[Twenty N.ine]

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it was their last night in busan and it flew by. the boys decided to end it off with a bonfire in the backyard of the beach house. they even cooked their own food over it.

the twelve of them bonded amazingly despite being such a big group with lots of different personalities, it surely wasn't going to be the last time they would all come together like this. 


the next morning was dreadful and not only because they had to wake up at five in the morning since their check-out time was 7am, but also because their mini vacation was over and they'd all have to return to their regular lives.

there was luckily a washer and dryer system inside the beach house so they all bunched their dirty clothes together before packing the night before, all they had to do in the morning was probably eat a small breakfast and head to the train station.

the train station was where they would part ways, finally. the trains they had to take didn't have the same stops so this was goodbye for a while. granted, sunwoo and chanhee would find ways to hang out, as well as juyeon and eric for the tournament and younghoon and changmin just because.

"it was a blast having you guys join us, i'm glad you were all able to come!" chanhee hugged each and every one of sunwoo's friends- being extra careful with eric of course because of his wrist.

"thank you for inviting us! you're coming to our tournament, right? we have tickets for each of you."

"of course, eric! i hope your wrist gets better before then, otherwise i'll have to step in and none of us want that."

they all laughed at chanhee's joke and waited together for each train. as soon as the first one arrived they said their goodbyes one last time and boarded.


four hours later and chanhee finally arrived to his lonely one bedroom apartment. the silence was comforting yet lonely, he was going to miss having so many people around even if he only experienced it for the weekend.

he posted so many pictures throughout the trip so he threw himself onto his bed to look over them again. one of his posts in particular was one of his favorites.

 one of his posts in particular was one of his favorites

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❤️ 💬 ✈️ tagged - sxn.woo, kyuuuuuwu, baecobbie, theboyzteam
cha.new beach trips in this weather aren't horrible
kevinmoon: where's the photo cred?
sxn.woo: who's the handsome devil in black?

the comments from his friends made him laugh, but there were hundreds of comments from his followers that piqued his interest as well. a lot of them were fans of sunwoo and his team who found his account via a post sunwoo had posted.

"who's here from woostrike's post??"

chanhee had been more focused on posting than actually looking at other posts throughout the weekend so he didn't realize they also put stuff up. 

did sunwoo post something? there was an influx of comments coming from his page, so he clicked on his account and waited for the screen to load. 

"oh my god," chanhee said out loud as soon as he laid eyes on the picture. he had to comment something immediately.

 he had to comment something immediately

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❤️ 💬 ✈️ tagged - cha.new
sxn.woo rawr XD
kyuuuuuwu: he's really fierce
cha.new: you're lucky i look really cute in this picture

the fact that sunwoo had a sole photo of chanhee amidst the rest of his posts made him feel special in a way. it was silly but it's the small things that matter.

a text notification from the devil himself made his heart skip a beat.

sunnie: did you make it home safe?

text: yeah! did you? 

sunnie: made it safe too :)
sunnie: do you want to go out next weekend?

chanhee could never get over how forward he was in every single conversation they had, yet it wasn't to the point of discomfort either.

text: miss me already?

sunnie: yes 
sunnie: there's only like 3 more weeks
before the tournament and i've made
you my lucky charm
sunnie: so i need to absorb all the luck
i can get from you before then

text: what made you decide to make me
your lucky charm??

sunnie: because my life has gotten better
ever since we met :)
sunnie: was that too cheesy?

text: it was the right amount of cheesy
text: where are you going to take me out?

sunnie: it'll be a surprise, just don't expect
anything flashy or anything

text: don't worry! i'm sure enjoy my time
with you regardless

sunnie: :)))) glad to hear
sunnie: i'll text you later, ok?
sunnie: gotta go play with the boyz

text: see you <3

sending the emoticon hearts was a bold move in chanhee's eyes, but he thought it was fitting. a part of him regretted making sunwoo wait for their relationship to be official or whatnot- but on the other hand he was still scared. he wasn't ready yet, so as long as they went out as friends it would probably help him ease into everything.

chanhee stared at the ceiling for a bit as he contemplated his life. something that sunwoo mentioned to him replayed in his mind. "in two years the both of us will be in better places."

would chanhee really be stuck as an ulzzang forever? sunwoo could easily get more traction and money through esports as is it a legitimate career choice- yet staying on instagram didn't seem long term.

he had to venture off onto different platforms, maybe get something secure so he'd be better off in two years. 

he was aware of hyunjoon getting modeling gigs and whatnot- so maybe he could too? he had nothing to lose, plus he already had some offers in his messages... it shouldn't be too hard, right?

that was it! he was going to do it, he was going to try and climb up the social ladder in that way. being an ulzzang wasn't going to keep paying the bills much longer.

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