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out of breath, chanhee had sprinted all the way to the bus stop where he was supposed to meet younghoon fifteen minutes ago. "i'm here! i'm so sorry i'm late, i forgot to set an alarm. how many busses have passed?"

"don't worry, just one. plus you have a habit of being late, the interview isn't until 10am." he pat the seat beside him, chanhee didn't hesitate to sit down and start fanning himself.

"it's literally 8 in the morning, it'll only take an hour to get there. you're telling me i could have gotten ready without risking you being late? look at me! imagine if my followers saw me like this?" he was wearing the white 'TheBoyz' sweater that he ordered. it arrived last night so it was within reach when he ran out this morning. literally the rest of his outfit was what he fell asleep in and his tennis shoes.

"people deserve to see this side of you too, you look fiiiine." younghoon, on the other hand, was wearing his interview clothes that consisted of a basic business formal shirt, blazer, and pants combo. that and jacket. 

"you're right. i'm just glad you won't be late because of me. oh- the bus is coming."

they stood up and hopped on the bus when it arrived. this bus only took them a few stops, then they had to hop onto a subway train. 

"i still don't know what i'm going to do as i wait for you. i can't even take pictures looking like this." chanhee then felt as younghoon linked their arms together as they walked into the station and paid the fare. 

"you'll find something. you think you can handle an hour by yourself? you're not allowed in the building but i can keep texting you." 

"you better. i'll probably wander around a little, find myself a little food stand to eat." he grabbed his arm and guided it over his shoulder instead, as it was pretty cold inside the station and younghoon was his personal heater.

"ah right, we haven't eaten yet. i think we can eat something quickly before i have to leave, if the train arrives quickly." as if on cue, they could hear it coming through the tracks.

everything seemed to be going well now. they found two empty seats together in a relatively full car and got to sit. the train ride was going to be a little longer than half an hour so chanhee took the opportunity to catch up on his sleep. younghoon's shoulder was incredibly comfortable.


it was still cloudy out when they arrived and walked out the station, but they were pleased to see the array of eating spots along the street. they decided on a little bakery, as they both craved bread over the other things available there.

the whole shopping experience was more eventful than they expected, walking out bursting in laughter with their bread.

"i cannot believe you just got scouted- you literally had the bread in your mouth." a scout from an entertainment company had gone up to younghoon with a business card while the boy had taken a bite out of his breakfast.

"it was so weird that they didn't wait for me to finish chewing, but hey should i skip the interview and go audition for this instead?" the business card looked fancy, but neither of them recognized the supposed company.

"what would your talent even be? maybe you could model and do bread commercials."

"are you kidding me? maybe it's time i tell you about my rapper persona..." he paused for dramatic effect, "YH."

"YH? can you even rap."

younghoon cleared his throat, oh no.

"ayo, ayo. the name is younghoon. i'd take you to the moon, my rap so dense you have to eat it with a spoon. wish i could have some breakfast but it's almost noon. chanhee are you a butterfly, come out of your cocoon-"

"okay, enough. you can rhyme words."

"you're just jealous the agent didn't scout you."

they wandered around a little more until they found an internet cafe not too far from where the interview was going to be held, so they relaxed there until ultimately younghoon had to leave.

that left chanhee alone in the corner of the cafe. it wasn't too bad, younghoon had even paid for both their entry fees to make up for leaving him.

there were plenty of games installed on these computers, so he went ahead and gave each a try for a bit. he had to make the time pass somehow.

his phone buzzed, he thought it would be a text from hoonie but upon checking it his heart began to race.

sxn.woo liked your photo

why is he doing this? the picture was the oldest one on his account. this was driving him insane with the constant back and forth. every time he did something, whether on accident or purposeful, sunwoo would hit back with more force - yet they were going no where.

what he would do for just some better communication.

he sighed, putting his phone face-down on his desk. he'd figure out something eventually.

a couple of guys walked in and the room got noticeably noisier, but just a smidge. enough for chanhee to look up to see what all the hubbub was about.

looks like they were passing out flyers? he craned his neck to get a better view but- oh. oh no.

this is not what he was expecting when he asked for better communication.

he was wearing a mask, but that full head of red hair was unmistakeable even in the dimly lit room.

there was no way he could leave without drawing attention. maybe if he just kept his hoodie on and head down? ugh, this was ridiculous.

staring at the keyboard, he waited. and waited. yet he felt footsteps coming his way and he held his breath.

"hi, my name is sunwoo." chanhee clenched his jaw, "my friends and i are entering a tournament in about a month but one of our teammates dropped out. if you play valorant, we could totally use your help if you're interested."

"thank you." he replied, reaching to take the flyer and keeping his head as low as possible. he just needed to take it and he would leave. but... why wasn't he leaving?

"you- what are you doing here?" crap.

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