[Thirty F.our]

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the man on sunwoo's screen was incredibly good looking, what's worse is that he had almost twice as many followers as chanhee did- so this guy was the real deal. upon further inspection, he could see he was a singer of sorts? chanhee?? with a famous singer?? sounded way better than with some e-sports gamer that couldn't even win any big titles.

why did chanhee invite him over if he had a date today? was it because it got cancelled so he used sunwoo as some play-thing to make himself feel better? no. that didn't sound like chanhee at all no matter how bad the situation looked. he was allowed to see other people, technically nothing was ever made official- and on the same rules, sunwoo could see other people too! the problem was, he didn't want to.

he really liked chanhee, with every fiber of his being, so much so he hadn't even thought about seeing anyone else. he expected the tournament to be the day they got together finally, so why did he have a date arranged the day before?? was it a last ditch effort to find someone better?

"sorry i took so long," chanhee said as he walked out of his restroom, "i see you're getting comfortable though, that's good!" he skipped steps as he went up to his loft area, only to come back shortly with more pillows and his laptop. "i was thinking we could have a movie night after all! does that sound good?"

sunwoo was torn between his emotions. sure he was happy to be with chanhee and he genuinely seemed like he was looking forward to hanging out with him too, but the text messages gnawed at the back of his mind. kim youngjo gnawed at the back of his mind. the date they were supposedly going to have tomorrow gnawed at the back of his mind.

"yeah! what do you wanna watch?"

chanhee jumped onto couch next to him and scoot in as closely as he could before opening his laptop and placing it between them, "i'm not sure. i'm not much of a movie person... oh! i can try to find some online!"

sunwoo almost wanted to stop him from reaching for his phone, but it was too late. he could see his excitement fade the slightest when he read the messages, but he said nothing and typed away- the whole time keeping his screen subtly out of sunwoo's sight.

"ch-chanhee, you know i like you a lot, right?" maybe he could use his power of persuasion to convince chanhee to choose him instead of some famous good-looking singer.

"huh?" it took him a second to absorb his words, "oh- yeah! you remind me every chance you get. but... actually i've been meaning to talk to you about something..."

there it is. he's gonna say it, at least he tried to prepare for it.

"are you seeing someone else?"

his face fell into confusion immediately, "huh?"

"b-because! it's okay if you're keeping your options open. i understand that we're not together officially and i have no say in who you get to see. also- you're a really good looking person, i would be insane to think i'm the only one on earth to be attracted to you."

chanhee just stared at him with a deadpan expression, he figured it's best to let the boy rant and get everything out of his system before clearing things up afterwards.

"you don't have to deny it to make me feel better, i can take it! i accidentally saw your text messages, but he seems like a really good guy. very handsome too!"

"wait- you looked at my text messages?"

he began to stutter, "uh- only glanced!! i swear, you had a missed phone call and i didn't mean to pry! i just hope that your date tomorrow goes good, but you'll still come to the tournament, right?"

at long last sunwoo stopped talking.

"what are you on about?" the way this situation has happened before, "i'm not seeing anyone else- much less am i going on a date tomorrow. that isn't what i wanted to tell you!"

sunwoo raised an eyebrow, "but- the text messages? c'mon, you even dyed your hair and you've been hiding a lot of things lately... i don't want you to have to do that." his lower lip jutted outward.

"oh, sunnie..." he took hold of both his hands, "i love how supportive you're being right now... but you couldn't be more wrong."

"i don't understand..."

chanhee had no idea how he came up with that conclusion of all things- but he couldn't exactly blame him. he could only try to debunk everything one by one, starting with the silly messages. that one would be easy, he just showed him the full ones this time, directly from his phone.

text: this is choi chanhee, right?
text: i wanted to apologize for not showing up to set, i had other things to attend to but it's good we could come up with a new datte as quickly as we did
text: date*
text: how does me buying lunch sound? i owe it to you and everyone else who showed up on set today and had to go home early because of me
text: i hope you can forgive me haha, anyway i can't wait to work together! my girlfriend told me she loved doing your hair and makeup, too
text: see you tomorrow! - kim youngjo

sunwoo felt so relieved, but also stupid for accusing him of doing something he wasn't.

"i'm so sorry," his face fell into his hands, "i can't believe i did that! this is so embarrassing." 

chanhee laughed with a tinge of pity, "it's fine, but you really need to work on your listening skills. you barely let me explain anything!"

"i learned my lesson," he scratched the back of his neck, "i'll listen from now on. i can't risk having you find someone that listens better than i do."

he rolled his eyes, as he does, and replied "okay, so what i really wanted to tell you was... i've actually been getting into modeling. kim youngjo is pretty up-and-coming singer, i have a good role in his music video that begins recording tomorrow. this is the biggest one i've had so far, so i feel comfortable telling you now." he scratched the back of his neck, "i wasn't sure if it was going to go well, so i really only told juyeon and younghoon."

"modeling? music video??" his eyes were wide, "that's amazing! are you serious? you're going to do great- oh my god, i can see it now. are you in any magazines or ads? how have i not seen you on anything yet?"

he was grinning ear to ear, ahh it felt so nice to finally tell him! it had been eating at him for weeks! "they're all small brands, you probably won't see me in anything too soon."

"wow... that's still amazing. i'm really proud of you, thank you for telling me. sorry again for... looking through your messages and... you know what else."

"it's all good, but enough chit chat! movie time, look for something to watch while i go get snacks." chanhee didn't have many things to eat at his home, he usually ate out because cooking wasn't fun for just one person.

he did find some old popcorn packets, not expired yet thankfully, and other things. enough to quietly snack on while they watched whatever sunwoo found online.

the only issue was, movies were chanhee's demise. he could never stay up for an entire film no matter how interesting the movie was or how invested he was in it. if it was over the length of an hour, he wasn't going to make it.

that's exactly what happened this time too.

it took a while for sunwoo to notice he had actually fallen asleep and wasn't just being cute. the movie was good though, so he finished watching it on his own before deciding it was also time for him to sleep. the two of them had to wake up early anyway, the tournament was tomorrow.

𝙱𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚔 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚁𝚞𝚕𝚎𝚜 || c.ch × k.sw ||Where stories live. Discover now