The Poltergeist of Mischief - Part 3

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Hello again everyone, sorry for not updating for 10 days, I swear I can explain-

So do you all know about the latest Hermittpad Authors war? Yeah, I'm kind of involved in that all. If you didn't know, there's currently a Hermittpad Authors war betweem Hermitcraft Protection Cult (HPC) vs Society of Angst (SoA), and then there's also Midwar Info Crew (MIC) and Flangst Is Better (FIB). What side am I on? If you're on discord, you probably know already.

On top of that, I've been more invested in Ace Attorney stuff right now on youtube, so I rarely have time to write. Oh yeah, then there's also homework.
And then there's also a new book that I'm working on-

Also, I know this chapter is crap, you don't have to tell me.

/-+* Third Person POV *+-\

"Stress... are you sure you can carry all those by yourself?" Etho asked slowly.

Stress, carrying 5 containers full of packed ice, shrugged. "Of course I'm sure."

"Stress-" Etho said, unsure. "Are you sure?"

"Don't worry about it, Etho!" Stress chuckled as she started walking away, still carrying all the ice. "I can handle it!"

"Alright then... see ya!"

"See ya!"

Stress hummed to herself as she walked with the containers of ice, in the process of carrying it all back to her room. But before she reached her destination, she started hearing voices... of people arguing.

She turned to her right, and the voices seemed to be coming out of Mumbo's room. A bit concerned, Stress placed the ice containers on the ground, and walked towards the door to see what's going on.

"Mumbo, listen- please." Iskall sighed, while trying to calm the moustached panicked man down.

"Iskall- so it's true isn't it?"

Iskall gestured to the broken mini-jungle house replica, figurin, or whatever you would call it, "No, Mumbo." he said slowly, "If you're implying what I think you're implying..."

"Yes, that's what I'm implying!" Mumbo stressed, "Before I broke it, h- his ghost wasn't here!"

"..." Iskall stood here silently in disbelief for a second, " you are implying that..."

"Yes, Iskall, how many times do I have to tell you that!?"

"I- okay. First, calm down, pal." Iskall sighed, patting the panicked man on the back to try and calm him down, "You really believe that this- uh- thing was cursed?"

"Iskall, what other possibility is there-!?"

"Boys, what's going on here?"

When the both looked, Stress had already entered the room, looking at the two in confusion and concern.

"Stress!" Mumbo immediately jumped in surprise, "We are just- uh- um-"

"Stress? What are you doing here?" Iskall quickly asked.

"Well," Stress started, "I heard arguing from outside, and so I went to check it out." she stated, before shifting back into a concerned expression, "So, boys, what's this talk about a curse?"

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