[Forty Se.ven]

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"you made it!" sunwoo braced himself as chanhee slammed against his body with wide open arms.

"of course! but that's not important right now- oh my God I'm so proud of you." he cupped his face with both hands, "i knew you could do it!"

sunwoo wanted to smile but his lips began to tremble, soon his teary eyes began to spill.

"i-i w-was so," he spoke between gasps of air, "s-scared we we-weren't gonna wi-win."

"hey, hey-" he embraced him quickly, tucking the redhead's face into his shoulder. this sudden burst of emotion shocked chanhee, he looked around for help from the other members but they were too busy celebrating. "i can't imagine all the stress you were under. it must be a relief to finally be at this point."

he nodded against his shoulder, finally pulling away to wipe at his tears. "i'm sorry, i just- haha. i'm relieved, we won!"

"theboyz are the winners of this year's Valorant E-sports tournament with the grand prize of 30,000,000 won!"

the crowd cheered once more at the announcement  and the boys came together for a group hug.

"this 'dub' for the team has secured them a spot in the advanced league next year! to our records, this is their first time achieving such a feat- am i correct?" the announcer handed them a mic and they passed it down until it reached the red-eyed sunwoo.

"y-yes! it's our first time coming in first since our amateur league days. it feels really good to finally move forward once again, but it wouldn't be possible without everyone on stage with me here tonight!"

"you seem very thankful for your team, however there are a few new members here aren't there?"

"yes!" he glanced at his friends, "our new member juyeon really helped us out today, he brought on new strategies that broke us out of a cycle that was holding us back. we're really grateful to have him now, right guys?"

they responded with cheers and the mic ended up in juyeon's hands.

"a-ah, i should be the grateful one. just two months ago i was a tiny streamer, now i stand here in first place with an amazing team that was kind enough to offer me a spot."

chanhee pouted, their speeches touched his heart and he was genuinely proud of them all. he watched as they passed the mic around, each member contributing a sentence or two of gratitude towards the audience. 

younghoon had his turn skipped, as he felt he was only there for moral support. chanhee did the same, it was more than enough for him to just stand by them in front of thousands of people.

sangyeon said a few words, mostly about 'passing the torch' over to juyeon, and expressing his approval towards the newest member. 'i wouldn't want anyone else to replace me' was the main point of his speech, it was touching.

sunwoo wasn't the only one who shed a few tears that night, they all had some emotions to release.

❤️ 💬 ✈️ tagged - juju

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❤️ 💬 ✈️ tagged - juju.yeon, sxn.woo, kyuuuuuwu, theboyzteam
cha.new congrats to theboyz on winning first place !! xX

          sohn._.jay: why did no one tell me this picture was happening?

          leesangyeon: you leave the team and this is how they treat you 

          jaehyunjae00: i get it, we're the least important characters in this story 

          bbang.hoon: you guys are ugly
                    ↳kyuuuuuwu: >:(
                    bbang.hoon: <3


❤️ 💬 ✈️ tagged - jaehyunjae00, bbang

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❤️ 💬 ✈️ tagged - jaehyunjae00, bbang.hoon, theboyzteam
sohn._.jay congrats to theboyz on winning first place !! xX

          cha.new: i cannot stand you guys
                    sohn._.jae: XD

they had a good laugh over the instagram posts. they were back at juyeon's apartment, all except for sangyeon who had to catch the earliest train back home. we love an employed man in this house.

"what are we going to do to celebrate?" chimed eric, bringing his ramen over and taking a seat next to juyeon. 

"i bought a few bottles of soju but, i think i was saving those in case we lost." he absentmindedly took the chopsticks from eric, still being in 'right-hand man' mode. eric obviously knew this and was using it to his advantage.

"soju? that sounds like a celebration to me!"

"yah, youngjae. how old are you?"

"twenty! my birthday is in December." he took a mouthful of noodles that juyeon fed him.

"he can't even feed himself, i don't think we should let him drink." snickered hyunjae.

"I'm down to drink a little bit," chanhee scrunched his nose, "but just a little! i don't want to wake up hungover."

"one of us has to stay sober, and it's not gonna be me. where are the bottles?" sunwoo stood up and looked around until juyeon pointed him in the right direction.

"maybe younghoon shouldn't drink. he gets really clingy and affectionate when he does-"

"a-ah i can stay sober!" changmin blurted after chanhee. "I'm not really a big drinker anyway, he deserves to have some fun too."

"he's right, i deserve to have some fun!" he already had a small glass in his hand, who knows where he got it from so quickly.

juyeon and changmin decided to be the designated sober-friends to make sure the chaos was as controlled as possible. plus, if eric was going to drink then juyeon wanted to make sure he stays safe.

hyunjae and younghoon took the first shots, clanking their glasses together before downing the liquid. chanhee was more of a sipper, his favorite flavor of soju was peach and there happened to only be one bottle so he wanted to savor it.

sunwoo also took a shot, but he didn't want to drink more than chanhee so he spaced them out, not wanting to leave him behind.

eric on the other hand, still had the full shot glass in his hand that juyeon had poured out for him. he was a little nervous, this was his first time drinking.

"you really don't have to-" it was too late. eric swiftly threw his head back to consume the alcoholic drink, forcing himself to swallow the bitter liquid. he couldn't help his facial expressions and almost gagged, they do this for fun? he thought.

"okay, okay. i think that's enough for you."

"blegh, i think so too. that did not taste like apples."

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