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Etho: Do you miss your imaginations in your childhood?

Doc: I never had one.

Etho: An imagination or a childhood?


Grian: You tricked me!

EX: No, I merely deceived you.

EX: "Tricked" makes it sound like we had a playful relationship.


Tango: If you took a shot everytime you made a bad decision, how drunk would you be?

Jevin: Probably a little tipsy

EX: Drunk

Iskall: Wasted

Grian: Dead.


Hels: Rules were always meant to be broken!

Wels: Yes, but bodies aren't! Stop breaking people's necks!


Bdubs: I wasn't hurt that bad!

Bdubs: Etho said that my bleeding was internal.

Bdubs: And that's where the bloods supposed to be!


Grian: Did you steal my donuts!?

EX: *Mouth full* no...

Grian: Then what's that powder on your jeans!?

EX: Cocaine.

Grian, internally: this bitc-

Grian: So you DID steal my donuts!?


EX: Wait what-


Scar: I relate to Belle because she loves books and likes people for who they are!

Ren: Well, I relate to Tinkerbell because she needs attention or she dies.


Stress: i'm cold

Iskall: what? *removes jacket and gives it to her* I TOLD you to bring more layers, but no, you didn't listen.

Iskall:  And now *piling scarfs around her* I've got to make sure you don't fucking freeze to death

Iskall: *takes someone else's hat* how long have you been cold!? you should've said something sooner.


Grian: If you tear a hole in a fishing net, you will end up having fewer holes

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