turned around with a weapon in hand- the spoon someone had left on the counter.

"you scared the shit out of me, oh my god-" it was sunwoo who had snuck up behind him, "feel my heart, you almost killed me."

"i literally just spoke you're being dramatic," but he took chanhee's words seriously anyway and pressed his hand against his heart. "woah, it's beating pretty fast. did i do that?"

"yes-" he squinted, "no. not in the way you are insinuating." he slapped sunwoo's hand away from his chest and resumed his activities- getting his glass of water.

"jokes aside, you can't sleep either, right? i keep hearing things. i thought maybe it was thunder but it isn't raining."

chanhee filled two glasses of water and handed one over to sunwoo, "i heard things too. i thought it was kevin and jacob at first, but i don't think they'd do it... so loudly anyway."

the red head laughed as he inched closer, glass of water now in hand. "i wouldn't be surprised if it were sangyeon and hyunjae. it's probably them."

chanhee shook his head as he sipped, "it's been going on for hours. they should be exhausted, i don't think it's them." he too inched a little closer, passing it off as adjusting himself against the kitchen counter.

"true... but, what is it then?" just as he spoke, a loud thud could be heard from the roof.

this enticed sunwoo to look up and grab onto the hem of chanhee's shirt. "that... that wasn't them."

the other was gripping onto his arm involuntarily, "we should- uh, we should try to go back to sleep."

he tried to drag him back up the stairs but sunwoo firmly kept his place in the kitchen, "wait."

"what is it? did you see something??" he was terrified at this point. he did not want to be dealing with the supernatural tonight, not any night.

sunwoo pouted, "this is the first time we've been alone together."

𝙱𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚔 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚁𝚞𝚕𝚎𝚜 || c.ch × k.sw ||Where stories live. Discover now